This document assumes you have a complete development environment set up and working. You should always run all tests before generating a build!
Building an RPM for ANET should be done on a Red Hat 9 system, with:
./gradlew distRpm
The resulting rpm can be found in build/distributions/anet-<version>-0.x86_64.rpm
Other, informal, distribution formats may be generated with the following Gradle tasks:
./gradlew -PtestEnv check # Runs checkstyle test and unit tests
./gradlew jpackageImage # Builds the client, server, and all dependencies including a jre into a single directory image
./gradlew distZip # Builds the client, server, and all dependencies into a single .zip file
./gradlew distRpm # Builds the client, server, and all dependencies including a jre into an .rpm file; note
# that this builds it on your own system, so it may not be fully Red Hat compatible
This will a.o. create zip or rpm distribution files in build/distributions
which contain all the necessary files to
install ANET.