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File metadata and controls

147 lines (108 loc) · 6.6 KB

1. Overview

NASA services can be queried from Python in multiple ways.

2. VO Services

2.1 Lookup Services in VO Directory (Registry)

# Surpress known innocuous warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="*")

from navo_utils.registry import Registry

# Simple example:  Find Cone Search services related to SWIFT.
services=Registry.query(service_type='cone', keyword='swift')

2.1.1 Use different arguments/values to modify the simple example

Argument Description Examples
service_type (required) Type of service 'cone', 'image', 'spectra', 'table'
keyword Results will contain the keyword in ivoid, title, or description 'galex', 'swift'
waveband Resulting services have data in the specified waveband(s) 'gamma-ray', 'X-ray', 'EUV', 'UV' , 'optical' , 'infrared' , 'millimeter' , 'radio', 'UV,optical'
publisher Name (or substring of) publishing organization 'CDS', 'HEASARC', 'Space Telescope', 'IPAC'

2.1.2 Inspect the results.

See for more on working with Astropy Tables.

print(  # Show the number of rows and the column names.
print(services)  # Default display of Astropy Table.
print(services[:3]['short_name', 'reference_url'])  # Show first 3 short names and reference URLs.
swiftuvot_services = services[services['short_name'] == 'SwiftUVOT'] # Filter the results by column value.

# or in a Jupyter notebook
services.show_in_notebook()  # Display an interactive table in the notebook.
Registry.display_results(services)  # Format result to make long descriptions more readable.

2.2 Cone search

Example: Find a cone search service for the USNO-B catalog and search it around M51 with a .5 degree radius. (More inspection could be done on the service list instead of blindly choosing the first service.) The coords argument can be anything accepted by:

More information on creating Astropy SkyCoord objects:

from navo_utils.cone import Cone
services=Registry.query(service_type='cone', keyword='usno-b')
results = Cone.query(service=services[0], coords='m51',radius=.5)

2.3 Image search

Example: Find an image search service for GALEX, and search it around coordinates 13:37:00.950,-29:51:55.51 (M83) with a radius of .2 degrees. Download the first file in the results.

from navo_utils.image import Image, ImageColumn
services=Registry.query(service_type='image', keyword='galex', publisher='Space Telescope')
image_results_list = Image.query(service=services[0], coords='13:37:00.950,-29:51:55.51', radius=0.2)
image_results = image_results_list[0]  # List would be longer if list of services was input.

from import download_file
local_path = download_file(image_results[0][ImageColumn.ACCESS_URL])

# Or download to memory instead for display purposes.
fits_images = image_results[image_results['contentType'] == 'image/fits']
imagedata = Image.get_fits(fits_images[0])

2.4 Spectral search

Example: Find a spectral service for x-ray data. Query it around Delta Ori, and download the first data product. Note that the results table can be inspected for potentially useful columns.

from navo_utils.spectra import Spectra, SpectraColumn
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

delori = SkyCoord.from_name("delta ori")

services = Registry.query(service_type='spectr', waveband='x-ray')
spectra_results_list = Spectra.query(service=services[0], coords=delori, radius=0.1)
spectra_results = spectra_results_list[0]  # List would be longer if list of services was input.

from import download_file
local_path = download_file(spectra_results[0][SpectraColumn.ACCESS_URL])

2.5 Table search

Example: Find the HEASARC Table Access Protocol (TAP) service, get some information about the available tables.

from navo_utils.tap import Tap
tap_services = Registry.query(service_type='table',source='heasarc')
tap_url = str(tap_services[0]['access_url'])

Tap.list_tables(tap_url)  # list table names and descriptions
Tap.list_tables(tap_url, contains='chan')  # list table names and descriptions where name contains 'chan'
table_list = Tap.get_tables(tap_url)  # Same as list_tables, but returns list of table objects
Tap.list_columns(tap_url,tablename="public.zcat")  # list columns for table 'public.zcat'

Example: Perform a cone search on the ZCAT catalog.

query = """
select name, ra, dec, bmag, redshift from public.zcat as cat 
where contains(point('ICRS',cat.ra,cat.dec),circle('ICRS',202.5,47.0,1.0))=1 
and cat.bmag < 14

3. Astroquery

Many archives have Astroquery modules for data access, including:

For more, see

3.1 NED

Example: Get an Astropy Table containing the objects from paper 2018ApJ...858...62K. For more on the API, see

from astroquery.ned import Ned
objects_in_paper = Ned.query_refcode('2018ApJ...858...62K')