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Library containing tools for topic modeling and related NLP tasks.

It brings together implementations from various authors, slightly modified by me as well as a new visualization tools to help inspect the results. Many of the algorithms here were derived from the published implementations of David Blei's group.

I have also added a fair ammount of tests, mainly to guide my refactoring of the code. Tests are still sparse, but will grow as the rest of the codebase sees more usage and refactoring.

###Running the tests

After you clone this repository, you can run the tests by going into the tests directory and running nosetests (nose required).

Quick tutorial

###Online LDA

The sub-package onlineldavb is currently the most used/tested. Here is a quick example of its usage: Assume you have a set of documents you want to extract the most representative topics from.

The first thing you need is a vocabulary list for these, i.e., valid informative words you may want to use to describe topics. I generally use a spellchecker to find these plus a list of stopwords. NLTK and PyEnchant can help us with that

import nltk
import enchant
from string import punctuation
from enchant.checker import SpellChecker

sw = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')

docset = ['...','...',...] # your corpus

Now, for every document in your corpus you can run the following code to define its vocabulary.

errors = [err.word for err in checker]
vocab = [word.strip(punctuation) for word in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(text) if word.strip(punctuation) not in sw+errors]
vocab = list(set(vocab))

Now that you have a vocabulary, which the union of all the vocabularies of each document, you can run the LDA analysis. You have to specify the number of topics you expect to find (K below)

D = 100 #Number of documents in the docset
olda = onlineldavb.OnlineLDA(vocab, K, D, 1./K, 1./K, 1024, 0.7)
for doc in docset:
  gamma, bound = olda.update_lambda(doc)
  wordids, wordcts = onlineldavb.parse_doc_list(doc,olda._vocab)
  perwordbound = bound * len(docset) / (D*sum(map(sum,wordcts)))

Finally you can visualize the resulting topics as a Word Cloud:

cloud = GenCloud(vocab,lamb)
for i in range(K):

If you have done everything right you should see 10 figures just like this:



Turbo topics from Blei & Lafferty (2009) is also part of this package. As with the rest of the code it has been refactored for better compliance to PEP 8, as well as to provide a better integration to the Topics package.

Here is a simpl usage example:

from Topics.visualization.ngrams import compute
from Topics.visualization import lda_topics

compute('mydoc_utf8.txt', 0.001,False,'unigrams.txt',stopw=sw)

After executing the code above, two files will be generated on disk: "unigrams.txt" and "ngrams_count,csv".

Now we can load them and create nice word clouds:

from collections import OrderedDict
with'ngram_counts.csv', encoding='utf8') as f:
    ngrams = f.readlines()
ng = OrderedDict()
for l in ngrams:
    w,c = l.split('|')
    if float(c.strip()) >100:
    ng[w.strip()] = float(c.strip())

counts = np.array(ng.values())
counts.shape = 1,len(counts)
ngcloud = GenCloud(ng.keys(),counts)


if we want to include only the ngrams with more than one word, we can remove those from the dictionary ng, above.

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