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Special-Purpose Legwork for INtegration of Ticketing Systems


Table of Contents


Perl 5

Current version is in its very beginning with the gradual support being added to work with Footprints v11 in Perl on EL6. It requires SOAP::Lite Perl module to work and Term::ReadKey for password prompts if the corresponding credentials provider is in use. Crypt::SSLeay is required for HTTPS access. The PoC implementation being modularized based on the Perl sample of the Chapter 11 of BMC FootPrints Service Core manual.


Experimental PHP 5.5.36 development is in progress. PHP's SoapClient is required. The PoC implementation being modularized based on the PHP sample of the Chapter 11 of BMC FootPrints Service Core manual.

EL7, EL6, EL7

  • Automated compile tests on CentOS 6.x and 7.x: Build Status


  • yum install epel-release
  • (follow the steps for EL6 and EL5 below)

EL6 and EL5

  • yum install git
  • yum install perl-SOAP-Lite
  • yum install perl-Crypt-SSLeay
  • yum install perl-TermReadKey (if you use SPLINTS::PromptCredentialsProvider, which you should)
  • git clone


  • open Terminal app
  • if getting an xcrun: error while doing any of the below after updating your OS X, update your XCode command line tools: xcode-select --install
  • cpan -i SOAP::Lite
  • cpan -i Term::ReadKey (if you use SPLINTS::PromptCredentialsProvider, which you should)
  • git clone

Windows 7 and 10

ActivePerl-5 or Strawberry Perl


Current version has limitations below. See supported API.

FootPrints v11.6 and Perl 5

Linux and OS X

  • navigate to src/perl/fp/v11
  • run ./ [options]
  • (customize's ## main section or SPLINTS/ if needed)
  • --quick -- create a "quick ticket" with an optional description, default assignee, and a subject

  • --edit -- quick editing a ticket by appending a description and a subject

  • --resolve -- resolves a specified ticket

  • --status=s -- sets a specified status s of a specified ticket

  • --assign=s[,s] -- assigns a specified ticket to the assignee 's'; --status=Assigned is implied

  • --unassign=s[,s] -- unassigns a specified ticket from the assignee 's'

  • --details -- dump ticket details in a simple raw list form

  • --link -- link two tickets

  • --link-asset=s -- link CI (defaults to a specific asset type 3) to a specified ticket

  • --stdin -- populate ticket description from STDIN (can be piped from other programs), works with --quick and --edit; if --description is set, it is pre-pended to the STDIN part.

  • --static -- use static linking of tickets (default); works with --link

  • --dynamic -- use dynamic linking of tickets; works with --link

  • --description=s -- string of the description to append to the ticket

  • --descr=s -- shorthand for --description

  • --subject=s -- string of the subject line portion (title of the ticket)

  • --ticket=i -- ticket number to edit, see details of, or link

  • --ticket2=i -- other ticket number to link to

  • --format=s -- ticket dump format (s=raw is implied)

  • --debug -- enable verbose debug mode; NOTE: as a part of the request dump your credentials are dumped as well

  • --sim -- run a simulation scenario of creating, examining, linking, and closing a ticket (the original 0.0.5-'s main)

  • ./ --quick
  • ./ --quick --subject=foo --description=barbar
  • ./ --edit --ticket=5461 --subject=foofoo --description=barbarbaz
  • cal | ./ --quick --stdin --subject='stdin description body test'
  • cal | ./ --edit --ticket=5461 --stdin --subject='optional subject for stdin description body test'
  • ./ --resolve --ticket=5474
  • ./ --status='Open' --ticket=5474
  • ./ --status='Work In Progress' --ticket=5474
  • ./ --assign=user1 --ticket=5474
  • ./ --assign=user1,user2 --ticket=5474
  • ./ --assign='SOME-Queue L3' --ticket=5474
  • ./ --unassign=user1 --ticket=5474
  • ./ --link --ticket=5473 --ticket2=5474
  • ./ --link --ticket=5474 --ticket2=5475 --dynamic
  • ./ --details --ticket=5474
  • ./ --link-asset=5504 --ticket=35506
  • ./ --sim
  • ./ --sim --debug


  • either open terminal from SourceTree or Git Bash or
  • in cmd.exe cd to src\perl\fp\v11
  • (in Notepad or Notepad++ customize's ## main section or SPLINTS/ if needed)
  • run perl [options] -- options are documented above

Supported API


API FP11 + Perl FP11 + PHP FP11 + Java
Config * *
Constants +--
PromptCredentialsProvider *
HardcodedCredentialsProvider *
FootPrints11 * *
createIssue() * * *
editIssue() * * *
--resolve *
--status *
--assign *
--unassign *
getIssueDetails() *
--format=raw *
linkIssues() *
queryIssues() *
linkAsset() * (CI to ticket)


  • SPLINTS::Config -- FootPrints instance URLs, credentials, etc.
  • SPLINTS::Constants -- legend and constants for common and custom fields and their values
  • SPLINTS::PromptCredentialsProvider -- simple credentials prompting modue (default)
    • getUsername()
    • getPassword()
  • SPLINTS::HardcodedCredentialsProvider -- simple hardcoded credtianls; DON'T use unless absolutely have to
    • getUsername()
    • getPassword()
  • SPLINTS::FootPrints11::createIssue() -- creates a ticket
$iReturnedTicketNumber = &SPLINTS::FootPrints11::createIssue();

sub createIssue()
    $iProjectID,       # -- workspace
    $strSubmitter,     # -- FP agent's username
    $strSubject,       # -- title of the ticket
    $astrAssignees,    # -- an array of assignees, can be empty `[]`
    $iPriorityNumber,  # -- ticket priority
    $strStatus,        # -- status (e.g., `Open`)
    $strPriorityWords, # -- priority keywords set together with status
    $strDescription    # -- ticket description
  • SPLINTS::FootPrints11::editIssue() -- edits a ticket
sub editIssue()
    $iTicketNumber,    # -- ticket to edit
    $iProjectID,       # -- workspace
    $strSubmitter,     # -- submitting agent
    $strSubject,       # -- new title of the ticket
    $astrAssignees,    # -- new assignees
    $iPriorityNumber,  # -- new priority
    $strStatus,        # -- new status
    $strPriorityWords, # -- new priority words
    $strDescription    # -- description to append

returns SOAP result
  • SPLINTS::FootPrints11::getIssueDetails() -- queries ticket's details
sub getIssueDetails()
    $iTicketNumber,    # -- ticket to get info about
    $iProjectID        # -- workspace

returns SOAP result Perl hash with all the ticket fields
  • SPLINTS::FootPrints11::linkIssues() -- links two tickets; dynamic linking causes changes to one ticket to be repeated for the other linked ticket(s); static simply refers
sub linkIssues()
    $iTicketNumber1,    # -- ticket1 to link to
    $iProjectID1,       # -- workspace of ticket1
    $iTicketNumber2,    # -- ticket2 to get linked
    $iProjectID2,       # -- workspace of ticket2
    $strLinkType        # -- 'static' or 'dynamic' (default)

returns SOAP result
  • SPLINTS::FootPrints11::queryIssues() -- queries all issues per query criteria
sub queryIssues()
    $iProjectID,       # -- workspace
    $strQuery          # -- optional SQL query

returns SOAP result Perl hash with all the query results, including
ticket numbers, titles, and status. If query is not specified, returns
all 'Open' tickets.
  • SPLINTS::FootPrints11::linkAsset() -- links a ticket and CI CMDB entry
sub linkIssues()
    $iTicketNumber,     # -- ticket to link to
    $iProjectID,        # -- workspace of ticket1
    $iAssedCMDBID,      # -- CMDB ID type to link to
    $iAssetID           # -- CI-ID to link to

returns SOAP result


  • See Issues
  • Add CI and Contact API support (in progress)

Tickecting Systems Support

  • add support for BestPractical RT
  • add support for BMC Footprints v12
  • add support for GitHub Issues
  • add support for Bitbucket Cloud Issues

Language Support

  • PHP (in progress)
  • Java (in progress)
  • Python
  • C#

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Fork the repo (or sync it if already have)
  2. Clone your fork (or merge/rebase)
  3. Create a topic branch in your fork
  4. Make your modifications
  5. Commit and push to your fork
  6. Submit your pull request (PR) for review from your topic branch to master here
  7. Make any required modifications based on the PR reviews
  8. PR is merged, go to 1
