Display for the color tiles to sit on until nuked
- Build an image or,
Use an UniformGrid properly somehowto use UniformGrid properly, it need ot be implemented properly in the first place
- Health
- Might create a custom control for this
- Score
- Simple binding to the score property
- Reset button
- Go back to the main menu
- Health
Feed the final score to the game over screen
Look into overriding the Button Control to add hover SFXs
Fix the Quit button on Single View Platforms (Android & Browser)
Fix Text Scaling on the gameOverScreen
Fix button scaling on the HUD
Look into finding a way to add a button to enter fullscreen for browser & desktop users
Look into making audio for the following:
- When a button is clicked
- When a button is hovered over
- When tiles are removed
- When a penalty is applied
- When the game is over
Fix audio not working in Release builds
Make audio supported on all proper platforms
- Override methods in WebAudio File (& move it to ColorTiles.Browser instead)
- Pass in the entire audio file as a byte array instead of just the raw data to simplify the process (Struggling to make it work with just the raw audio data like i do using OpenAL)
Make the Switch to a newer version of OpenTK whenever platform detection is fixed for OpenAL on Android devices & others
� Try to not crash the game when audio cannot be initialized
- Clean up the MainViewModel Class
- [Partially Complete] Look into using Dependency Injection for default Audiosets / Tilesets
- Look into using Dependency Injection for quitting the game using platform native implementations