The shopping cart app allows users to add, remove, and view items in the cart, which helps reinforce the
understanding of classes, objects, methods, and encapsulation.
This project teaches how to define classes and use them. Creating class instances and implementing methods for data
manipulation. It also cover concepts like the ternary operator, the spread operator, the this keyword, and more.
The key concepts you would encounter include:
#Class Structure: Defining a class ShoppingCart that can hold items, handle actions like adding and removing
products, and calculate totals.
#Attributes/Properties: The cart may have properties like items, totalPrice, or quantity to track what has been
added and the corresponding values.
#Methods: Implementing functions such as:
addItem(item): To add an item to the cart.
removeItem(item): To remove an item.
viewCart(): To display the items in the cart.
calculateTotal(): To compute the total cost of items in the cart.
Encapsulation: Using private variables or methods to protect the integrity of the cart's data.