The point of this project is to work with the real-world data of earthquakes. And applying the concept of mapping the sphere data (latitude and longitude) into two-dimension space (x and y).
This project is written in java and processing 3, so be sure that Java SE and processing 3 is installed in your device.
To run the application, First download Java SE from this Link . Second Download lib, source and Mapping_earthquakes_data.exe then put all those in the same folder and run Mapping_earthquakes.exe.
The data that project mapping is from USGS. So to update or change this data, go to then copy any Feed link and paste it in earthquakesData variable in the "" or in the "Mapping_earthquakes_data.pde".
This is dark-v9 map from . User can change the map by change dark-v9 in String url = ",0,1,0,0/1024x512?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibW9lbWVuMzAwIiwiYSI6ImNrdHU1bTNrZzF4NGYzMG1wZnNwYWJvNjEifQ.dk9m-QSwnUXIvLGOgzaSPg"; in the "" or "Mapping_earthquakes_data.pde" to any style from mapbox.
longitude to x-pixel:
x = 256/PI * 2^zoomlevel * (longitude + PI) Pixel
latitude to y-pixel:
y = 256/PI * 2^zoomlevel * (PI - log(tan(PI/4 + latitude/2))) Pixel