Say you don't like long parameter names being prefixed with --
or that verb names are case-insensitive.
In that case, you want to supply a custom ParserConfiguration
to ParserFactory.Create()
var parser = ParserFactory.Create(new ParserConfiguration
ApplicationName = "mycooltool",
ApplicationDescription = "whatever you want it to be",
AreLongParameterNamesCaseSensitive = true,
AreShortParameterNamesCaseSensitive = false,
AreVerbNamesCaseSensitive = false,
LongNamePrefix = "--",
ShortNamePrefix = "-",
ValueDelimiter = "=",
ArgumentPreprocessor = new NullArgumentPreprocessor()
// the above is the same as if you call
parser = ParserFactory.Create(new ParserConfiguration
ApplicationName = "mycooltool",
ApplicationDescription = "whatever you want it to be"
// or:
parser = ParserFactory.Create("mycooltool", "whatever you want it to be");
See the reference for more detail about the properties of ParserConfiguration