XRPKit is a Swift SDK built for interacting with the XRP Ledger. XRPKit supports offline wallet creation, offline transaction creation/signing, and submitting transactions to the XRP ledger. XRPKit supports both the secp256k1 and ed25519 algorithms. XRPKit is available on iOS, macOS and Linux. WIP - use at your own risk.
MitchLang009, [email protected]
XRPKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
XRPKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'XRPKit'
You can use The Swift Package Manager to
install XRPKit
by adding it to your Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.1
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/MitchLang009/XRPKit.git", from: "0.3.0"),
One of the goals of this library is to provide cross-platform support for Linux and support server-side Swift, however some features may only be available in iOS/macOS due to a lack of Linux supported libraries (ex. WebSockets). A test_linux.sh file is included that will run tests in a docker container. All contributions must compile on Linux.
import XRPKit
// create a completely new, randomly generated wallet
let wallet = XRPSeedWallet() // defaults to secp256k1
let wallet2 = XRPSeedWallet(type: .secp256k1)
let wallet3 = XRPSeedWallet(type: .ed25519)
import XRPKit
// generate a wallet from an existing seed
let wallet = try! XRPSeedWallet(seed: "snsTnz4Wj8vFnWirNbp7tnhZyCqx9")
import XRPKit
let mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
let walletFromMnemonic = try! XRPMnemonicWallet(mnemonic: mnemonic)
import XRPKit
let wallet = XRPSeedWallet()
print(wallet.address) // rJk1prBA4hzuK21VDK2vK2ep2PKGuFGnUD
print(wallet.seed) // snsTnz4Wj8vFnWirNbp7tnhZyCqx9
print(wallet.publicKey) // 02514FA7EF3E9F49C5D4C487330CC8882C0B4381BEC7AC61F1C1A81D5A62F1D3CF
print(wallet.privateKey) // 003FC03417669696AB4A406B494E6426092FD9A42C153E169A2B469316EA4E96B7
import XRPKit
// Address
let btc = "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2"
let xrp = "rPdCDje24q4EckPNMQ2fmUAMDoGCCu3eGK"
XRPSeedWallet.validate(address: btc) // returns false
XRPSeedWallet.validate(address: xrp) // returns true
// Seed
let seed = "shrKftFK3ZkMPkq4xe5wGB8HaNSLf"
XRPSeedWallet.validate(seed: xrp) // returns false
XRPSeedWallet.validate(seed: seed) // returns true
import XRPKit
let wallet = try! XRPSeedWallet(seed: "shrKftFK3ZkMPkq4xe5wGB8HaNSLf")
let amount = try! XRPAmount(drops: 100000000)
let address = try! XRPAddress(rAddress: "rPdCDje24q4EckPNMQ2fmUAMDoGCCu3eGK")
_ = XRPPayment(from: wallet, to: address, amount: amount).send().map { (result) in
import XRPKit
let wallet = try! XRPSeedWallet(seed: "shrKftFK3ZkMPkq4xe5wGB8HaNSLf")
let fields: [String:Any] = [
"TransactionType" : "Payment",
"Account" : wallet.address,
"Destination" : "rPdCDje24q4EckPNMQ2fmUAMDoGCCu3eGK",
"Amount" : "10000000",
"Flags" : 2147483648,
"LastLedgerSequence" : 951547,
"Fee" : "40",
"Sequence" : 11,
// create the transaction (offline)
let transaction = XRPRawTransaction(fields: fields)
// sign the transaction (offline)
let signedTransaction = try! transaction.sign(wallet: wallet)
// submit the transaction (online)
_ = signedTransaction.submit().map { (result) in
import XRPKit
let wallet = try! XRPSeedWallet(seed: "shrKftFK3ZkMPkq4xe5wGB8HaNSLf")
// dictionary containing partial transaction fields
let partialFields: [String:Any] = [
"TransactionType" : "Payment",
"Destination" : "rPdCDje24q4EckPNMQ2fmUAMDoGCCu3eGK",
"Amount" : "100000000",
"Flags" : 2147483648,
// create the transaction from dictionary
let partialTransaction = XRPTransaction(wallet: wallet, fields: partialFields)
// autofills missing transaction fields (online)
// signs transaction (offline)
// submits transaction (online)
_ = partialTransaction.send().map { (txResult) in
// result = {
// "engine_result" = tesSUCCESS;
// "engine_result_code" = 0;
// "engine_result_message" = "The transaction was applied. Only final in a validated ledger.";
// status = success;
// "tx_blob" = 12000022800000002400000008201B000E83A6614000000005F5E100684000000000000028732102890EDF51199AEB1815324BA985C192D369B324AF6ABC1EBAD450E07EFBF5997E7446304402203765F06FB1D1D9FE942680A39C0925E95DC0AE18893268FDB5AF3CAFC5F6A87802201EFCE19E9C7ABBDD7C73F651A9AF6A323DDB4CE060A4CB63866512365830BEED81142B2DFB7FF7A2E9D8022144727A06141E4B3907248314F841A55DBAB1296D9A95F4CA8C05B721C1B0585C;
// "tx_json" = {
// Account = rhAK9w7X64AaZqSWEhajcq5vhGtxEcaUS7;
// Amount = 100000000;
// Destination = rPdCDje24q4EckPNMQ2fmUAMDoGCCu3eGK;
// Fee = 40;
// Flags = 2147483648;
// LastLedgerSequence = 951206;
// Sequence = 8;
// SigningPubKey = 02890EDF51199AEB1815324BA985C192D369B324AF6ABC1EBAD450E07EFBF5997E;
// TransactionType = Payment;
// TxnSignature = 304402203765F06FB1D1D9FE942680A39C0925E95DC0AE18893268FDB5AF3CAFC5F6A87802201EFCE19E9C7ABBDD7C73F651A9AF6A323DDB4CE060A4CB63866512365830BEED;
// hash = 4B709C7DFA8F8F396E4BB2CEACAFD61CA07000940736971AA788754267EE69AD;
// };
// };
// }
import XRPKit
_ = XRPLedger.getBalance(address: "rPdCDje24q4EckPNMQ2fmUAMDoGCCu3eGK").map { (amount) in
print(amount.prettyPrinted()) // 1,800.000000
WebSockets are only supported on Apple platforms through URLSessionWebSocketTask. On Linux XRPLedger.ws is unavailable. Support for Linux will be possible with the availability of a WebSocket client library.
More functionality to come.
import XRPKit
XRPLedger.ws.delegate = self // XRPWebSocketDelegate
XRPLedger.ws.connect(url: .xrpl_ws_Devnet)
let parameters: [String: Any] = [
"id" : "test",
"method" : "fee"
let data = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: parameters, options: [])
XRPLedger.ws.send(data: data)
import XRPKit
XRPLedger.ws.delegate = self // XRPWebSocketDelegate
XRPLedger.ws.connect(url: .xrpl_ws_Devnet)
XRPLedger.ws.subscribe(account: "r34XnDB2zS11NZ1wKJzpU1mjWExGVugTaQ")
import XRPKit
class MyClass: XRPWebSocketDelegate {
func onConnected(connection: XRPWebSocket) {
func onDisconnected(connection: XRPWebSocket, error: Error?) {
func onError(connection: XRPWebSocket, error: Error) {
func onResponse(connection: XRPWebSocket, response: XRPWebSocketResponse) {
func onStream(connection: XRPWebSocket, object: NSDictionary) {