We will use Visual Studio Code and the TLA+ plugin.
Install Visual Studio Code if you don't already have it
Save the following code as hello.tla:
-------- MODULE hello --------
Init ==
x = 0
Next ==
x' = x
You should get a popup suggesting that you search the marketplace for plugins. Do so and install the TLA+ plugin.
Once the plugin is installed, right-click in the code window and hit Check Model with TLC.
You should get a prompt that there is no hello.cfg. Let the prompt create the file for you.
Remove or comment things until hello.cfg just contains:
Make sure both hello.tla and hello.cfg are saved, then in either file, right-click and click Check Model with TLC.
You should get successful output.
There's two more things we need to configure to have a good time:
Turn off deadlock detection.
(In its usual mode, if the model checker cannot cannot reach any more states, it will fail with deadlock. But we want to prove things about programs which terminate successfully) -
Turn on PlusCal autotranslate.
(PlusCal is an imperative-looking language which translates to TLA+)
Do both of these by right-clicking and clicking Command Palette (or ctrl-shift-p) and use the prompt up the top to enter
>Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings...
This will open settings.json. Copy in:
"tlaplus.tlc.modelChecker.options": "-deadlock",
"[tlaplus]": {
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.formatOnType": true,
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source": true
"tlaplus.tlc.modelChecker.createOutFiles": false
- Save and close settings.json.