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An automatic tool to identify all trampoline functions in FreeRTOS that can cause arbitrary read/write and DoS because of lacking checks.


  1. install and configure CodeQL in local and also VS Code environment
  2. import rtosdatabase directory to VS Code. rtosdatabse3 is source code data generated by CodeQL for FreeRTOS
  3. In VS Code, run the script vscode-codeql-starter/codeql-custom-queries-cpp/example.ql


  • In rtosdatabase directory, we enable all macroes to include all functions with MPU_ prefix. In this way, all potentally vulnerable functions can be analyzed.
  • We support three analysis targets, including aribitrary write, arbitrary read, and other issues.
  • Our static analysis contains false positives (i.e., identified function is free from the reported issue) but no false negative (i.e., not missing any vulnerable function)

Overall Results

List of functions causing arbitrary write

  1. MPU_xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel
  2. MPU_xStreamBufferReset
  3. MPU_vStreamBufferDelete
  4. MPU_xStreamBufferReceive
  5. MPU_xStreamBufferSend
  6. MPU_vEventGroupDelete
  7. MPU_xEventGroupSync
  8. MPU_xEventGroupSetBits
  9. MPU_xEventGroupClearBits
  10. MPU_xEventGroupWaitBits
  11. MPU_xEventGroupCreateStatic
  12. MPU_vTimerSetReloadMode
  13. MPU_vTimerSetTimerID
  14. MPU_xQueueGenericReset
  15. MPU_xQueueSelectFromSet
  16. MPU_xQueueRemoveFromSet
  17. MPU_xQueueAddToSet
  18. MPU_xQueueGenericCreateStatic
  19. MPU_xQueueGiveMutexRecursive
  20. MPU_xQueueTakeMutexRecursive
  21. MPU_xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic
  22. MPU_vQueueDelete
  23. MPU_xQueueSemaphoreTake
  24. MPU_xQueuePeek
  25. MPU_xQueueReceive
  26. MPU_xQueueGenericSend
  27. MPU_ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear
  28. MPU_xTaskGenericNotifyStateClear
  29. MPU_xTaskGenericNotifyWait
  30. MPU_xTaskGenericNotify
  31. MPU_vTaskGetRunTimeStats
  32. MPU_vTaskList
  33. MPU_vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer
  34. MPU_vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag
  35. MPU_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2
  36. MPU_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark
  37. MPU_vTaskResume
  38. MPU_vTaskSuspend
  39. MPU_vTaskPrioritySet
  40. MPU_vTaskGetInfo
  41. MPU_xTaskAbortDelay
  42. MPU_vTaskDelete

List of functions causing arbitrary read

  1. MPU_xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic
  2. MPU_xStreamBufferBytesAvailable
  3. MPU_xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable
  4. MPU_xStreamBufferNextMessageLengthBytes
  5. MPU_xStreamBufferReceive
  6. MPU_xStreamBufferSend
  7. MPU_xEventGroupSync
  8. MPU_xEventGroupSetBits
  9. MPU_xEventGroupClearBits
  10. MPU_xEventGroupWaitBits
  11. MPU_xEventGroupCreateStatic
  12. MPU_xTimerGetExpiryTime
  13. MPU_xTimerGetPeriod
  14. MPU_pcTimerGetName
  15. MPU_pvTimerGetTimerID
  16. MPU_xQueueSelectFromSet
  17. MPU_xQueueGenericCreateStatic
  18. MPU_xQueueGetMutexHolder
  19. MPU_xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic
  20. MPU_xQueueCreateMutexStatic
  21. MPU_uxQueueSpacesAvailable
  22. MPU_uxQueueMessagesWaiting
  23. MPU_ulTaskGenericNotifyValueClear
  24. MPU_ulTaskGenericNotifyTake
  25. MPU_pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer
  26. MPU_xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag
  27. MPU_pcTaskGetName
  28. MPU_uxTaskPriorityGet
  29. MPU_xTaskCreateStatic

List of functions causing other security issues

  1. MPU_xTaskCreate
  2. MPU_xQueueGenericCreate
  3. MPU_xStreamBufferGenericCreate
  4. MPU_xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore
  5. MPU_xQueueCreateMutex
  6. MPU_xQueueCreateSet
  7. MPU_vQueueAddToRegistry
  8. MPU_eTaskGetState
  9. MPU_xStreamBufferIsEmpty
  10. MPU_xTaskCheckForTimeOut
  11. MPU_xTaskDelayUntil
  12. MPU_xStreamBufferIsFull
  13. MPU_xTimerGenericCommand
  14. MPU_xTaskCatchUpTicks
  15. MPU_vQueueUnregisterQueue
  16. MPU_vTaskDelay
  17. MPU_uxTaskGetSystemState
  18. MPU_xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook
  19. MPU_xTaskGetHandle
  20. MPU_vTaskSetTimeOutState
  21. MPU_uxTimerGetReloadMode
  22. MPU_pcQueueGetName
  23. MPU_xTimerIsTimerActive

More Detailed Analysis Results

Identifying Trampoline Functions in FreeRTOS that Lack Checks