diff --git a/App/a7.php b/App/a7.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6b933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/a7.php
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+require_once 'Work-Cell-Scheduler/App/tdd.php';
+$hours = NULL;
+$worker = array();
+$product = array();
+$cell = array();
+$hours = rand(1,3);
+$numWorker = 5;
+$numProduct = 6;
+$numCell = 4;
+$numProductProduced = 15;
+$workersTrained = 20;
+for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++){
+	$worker[]="worker-$i";
+for ($i=1; $i<=4; $i++){
+	$cell[]="cell-$i";
+for ($i=1; $i<=6; $i++){
+	$product[]="product-$i";
+$randomWorker = rand(0,$numWorker-1);
+class Demand{
+	public $product;
+	public $cell;
+	public $hours;
+	function __construct($p, $c, $h){
+		$this->hours=$h;
+		$this->cell=$c;
+		$this->product=$p;
+	}
+//create demand
+	$newProduct=array_rand($product,1);
+	$newCell=array_rand($cell,1);
+	$demand[]=new Demand($newProduct,$newCell,$hours);
+class training{
+	public $attribute;
+	function __get($p){
+		return $this->$p;
+	}
+	function __set($p, $prod){
+		$this->$p=$prod;
+	}
+$t = new training();
+$t->attribute = .80;
+//populate Training Matrix with random productivity
+	//$newWorker=array_rand($worker,1);
+	//$newCell=array_rand($cell,1);
+	//$setKey = "${newWorker}_${newCell}";
+	//$randomProductivity = rand (50,100)/100;
+	//$trainingMatrix[$setKey]= $randomProductivity;
+foreach ($worker as $newWorker){
+	$newWorker=array_rand($worker,1);
+	$newCell=array_rand($cell,1);
+	$setKey = "${newWorker}_${newCell}";
+	$randomProductivity = rand (50,100)/100;
+	$trainingMatrix[$setKey]= $randomProductivity;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/App/examB.php b/App/examB.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e83445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/examB.php
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+require_once 'Work-Cell-Scheduler/WCS/os.php';
+require_once 'tdd.php';
+function examB(){
+	$os=New WebIS\OS;
+	/*$os->addVariable('x11');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x11','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x12');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x12','5');
+	$os->addVariable('x13');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x13','3');
+	$os->addVariable('x14');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x14','3');
+	$os->addVariable('x21');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x21','3');
+	$os->addVariable('x22');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x22','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x23');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x23','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x24');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x24','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x31');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x31','3');
+	$os->addVariable('x32');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x32','4');
+	$os->addVariable('x33');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x33','8');
+	$os->addVariable('x34');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x34','4');
+	$os->addVariable('x41');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x41','3');
+	$os->addVariable('x42');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x42','4');
+	$os->addVariable('x43');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x43','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x44');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x44','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x51');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x51','3');
+	$os->addVariable('x52');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x52','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x53');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x53','2');
+	$os->addVariable('x54');
+	$os->addObjCoef('x54','2');
+	*/
+	$supplier = array(1,2,3,4);
+	$department = array(1,2,3,4,5);
+	$shipping = array(
+			array(2,5,3,3),
+			array(3,2,2,2),
+			array(3,4,8,4),
+			array(3,4,2,2),
+			array(3,2,2,2),
+	);
+	$capacity = array(600,200,300,500);
+	$profit = array(20,30,40,25,25);
+	$demand = array(600,200,300,100,300);
+	$prodCosts = array(10,14,40,11);
+	//print_r($shipping);
+	//random shipping&suppliers
+	foreach ($supplier as $newSupplier){
+		$newSupplier=array_rand($supplier,1);
+		$newDepartment=array_rand($department,1);
+		$setKey = "${newSupplier}_${newDepartment}";
+		$shippingMatrix[$setKey]= $shipping;
+	}
+	//print_r($shippingMatrix);
+	foreach(array_combine($department, $demand) as $dp => $dm){
+		$os->addConstraint(NULL, $dp);
+	}
+	foreach(array_combine($supplier, $capacity) as $sup => $cap){
+		$os->addConstraint(NULL, $sup);
+	}
+	//$os->solve();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/App/osbasics.php b/App/osbasics.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ebabb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/osbasics.php
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+echo "osbasics";
+// problem 1
+echo "1";
+// problem 2
+echo "2";
+function tddStringEquals($a,$b){
+	if (!($a===$b)){
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+// problem 3
+echo "3";
+function assertEquals($expected,$result){
+	if ($expected!==$result){
+		throw new Exception("Expected string does not match result");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+function assertNotEquals($expected, $result){
+	if ($expected===$result){
+		throw new Exception("Expected string matches result");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+// To trigger Exceptions
+//problem 4
+echo "4";
+try {
+	assertEquals("One", "Two");
+catch (Exception $e){
+	$failed=TRUE;
+try {
+	assertNotEquals("One", "One");
+catch (Exception $e){
+	$failed=TRUE;
+// problem 5
+echo "5";
+$xml = <<<XML
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+function osil(){
+	$osil = new simpleXMLElement ("<osil/>");
+	$osil -> addChild ('instanceHeader');
+	return $osil -> asXML();
+// problem 6a
+echo "6";
+function assertContainsString($needle, $haystack){
+	if(strpos($haystack, $needle)===FALSE){
+		throw new Exception("assertContainsString: |$needle |$haystack");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+assertContainsString("one", "one two three");
+//assertContainsString("zero", "one two three");
+// problem 6b
+function assertContains($needle, $hay){
+	foreach ($hay as $h)
+	if(strpos($h, $needle)===FALSE){
+		throw new Exception("assertContains: |$needle |$hay");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+assertContains("needle", array("needle hay", "hay needle"));
+// problem 7
+echo "7";
+exec("\\WebIS\\bin\\OSsolverservice.exe -h", $output, $result);
+// problem 8
+echo "8";
+function write($file){
+	$osil = new simpleXMLElement ("<osil/>");
+	$osil -> addChild ('instanceHeader');
+	return $osil -> asXML($file);
+//read file
+$xml = file_get_contents("test.xml");
+// problem 9
+echo "9";
+function solve(){
+	exec("\\WebIS\\bin\\OSsolverservice.exe -osil test.xml -osrl solution.xml", $output, $result);
+	if($result !==0){
+		throw new Exception("Solve function failed!\n".implode("\n",$output));
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+$osil = new simpleXMLElement ('<osil/>');
+$osil -> addChild("instanceHeader");
+$osil -> addChild("instanceData") -> addChild ("objectives") -> addChild("obj") -> addAttribute("objCoeffiencts", 0);
+$osil -> asXML('test.xml');
+//problem 10
+echo "10";
+function solution(){
+	$xml = file_get_contents(asXML('solution.xml'));
+	$osrl = new simpleXMLElement($xml);
+	$result = (string)$osrl -> Optimization -> solution -> status -> attributes() -> type();
+	$value = (double)$osrl -> Optimization -> solution -> objectives -> values -> obj;
+	return $value;
+echo "11";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/App/personAppA_3.php b/App/personAppA_3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836bd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/personAppA_3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+namespace WCS;
+class PersonApp {
+	private $person=NULL;
+	function add(Person $person){
+		$this->person=$person;
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	function process($page){
+		$this->load();
+		$this->save();
+		echo $this->edit($page);
+	}
+	function get(){
+		if($this->person===NULL){
+			$this->person=new Person();
+		}
+		if(!$this->person->setPerson($_REQUEST['person'])){
+			//print ":PersonApp.process: unable to set person |".$_REQUEST['person']."|");
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if(isset($_REQUEST['name']) and !$this->person->setName($_REQUEST['name'])){
+			//print ":PersonApp.process: unable to set person |".$_REQUEST['name']."|");
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	function load(){
+		if(!isset($_REQUEST['action'])){
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($_REQUEST['action']!='Load'){
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		$this->get();
+		if($this->person->read()===FALSE){
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	function save(){
+		if($this->person===NULL){
+			$this->person=new Person();
+		}
+		if(!isset($_REQUEST['action'])){
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($_REQUEST['action']!='Update'){
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		$this->get();
+		if($this->person->delete()===FALSE){
+			print ":PersonApp.save: unable to delete()";
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($this->person->write()===FALSE){
+			print ":PersonApp.save: unable to write()";
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	function edit($action){
+		$person=htmlspecialchars($this->person->getPerson());
+		$name=htmlspecialchars($this->person->getName());
+		return <<<HTML
+		<form action="$action" method="GET">
+		<table border="1">
+		  <tr><td>Person</td><td><input type="text" name="person" value="$person"></td></tr>
+    	  <tr><td>Name</td>  <td><input type="text" name="name"   value="$name"></td></tr>
+    	</table>
+		<input type="submit" name="action" value="Update">
+		<input type="submit" name="action" value="Load">
+		</form>
+	}
+class Person {
+	private $person=NULL;
+	private $name=NULL;
+	private $rate=NULL;
+	/**
+	 * Database Handle
+	 * @var \mysqli
+	 */
+	static $db=NULL;
+	function __construct(){
+		if(!is_null(self::$db)){
+			return;
+		}
+		self::$db = @new \mysqli(\WCS\Config::$dbhost,\WCS\Config::$dbuser,\WCS\Config::$dbpassword,\WCS\Config::$dbdatabase);
+		if(self::$db->connect_error){
+			throw new \Exception("Error unable to connect to database: ".self::$db->connect_error);
+		}
+	}
+	function display(){
+		$str="{person: $this->person";
+		if(!is_null($this->name)){
+			$str.=" name: $this->name";
+		}
+		return $str.'}';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set person
+	 * @param string $person Alphanumeric username [a-zA-Z0-9]
+	 * @return bool person set.
+	 */
+	function setPerson($person){
+		//print ":Person.setPerson: |$person|".gettype($person);
+		if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/',$person)){
+			$this->person=$person;
+			return TRUE;
+		}
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Set Person name
+	 * @param string $name of person.
+	 */
+	function setName($name){
+		if(preg_match('/^\s*$/',$name)){
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		$this->name=$name;
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	function getName(){
+		return $this->name;
+	}
+	function getPerson(){
+		return $this->person;
+	}
+	function write(){
+		$stmt=self::$db->prepare("INSERT INTO Person (person,name) VALUES (?,?)");
+		if($stmt===FALSE){
+			die("Person.write: unable to create statement " . self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->bind_param("ss",$this->person,$this->name)===FALSE){
+			die("Person.write: unable to bind " . self::$db->error);
+		}
+		if($stmt->execute()===FALSE){
+			if($stmt->errno==1062){ // Duplicate Entry
+				$stmt->close();
+				self::$db->close();
+				return FALSE;
+			}
+			die("Person.write: unable to execute self::$db->errno self::$db->error");
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		$stmt->close();
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Remove Person
+	 * @return bool TRUE on success (even if record did not exist);
+	 */
+	function delete(){
+		$stmt=self::$db->prepare("DELETE FROM Person WHERE person=?");
+		if($stmt===FALSE){
+			die("WCS/Person.delete> stmt:".self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->bind_param('s',$this->person)===FALSE){
+			die("WCS/Person.delete> bind_param:".self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->execute()===FALSE){
+			die("WCS/Person.delete> execute:".self::$db->errno." ".self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	function read() {
+		$stmt=self::$db->prepare("SELECT name,rate FROM Person WHERE person=?");
+		if($stmt===FALSE){
+			die("Person.get: unable to create statement " . self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->bind_param("s",$this->person)===FALSE){
+			die("Person.get: unable to bind_param " . self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->bind_result($this->name,$this->rate)===FALSE){
+			die("Person.get: unable to bind_result " . self::$db->error);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->execute()===FALSE){
+			die("Person.get: unable to execute self::$db->errno self::$db->error");
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if($stmt->fetch()==FALSE){
+			$stmt->close();
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		// print "Person.get: ".$this->display();
+		return TRUE;
+	}
diff --git a/App/personTestA_3.php b/App/personTestA_3.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de79bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/personTestA_3.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/App/solution b/App/solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63983fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/solution
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://www.coin-or.org/OS/stylesheets/OSrL.xslt"?>
+<osrl xmlns="os.optimizationservices.org"   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="os.optimizationservices.org http://www.optimizationservices.org/schemas/2.0/OSrL.xsd" >
+<generalStatus type="error">
+<message>PARSER ERROR:  Input is either not valid or well formed: improperly formed <instanceData> element
+Here are 20 characters currently being pointed to in the input string: /osil>
+See line number: 1
diff --git a/App/solution.php b/App/solution.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a54063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/solution.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <td>300</td>
+  <td>100</td>		
+  <td>200</td>
+  <td>0</td>
+  <td>200</td>		
+  <td>0</td>
+  <td>300</td>
+  <td>0</td>		
+  <td>0</td>
diff --git a/App/tdd.php b/App/tdd.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1c5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/tdd.php
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// problem 1
+//echo "1";
+// problem 2
+//echo "2";
+function tddStringEquals($a,$b){
+	if (!($a===$b)){
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+// problem 3
+//echo "3";
+function assertEquals($expected,$result){
+	if ($expected!==$result){
+		throw new Exception("Expected string does not match result");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+function assertNotEquals($expected, $result){
+	if ($expected===$result){
+		throw new Exception("Expected string matches result");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+// To trigger Exceptions
+//problem 4
+//echo "4";
+try {
+	assertEquals("One", "Two");
+catch (Exception $e){
+	$failed=TRUE;
+try {
+	assertNotEquals("One", "One");
+catch (Exception $e){
+	$failed=TRUE;
+// problem 6a
+//echo "6";
+function assertContainsString($needle, $haystack){
+	if(strpos($haystack, $needle)===FALSE){
+		throw new Exception("assertContainsString: |$needle |$haystack");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+assertContainsString("one", "one two three");
+//assertContainsString("zero", "one two three");
+// problem 6b
+function assertContains($needle, $hay){
+	foreach ($hay as $h)
+	if(strpos($h, $needle)===FALSE){
+		throw new Exception("assertContains: |$needle |$hay");
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+assertContains("needle", array("needle hay", "hay needle"));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/App/test.xml b/App/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c72a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<osil><instanceHeader/><instanceData><objectives><obj objCoeffiencts="0"/></objectives></instanceData></osil>
diff --git a/App/testxml b/App/testxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efc3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App/testxml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/Web/A4osrl.xml b/Web/A4osrl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b994f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Web/A4osrl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Web/exampleProblem.php b/Web/exampleProblem.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6c72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Web/exampleProblem.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Optimization Services Test Copyright 2014 by WebIS Spring 2014 License Apache 2.0
+require_once 'Work-Cell-Scheduler/TDD/validator.php';
+require_once 'Work-Cell-Scheduler/WCS/os.php';
+include 'Work-Cell-Scheduler/Config/local.php';
+class OsTestCase extends WebIS\Validator {
+	protected static $__CLASS__=__CLASS__;
+	// Basic OSSolverServices test.
+	function testOS() {
+		exec(WebIS\OS::$solver." --version",$output,$return);
+		$this->assertEquals(0,$return);
+		$this->assertContains("OS Version: 2.",$output[5]);
+	}
+	function testSolver(){
+		$os=New WebIS\OS;
+		//$this->assertEquals(0.0,$os->solve(),"Solve empty problem");
+		//$this->assertContains(date('Y-m-d'),$os->getName(),"Solved today");
+		$os->addVariable('x11');
+		//$this->assertEquals(0.0,$os->solve(),"Solve problem with only one variable");
+		//$this->assertEquals(0.0,$os->getVariable('x11'),"x11 is zero");
+		$os->addObjCoef('x11', '3');
+		//$this->assertEquals(0.0,$os->solve());
+		$os->addVariable('x12');
+		$os->addObjCoef('x12', '2');
+		$os->addVariable('x21');
+		$os->addObjCoef('x21', '1');
+		$os->addVariable('x22');
+		$os->addObjCoef('x22', '5');
+		$os->addVariable('x31');
+		$os->addObjCoef('x31', '5');
+		$os->addVariable('x32');
+		$os->addObjCoef('x32', '4');
+		$os->addConstraint(NULL, 45);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x11',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x12',1);
+		$os->addConstraint(NULL, 60);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x21',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x22',1);
+		$os->addConstraint(NULL, 35);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x31',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x32',1);
+		$os->addConstraint(50);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x11',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x21',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x31',1);
+		$os->addConstraint(60);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x12',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x22',1);
+		$os->addConstraintCoef('x32',1);
+		//$this->assertEquals(-80.0,$os->solve());
+		//$this->assertEquals(0,$os->getVariable('x1'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(40,$os->getVariable('x2'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(350,$os->solve());
+		//$this->assertEquals(20,$os->getVariable('x11'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(20,$os->getVariable('x12'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(20,$os->getVariable('x21'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(20,$os->getVariable('x22'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(10,$os->getVariable('x31'));
+		//$this->assertEquals(20,$os->getVariable('x32'));
+		print_r($os->solve());
+	}
+if (!defined('PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD')) {
+	OsTestCase::main();