diff --git a/.github/workflows/AutoLabelAssign.yml b/.github/workflows/AutoLabelAssign.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8247aa8e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/AutoLabelAssign.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+name: Assign and label PR
+ pull-requests: write
+ contents: read
+ actions: read
+ workflow_run:
+ workflows: [Background tasks]
+ types:
+ - completed
+ download-payload:
+ name: Download and extract payload artifact
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-ExtractPayload.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ WorkflowId: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }}
+ OrgRepo: ${{ github.repository }}
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ label-assign:
+ name: Run assign and label
+ needs: [download-payload]
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-AutoLabelAssign.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ PayloadJson: ${{ needs.download-payload.outputs.WorkflowPayload }}
+ AutoAssignUsers: 1
+ AutoLabel: 1
+ ExcludedUserList: '["user1", "user2"]'
+ ExcludedBranchList: '["branch1", "branch2"]'
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/AutoLabelMsftContributor.yml b/.github/workflows/AutoLabelMsftContributor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66992cfeef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/AutoLabelMsftContributor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+name: Auto label Microsoft contributors
+ pull-requests: write
+ contents: read
+ actions: read
+ workflow_run:
+ workflows: [Background tasks]
+ types:
+ - completed
+ download-payload:
+ if: github.repository_visibility == 'public'
+ name: Download and extract payload artifact
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-ExtractPayload.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ WorkflowId: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }}
+ OrgRepo: ${{ github.repository }}
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ label-msft:
+ name: Label Microsoft contributors
+ if: github.repository_visibility == 'public'
+ needs: [download-payload]
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-AutoLabelMsftContributor.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ PayloadJson: ${{ needs.download-payload.outputs.WorkflowPayload }}
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ TeamReadAccessToken: ${{ secrets.ORG_READTEAMS_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/BackgroundTasks.yml b/.github/workflows/BackgroundTasks.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0389bb252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/BackgroundTasks.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: Background tasks
+ pull-requests: write
+ contents: read
+ pull_request_target:
+ upload:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Save payload data
+ env:
+ PayloadJson: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
+ AccessToken: ${{ github.token }}
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ./pr
+ echo $PayloadJson > ./pr/PayloadJson.json
+ sed -i -e "s/$AccessToken/XYZ/g" ./pr/PayloadJson.json
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: PayloadJson
+ path: pr/
diff --git a/.github/workflows/LiveMergeCheck.yml b/.github/workflows/LiveMergeCheck.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faeb2a0ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/LiveMergeCheck.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+name: PR can merge into branch
+ pull-requests: write
+ statuses: write
+ contents: read
+ pull_request_target:
+ types: [opened, reopened, synchronize, edited]
+ live-merge:
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-LiveMergeCheck.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ PayloadJson: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/PrFileCount.yml b/.github/workflows/PrFileCount.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40f7d61629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/PrFileCount.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+name: PR file count less than limit
+ pull-requests: write
+ statuses: write
+ contents: read
+ pull_request_target:
+ types: [opened, reopened, synchronize, labeled, unlabeled, edited]
+ file-count:
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-PrFileCount.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ PayloadJson: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ProtectedFiles.yml b/.github/workflows/ProtectedFiles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..007f8f04b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ProtectedFiles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: PR has no protected files
+ pull-requests: write
+ statuses: write
+ contents: read
+on: [pull_request_target]
+ protected-files:
+ uses: MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/.github/workflows/Shared-ProtectedFiles.yml@workflows-prod
+ with:
+ PayloadJson: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
+ secrets:
+ AccessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Viva/connections/create-sharepoint-home-site-for-viva-connections.md b/Viva/connections/create-sharepoint-home-site-for-viva-connections.md
index 965ed5355f..ee38b118db 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/create-sharepoint-home-site-for-viva-connections.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/create-sharepoint-home-site-for-viva-connections.md
@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ A SharePoint home site needs site navigation that is organized well, highlights
## Summary of web parts
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
|Image of the SharePoint home site |Web parts key |
|:::image type="content" source="../media/connections/vc-home-site-design-60.png" alt-text="SharePoint home site" lightbox="../media/connections/vc-home-site-design.png" border="false"::: |
- Hero web part
- World clock web part
- Weather web part
- Feed for Viva Connections web part
- Dashboard web part
- Image web part
- File viewer web part
- Events web part
- Quick Links web part
- Quick Links web part
- News web part
- Quick Links web part
- Call to action web part
diff --git a/Viva/connections/edit-viva-home.md b/Viva/connections/edit-viva-home.md
index c54a283bf9..bfbee83006 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/edit-viva-home.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/edit-viva-home.md
@@ -441,6 +441,12 @@ You can import navigational links from a SharePoint home site and the SharePoint
## Learn more about how to influence content in the feed
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
There’s no configuration required to get the Feed working in the desktop or mobile apps. Content in the Feed can’t be edited because content is aggregated from across your Microsoft 365 environment. Content comes from multiple sources: organizational news published in SharePoint, industry news, meeting insights, and files and information from frequent collaborators.
The [Feed web part for Viva Connections](use-feed-web-part-for-viva-connections.md) displays the same content and can be added to other SharePoint sites. Content that is displayed in the Feed can’t be edited but the ranking can be influenced with the following actions:
diff --git a/Viva/connections/faqs-viva-connections-feed.md b/Viva/connections/faqs-viva-connections-feed.md
index 9aa500b673..1a716f375b 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/faqs-viva-connections-feed.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/faqs-viva-connections-feed.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-ms.date: 06/19/2023
+ms.date: 07/22/2024
title: "Frequently asked questions about the Feed for Viva Connections"
ms.author: evanatkin
@@ -26,12 +26,11 @@ description: "Frequently asked questions about the Feed for Viva Connections"
## What can I expect to see in the Feed?
-The Feed gives content publishers a reliable means of distributing important news and information that their users need within their organizations. End-users will also see engaging content from sites they're a member of, sites they follow, and Viva Engage communities they follow. Get more information about the [content that displays in the Feed](#where-does-content-in-the-feed-come-from) and the [factors that impact the content's ranking in the Feed](#what-are-the-available-controls-to-influence-content-in-the-feed).
+The Feed gives content publishers a reliable means of distributing important news and information that their users need within their organizations. End-users will also see engaging content from sites they're a member of, sites they follow, and Viva Engage communities they follow. Get more information about the [content that displays in the Feed](#where-does-content-in-the-feed-come-from) and the [factors that impact the content's ranking in the Feed](#what-are-the-available-controls-to-influence-content-in-the-feed).
## Where does content in the Feed come from?
-Content that is displayed in the Feed comes from three primary sources: organizational news published in SharePoint, posts in Viva Engage communities, and videos in Stream that are shared with the entire organization or targeted to user groups. Individual content items in the Feed will display for a 30-day period.
+Content that is displayed in the Feed comes from three primary sources: organizational news published in SharePoint, posts in Viva Engage communities, and videos in Stream that are shared with the entire organization or targeted to user groups. Individual content items in the Feed will display for a 30-day period.
1. **News published on organizational news sites in SharePoint**
@@ -41,15 +40,15 @@ Content that is displayed in the Feed comes from three primary sources: organiza
- [Boosted news in SharePoint](https://support.microsoft.com/office/boost-news-from-organization-news-sites-46ad8dc5-8f3b-4d81-853d-8bbbdd0f9c83) from organizational news sites
- News that has [audience targeting applied](https://support.microsoft.com/office/target-navigation-news-files-links-and-web-parts-to-specific-audiences-33d84cb6-14ed-4e53-a426-74c38ea32293) from organizational news site or sites you follow
- SharePoint news from sites that are relevant to your interests
2. **Posts in Viva Engage communities**
- Certain posts in various Viva Engage communities will appear in the Feed. These Viva Engage posts will come from Viva Engage communities that are authorized to post to "All Company" or the entire organization. Posts that are [All Company](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/yammer-blog/engage-your-entire-organization-with-new-all-company-features/ba-p/1441124) are intended to be viewed by everyone.
+ Certain posts in various Viva Engage communities will appear in the Feed. These Viva Engage posts will come from Viva Engage communities that are authorized to post to "All Company" or the entire organization. Posts that are [All Company](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/yammer-blog/engage-your-entire-organization-with-new-all-company-features/ba-p/1441124) are intended to be viewed by everyone.
In addition to All Company Viva Engage posts, you'll also see the following activity from Viva Engage in the Feed:
- Viva Engage All Company Featured Posts
- - Viva Engage All Company Announcements
+ - Viva Engage All Company Announcements
- Viva Engage All Company Posts
- Viva Engage Followed Community Featured Posts
- Viva Engage Followed Community Announcements
@@ -57,27 +56,21 @@ Content that is displayed in the Feed comes from three primary sources: organiza
- Viva Engage Followed Community Q&A posts
- Viva Engage Followed Community Praise posts
- Viva Engage Storyline posts
-3. **Videos in SharePoint hosted by Stream**
- [Stream videos](/stream/streamnew/new-stream) built on SharePoint or OneDrive that are shared with your entire organization will appear in the Feed. Depending on how your organization stores and shares videos in Stream will impact the viewing experience for videos in the Feed.
- Not all of the three sources of content will be given equal weight in the ranking. [Learn more about how content is ranked](#how-is-the-feed-personalized-and-how-is-content-ranked).
+3. **Videos in SharePoint hosted by Stream**
+ [Stream videos](/stream/streamnew/new-stream) built on SharePoint or OneDrive that are shared with your entire organization will appear in the Feed. Depending on how your organization stores and shares videos in Stream will impact the viewing experience for videos in the Feed.
+ Not all of the three sources of content will be given equal weight in the ranking. [Learn more about how content is ranked](#how-is-the-feed-personalized-and-how-is-content-ranked).
-## How often is Feed content refreshed?
+## How often is Feed content refreshed?
For mobile, the Feed refreshes each time the application is selected. Users can also manually refresh the Feed through the pull-down action. On the web, the Feed automatically refreshes each time the web page is refreshed. Individual content items in the Feed will display for a 30-day period. SharePoint news posts that have been boosted will display prominently for up to four days. [Learn more about the news boost feature](https://support.microsoft.com/office/boost-sharepoint-news-from-organization-news-sites-46ad8dc5-8f3b-4d81-853d-8bbbdd0f9c83).
## When can we expect to see a newly created post in the Feed?
Posts will typically take up to 1 hour to appear in a user’s Feed. Content from a newly created [SharePoint home site](home-site-plan.md) is sometimes delayed for up to 24 hours after the site is initially created. After that initial 7-day period has passed, it will take up to 1 hour to appear.
## How is the Feed personalized and how is content ranked?
There are several factors such as the content’s age, whether it’s been "boosted" by the organization, the publishing source, and the author’s relationship to the reader to determine the content ranking. This is to users can discover new content each time they open the Feed so it never gets boring or predictable. However, engaging content in the Feed relies on how often content is created on the SharePoint sites and Viva Engage communities.
@@ -91,12 +84,10 @@ We’re experimenting and rapidly iterating on the logic used:
One of the primary goals of the Feed is to give content publishers a reliable means of distributing important news and information. To keep them interested and coming back regularly we’re working to strike a balance between the engaging content they want (like from sites they're a member of, or communities they follow) and the information they need (like SharePoint organizational news site and Viva Engage All Company posts). To achieve this, we don’t rely on a pure chronological ranking.
-Over time, we plan on continuing to experiment with our ranking and to add new factors to the algorithm we use. We'll be moving over to a machine learning model that is optimized for user engagement while preserving the ability for organizations to lift important content that is recent to the top of users Feeds. [Learn more about the different controls that can be used to influence the rank of content](#what-are-the-available-controls-to-influence-content-in-the-feed).
+Over time, we plan on continuing to experiment with our ranking and to add new factors to the algorithm we use. We'll be moving over to a machine learning model that is optimized for user engagement while preserving the ability for organizations to lift important content that is recent to the top of users Feeds. [Learn more about the different controls that can be used to influence the rank of content](#what-are-the-available-controls-to-influence-content-in-the-feed).
The content in the Feed is personalized for each user based on their memberships and permissions. We always restrict what content the user sees to content they have permissions to view. In addition to any org-wide memberships, we’ll include content from SharePoint sites and Viva Engage communities the user is optionally a member of. The goal of having a fresh, dynamic, and engaging Feed to keep them coming back.
## Why don’t I see any content in the Feed?
If you’re not seeing any content in your feed, it could be because of a few reasons:
@@ -106,7 +97,6 @@ If you’re not seeing any content in your feed, it could be because of a few re
3. The SharePoint site you're publishing from (home site or organizational news site) is less than seven days old. This issue will resolve itself and content will appear normally after the initial seven days after site creation.
## What are the available controls to influence content in the Feed?
There’s no configuration required to get the Feed working. For the current release, customers have the ability to impact content placement in the Feed by targeting content, or by promoting it.
@@ -115,8 +105,7 @@ There’s no configuration required to get the Feed working. For the current rel
- **Highlight community discussions** - Feature posts in public Viva Engage communities that you’d like seen by the entire organization.
- **Publish from official news sources** - Like [organizational news sites](/sharepoint/organization-news-site) or [SharePoint home sites](/sharepoint/home-site). Where content is from, impacts the ranking.
-For SharePoint news, more filtering is available through [audience targeting](https://support.microsoft.com/office/target-navigation-news-files-links-and-web-parts-to-specific-audiences-33d84cb6-14ed-4e53-a426-74c38ea32293), which allows publishers to designate content relevant to specific groups of people. Examples might be employees in a specific department, region, building, or title. This is done by enabling audience targeting on the site where content is being published, then using Microsoft Entra groups to define the target audience. However, if audience targeting isn't applied, users will still get the SharePoint News on their feed. Publishers also have the ability to promote critical messages in the Feed. News published from Org News sites has a Boost feature that explicitly tells the feed ‘this content is important’. As a result, that content is artificially pushed to the top of the feed. [Learn more about audience targeting in Viva Connections](/viva/connections/use-audience-targeting-in-viva-connections).
+For SharePoint news, more filtering is available through [audience targeting](https://support.microsoft.com/office/target-navigation-news-files-links-and-web-parts-to-specific-audiences-33d84cb6-14ed-4e53-a426-74c38ea32293), which allows publishers to designate content relevant to specific groups of people. Examples might be employees in a specific department, region, building, or title. This is done by enabling audience targeting on the site where content is being published, then using Microsoft Entra groups to define the target audience. However, if audience targeting isn't applied, users will still get the SharePoint News on their feed. Publishers also have the ability to promote critical messages in the Feed. News published from Org News sites has a Boost feature that explicitly tells the feed ‘this content is important’. As a result, that content is artificially pushed to the top of the feed. [Learn more about audience targeting in Viva Connections](/viva/connections/use-audience-targeting-in-viva-connections).
In Viva Engage, moderators of the All-Company community can Feature a post to indicate it’s significant and increase visibility within the organization. Featured posts from Viva Engage are treated as important by our ranking algorithm. For communities that you're a member of, communication managers can also [create Announcements within those communities](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-polls-praise-announcements-and-questions-in-viva-engage-4b30c7e0-f915-4c69-9582-ccbbd09a516b), which will also be treated as important by our ranking algorithm.
@@ -126,22 +115,23 @@ For SharePoint news, more filtering is available through [audience targeting](ht
For the current release, users on the Feed can do the following actions on posts:
-1. Comment on a post
-2. Reply to a comment on a post
-3. Social Reactions – React to a post and comment
-4. Share a post
-5. Save a post for later
+1. Comment on a post
+2. Reply to a comment on a post
+3. Social Reactions – React to a post and comment
+4. Share a post
+5. Save a post for later
## What can I do to save content in the Feed after I have viewed it?
Users can bookmark content that they would like to view later by selecting the **Save for Later**. Content can then be accessed through the save for later feature in the Viva Connections mobile app in Teams.
## Why isn’t boosted news displaying in the Feed for Viva Connections web part or in the Top News Card?
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
In the [Feed for Viva Connections web part](/viva/connections/use-feed-web-part-for-viva-connections), news posts from [organizational news sites](/sharepoint/organization-news-site) up to 24 hours from the post date will take precedence over older boosted news that has not yet reached the expiration. This can prevent boosted news from displaying prominently to end-users if the boosted news publishing date is older than the organizational news. Also, for [new organization news sites](/sharepoint/organization-news-site), it can take up to 24 hours for boosted news created from those sites to appear in the Top News card in Viva Connections dashboard.
diff --git a/Viva/connections/home-site-plan.md b/Viva/connections/home-site-plan.md
index 394ed15209..1f07feb705 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/home-site-plan.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/home-site-plan.md
@@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ A great SharePoint home site starts with a plan. Because your SharePoint home si
When you've prepared a plan, you're ready to start creating the home site in SharePoint. Start with a communication site, and after you have the general layout finalized, create a [Viva Connections experience from your existing SharePoint home site](/viva/connections/set-up-admin-center#build-from-an-existing-intranet-portal) in the Viva Connections admin center.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
| Icon | Action | Get started |
| :------------------: | :------------------: |:----------------|
|:::image type="content" source="../media/connections/icon-plan.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a clipboard "::: | **Create a modern communication site** | Start by creating a SharePoint communication site and build out the site by using sections, web parts, and pages. Consider using a mega menu and footer to enhance way finding. Web parts that are useful for a SharePoint home site include: News web part, My feed web part, Viva Engage web parts, Quick link web part, and the Highlighted content web part. Learn how to [create a communication site](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-communication-site-in-sharepoint-7fb44b20-a72f-4d2c-9173-fc8f59ba50eb#:~:text=Steps%20to%20create%20a%20communication%20site%201%20Sign,news%2C%20events%2C%20and%20other%20content.%20...%20See%20More.), use [modern web parts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/using-web-parts-on-sharepoint-pages-336e8e92-3e2d-4298-ae01-d404bbe751e0), and [customize your site](https://support.microsoft.com/office/customize-your-sharepoint-site-320b43e5-b047-4fda-8381-f61e8ac7f59b#:~:text=Customize%20your%20SharePoint%20site.%201%20Change%20the%20logo.,navigation.%205%20Add%20a%20site%20footer.%20See%20More.). |
diff --git a/Viva/connections/overview-viva-connections-education.md b/Viva/connections/overview-viva-connections-education.md
index 72848d19c4..d6fbb76963 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/overview-viva-connections-education.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/overview-viva-connections-education.md
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ Use the [quick guide to set up Viva Connections](set-up-admin-center.md) or get
Viva Connections is composed of three primary components - the dashboard, the feed, and resources. Components display slightly differently between desktop and mobile devices.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
| Component | Description |
| :------------------- | :------------------- |
diff --git a/Viva/connections/plan-viva-connections.md b/Viva/connections/plan-viva-connections.md
index c0926bfd6f..0771b89bb9 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/plan-viva-connections.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/plan-viva-connections.md
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ Viva Connections is composed of three main parts – the dashboard, the feed, an
- **Feed:** The Feed delivers updates to the right people at the right time and is tightly integrated with Viva Engage, SharePoint news, and Stream to display a personalized feed, based on post-level targeting of the groups that employees belong to.
- **Resources:** The Resources experience enables way finding across platforms. It uses navigation elements from the SharePoint app bar, which can be [audience targeted](https://support.microsoft.com/office/target-navigation-news-files-links-and-web-parts-to-specific-audiences-33d84cb6-14ed-4e53-a426-74c38ea32293).
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
| Desktop | Mobile |
| :------------------- |:------------------- |
diff --git a/Viva/connections/use-audience-targeting-in-viva-connections.md b/Viva/connections/use-audience-targeting-in-viva-connections.md
index c4ab5b67d1..e839b0e344 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/use-audience-targeting-in-viva-connections.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/use-audience-targeting-in-viva-connections.md
@@ -74,7 +74,11 @@ Create a personalized experience by targeting dashboard cards to specific audien
## Apply audience targeting to news posts that will display in the feed
-Apply audience targeting to [SharePoint news posts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-and-share-news-on-your-sharepoint-sites-495f8f1a-3bef-4045-b33a-55e5abe7aed7) helps surface individual news posts within the Feed. Content that displays in the Viva Connections Feed is aggregated from a few sources – posts from official organizational news sites, [news that has been boosted,](https://support.microsoft.com/office/boost-sharepoint-news-from-organization-news-sites-46ad8dc5-8f3b-4d81-853d-8bbbdd0f9c83#:~:text=%20%20%201%20On%20your%20organization%20news,the%20order%20in%20which%20they%20should...%20More%20) and video news posts. [Learn more about how content is sourced and ranked in the Viva Connections Feed.](faqs-viva-connections-feed.md)
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
1. Start from the site where the news is published. Select **Settings**, then **Site contents**.
diff --git a/Viva/connections/use-feed-web-part-for-viva-connections.md b/Viva/connections/use-feed-web-part-for-viva-connections.md
index c988ebdca3..d679c50937 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/use-feed-web-part-for-viva-connections.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/use-feed-web-part-for-viva-connections.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-ms.date: 02/02/2022
+ms.date: 07/22/2024
title: "Use the Feed web part for Viva Connections"
ms.author: evanatkin
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ description: "Learn how to use the Feed web part"
# Use the Feed web part for Viva Connections
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
The Feed web part is designed to collect and display content from sources across SharePoint, Viva Engage, and Stream (on SharePoint) into a single viewing experience. Each users’ Feed will look different because content displayed in the web part is personalized to the viewer based on the SharePoint sites and Viva Engage communities that they follow. [Learn more about where content in the Feed comes from](/viva/connections/faqs-viva-connections-feed).
> [!NOTE]
diff --git a/Viva/connections/video-news-links.md b/Viva/connections/video-news-links.md
index 53ae00eb20..9cd8f3a924 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/video-news-links.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/video-news-links.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-ms.date: 01/12/2022
+ms.date: 07/22/2024
title: "Embed Video news links in the Viva Connections Feed"
ms.author: evanatkin
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ description: "Embed Video news links in the Viva Connections Feed"
# Embed Video news links in the Viva Connections Feed
+> [!NOTE]
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
Learn how to communicate with your organization by embedding videos in the [Viva Connections Feed](viva-connections-overview.md). Videos are an engaging way to reach users in your organization. They provide endless opportunities to communicate with your organization. Share an update, rebroadcast an all-hands meeting, or provide reusable training materials. Learn more about [how videos are stored in Microsoft 365](https://aka.ms/NewStream).
diff --git a/Viva/connections/viva-connections-analytics.md b/Viva/connections/viva-connections-analytics.md
index 691cf12094..08cfa91682 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/viva-connections-analytics.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/viva-connections-analytics.md
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ This section breaks down usage data across the types of devices and apps used to
- **Total views by apps and devices**: Includes views for desktop, web, and mobile usage.
- **Engaged users by component**: Includes number of engaged users for the Dashboard, Feed, and Resources web parts.
- - **Dashboard**: Includes usage from the Dashboard web part.
- - **Feed**: Includes usage from the Feed web part.
+ - **Dashboard**: Includes usage from the Dashboard.
+ - **Feed**: Includes usage from the Feed.
- **Resources**: Includes usage from the tab in the mobile app and the desktop app (The global navigation bar in SharePoint isn't included).
:::image type="content" source="../media/connections/viva-connections-analytics/analytics-usage-details.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing data covering usage details." lightbox="../media/connections/viva-connections-analytics/analytics-usage-details.png":::
diff --git a/Viva/connections/viva-connections-overview.md b/Viva/connections/viva-connections-overview.md
index 31ecaae4c2..cb9e345cbf 100644
--- a/Viva/connections/viva-connections-overview.md
+++ b/Viva/connections/viva-connections-overview.md
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ Viva Connections is composed of three primary components - the feed, the dashboa
> [!NOTE]
-> - Components are expected to display slightly differently between desktop and mobile devices until Q2 of 2024.
+> Starting **September 1, 2024**, the feed for Viva Connection web part and the video news link will be removed and unavailable for SharePoint site editors to add to their sites. On **November 5, 2024**, support for the feed for Viva Connections web part and video news links will end and no longer display content.
+> Site owners are encouraged to use the [News](https://support.microsoft.com/office/c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165#bkmk_sitenews), [Viva Engage](https://support.microsoft.com/office/a53cfa0c-3d09-42c8-a286-1038a81c59da#highlights), [File and Media](/stream/streamnew/portals-single-video), and [Highlighted content](/stream/streamnew/portals-set-of-videos) web parts, and [Video pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7823449f-e2cc-48d2-bda7-2ee82518958a) as alternatives to using the feed for Viva Connections web part and the video news link. For more information, refer to the [Viva Connections Feed web part retirement support guidance documentation](feed-web-part-video-news-link-retirement.md).
| Component | Description |
| :------------------- | :------------------- |
diff --git a/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/copilot-dashboard.md b/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/copilot-dashboard.md
index 3f7ab33a63..3678ce5bf1 100644
--- a/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/copilot-dashboard.md
+++ b/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/copilot-dashboard.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-ms.date: 4/23/2024
+ms.date: 7/31/2024
title: Connect to the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard for Microsoft 365 customers
description: Explains how to set up and use the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard, which provides various metrics to help you see how employees are using Copilot and the impact it could have on your organization.
author: zachminers
@@ -429,10 +429,10 @@ Or, if the survey output is in a string format:
| User AAD ID/Email address | Question 1 | Question 2 | Question 3 | Question 4 |
-| abc@test.com | 75 (Normalized score) | 25 (Normalized score) | 0 (Normalized score) | 100 (Normalized score) |
-| xyz@test.com | 25 | 75 | N/A | 100 |
+| abc@test.com | 75 | 25 | 0 | 100 |
+| xyz@test.com | 25 | 75 | | 100 |
-The cells for the responses may contain “N/A” values for employees who did not respond to the question.
+For questions that did not receive an employee response, such as Question 3 for user xyz@test.com in the example above, the cell should be left blank in the .csv file.
For additional guidance on how to format your .csv file, refer to this example formatted .csv: [Impact Dashboard survey sample file](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2260529).
diff --git a/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/delegate-access.md b/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/delegate-access.md
index 13f34933b5..434fc40339 100644
--- a/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/delegate-access.md
+++ b/Viva/insights/org-team-insights/delegate-access.md
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ audience: Admin
# Delegate access to organizational insights and Copilot Dashboard
+>The Copilot Dashboard Delegation feature is gradually rolling out to customers so it might not be available to everyone right away.
You can delegate access to your organizational insights and Copilot Dashboard to other people within your company. In contrast to organizational insights, holding the group manager role isn’t required to delegate access to the Copilot Dashboard.
By granting delegate access, someone else at your company, such as your chief of staff or one of your direct reports, would have the same access you have to organizational insights. They can view them and operationalize business decisions based on the data and insights.