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Fab Project Board Agenda Minutes February 2022

GiorgiaLine edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 7 revisions

14th February 2022


  • Glenn Greed (Met Office) - Project Exec
  • Richard Gilham (Met Office) - Project Manager
  • Steven Wardle (Met Office) - Tech Lead
  • Steve Mullerworth (Met Office) - LFRic stakeholder
  • Douglas Boyd (Met Office) - UM Partnerships stakeholder
  • Giorgia Line (Met Office) - Secretary

Actions From Last Project Board


  • A6 RG to capture requirement to replicate GitHub Actions environment for interactive usage in the future.



  • A11 RG to circulate contractor work plan ASAP.


Present Project Phase

Things are progressing well. We have built JULES and the UM, and the Pull Request to get these onto master has been submitted.

There has been interest from the owner of GCOM to look at using Fab in the short term.

Pending the review of the Pull Request, the team are taking stock and also building knowledge in anticipation of moving on to LFRic.

Standing Items

Staff and Resourcing

Steve Wardle will be leaving the team in May.

There is no guarantee contractor funding will continue after March, but we are in strong position to argue for continued funding. If contractor funding is lost, the project will need to be paused due to lack of staff resource.


No significant convers.

Review Risk/Issue Log

Lack of staff resource is a risk.

Pathway to Green

The project is nominally green

Review Stakeholders

Suggest leaving for now and letting informal organic interactions mature a little.

Change Management Issues



Suggested that documentation on config files be put together to allow projects to port their configurations.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on 7th April 2022

Actions for next Project Board


  • A6 RG to capture requirement to replicate GitHub Actions environment for interactive usage in the future.
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