💥 This solution is destructive. It changes the object in question.
- Monkey patching is a technique to add, modify, or suppress the default behavior of a piece of code at runtime without changing its original source code.
- It's simply the dynamic replacement of attributes at runtime.
- Monkey patching is often considered a dangerous technique.
- The term monkey patch seems to have come from an earlier term, guerrilla patch, which referred to changing code sneakily – and possibly incompatibly with other such patches – at runtime. The word guerrilla, homophonous with gorilla (or nearly so), became monkey, possibly to make the patch sound less intimidating.
- An alternative etymology is that it refers to “monkeying about” with the code (messing with it).
If you add a new method to the myObj
object, it's not monkey-patched. You won't see the console.log from handleMethodCall