- Create a new empty C++ project
- Go to
- Set
Configuration Type
fromApplication (.exe)
toDynamic Library (.dll)
- In the same settings set the
C++ Language Standard
fromDefault (ISO C++14 Standard)
toPreview - Latest...
- Hit Apply and close the settings
- Switch your build configuration from
- Add a file
to your project - Add a
function and aMainThread
function (See code here)
- Take the contents of your CppSDK folder (by default
- Drop the contents into your VS projects' directory
- If you do not care about your projects' compilation time, add
#include "SDK.hpp"
at the top of yourMain.cpp
file - If you do care, and you want faster compilation-times, directly include only the files you require.
Adding#include "SDK/Engine_classes.hpp"
is a good start in this case. - Add
to your VS project - If you call a function from the SDK you need to add the .cpp file, that contains the function-body, to your project.
requires you to addEngine_functions.cpp
to your project.
- After attempting to build the SDK go to the "Error List" and make sure to select
Build Only
- If there are any static_asserts failing, or other errors occuring, during building, read the Issue part of the ReadMe
- FindObject, used to find an object by its' name
SDK::UObject* Obj1 = SDK::UObject::FindObject("ClassName PackageName.Outer1.Outer2.ObjectName"); SDK::UObject* Obj2 = SDK::UObject::FindObjectFast("ObjectName"); SDK::UObject* Obj3 = SDK::UObject::FindObjectFast("StructName", EClassCastFlags::Struct); // Finds a UStruct
- StaticFunctions / GlobalVariables, used to retreive class-instances from static variables
/* UWorld::GetWorld() replaces GWorld, no offset required */ SDK::UWorld* World = SDK::UWorld::GetWorld(); SDK::APlayerController* MyController = World->OwningGameInstance->LocalPlayers[0]->PlayerController;
- Non-Static functions
SDK::APlayerController* MyController = MagicFuncToGetPlayerController(); float OutX, OutY; MyController->GetMousePosition(&OutX, &OutY);
- Static functions
/* static functions do not require an instance, they are automatically called using their DefaultObject */ SDK::FName MyNewName = SDK::UKismetStringLibrary::Conv_StringToName(L"DemoNetDriver");
- With EClassCastFlags
/* Limited to some few types, but fast */ const bool bIsActor = Obj->IsA(EClassCastFlags::Actor);
- With a
/* For every class, but slower (faster than string-comparison) */ const bool bIsSpecificActor = Obj->IsA(ASomeSpecificActor::StaticClass());
UnrealEngine heavily relies on inheritance and often uses pointers to a base class, which are later assigned addresses to
instances of child classes.
if (MyController->Pawn->IsA(SDK::AGameSpecificPawn::StaticClass()))
SDK::AGameSpecificPawn* MyGamePawn = static_cast<SDK::AGameSpecificPawn*>(MyController->Pawn);
MyGamePawn->GameSpecificVariable = 30;
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
DWORD MainThread(HMODULE Module)
/* Code to open a console window */
FILE* Dummy;
freopen_s(&Dummy, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
freopen_s(&Dummy, "CONIN$", "r", stdin);
// Your code here
return 0;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD reason, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (reason)
CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MainThread, hModule, 0, 0);
return TRUE;
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "SDK/Engine_classes.hpp"
// Basic.cpp was added to the VS project
// Engine_functions.cpp was added to the VS project
DWORD MainThread(HMODULE Module)
/* Code to open a console window */
FILE* Dummy;
freopen_s(&Dummy, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
freopen_s(&Dummy, "CONIN$", "r", stdin);
/* Functions returning "static" instances */
SDK::UEngine* Engine = SDK::UEngine::GetEngine();
SDK::UWorld* World = SDK::UWorld::GetWorld();
/* Getting the PlayerController, World, OwningGameInstance, ... should all be checked not to be nullptr! */
SDK::APlayerController* MyController = World->OwningGameInstance->LocalPlayers[0]->PlayerController;
/* Print the full-name of an object ("ClassName PackageName.OptionalOuter.ObjectName") */
std::cout << Engine->ConsoleClass->GetFullName() << std::endl;
/* Manually iterating GObjects and printing the FullName of every UObject that is a Pawn (not recommended) */
for (int i = 0; i < SDK::UObject::GObjects->Num(); i++)
SDK::UObject* Obj = SDK::UObject::GObjects->GetByIndex(i);
if (!Obj)
if (Obj->IsDefaultObject())
/* Only the 'IsA' check using the cast flags is required, the other 'IsA' is redundant */
if (Obj->IsA(SDK::APawn::StaticClass()) || Obj->HasTypeFlag(SDK::EClassCastFlags::Pawn))
std::cout << Obj->GetFullName() << "\n";
/* You might need to loop all levels in UWorld::Levels */
SDK::ULevel* Level = World->PersistentLevel;
SDK::TArray<SDK::AActor*>& Actors = Level->Actors;
for (SDK::AActor* Actor : Actors)
/* The 2nd and 3rd checks are equal, prefer using EClassCastFlags if available for your class. */
if (!Actor || !Actor->IsA(SDK::EClassCastFlags::Pawn) || !Actor->IsA(SDK::APawn::StaticClass()))
SDK::APawn* Pawn = static_cast<SDK::APawn*>(Actor);
// Use Pawn here
* Changes the keyboard-key that's used to open the UE console
* This is a rare case of a DefaultObjects' member-variables being changed.
* By default you do not want to use the DefaultObject, this is a rare exception.
SDK::UInputSettings::GetDefaultObj()->ConsoleKeys[0].KeyName = SDK::UKismetStringLibrary::Conv_StringToName(L"F2");
/* Creates a new UObject of class-type specified by Engine->ConsoleClass */
SDK::UObject* NewObject = SDK::UGameplayStatics::SpawnObject(Engine->ConsoleClass, Engine->GameViewport);
/* The Object we created is a subclass of UConsole, so this cast is **safe**. */
Engine->GameViewport->ViewportConsole = static_cast<SDK::UConsole*>(NewObject);
return 0;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD reason, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (reason)
CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MainThread, hModule, 0, 0);
return TRUE;