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Deterministic Finite Automata

Consider the following type to represent Finite State Automata (FSAs):

type ('a,'b) fsa = {
  trans: ('a * 'b * 'a) list;      (* set of transitions *)
  init: 'a;                        (* initial state *)
  final: 'a list                   (* final states *)

The sets of states and labels of the FSA can be inferred by the transition relation. We assume that set are represented as lists, as done in this exercise.

In the asserts below, we use the following FSAs as examples:

(* m1 deterministic and complete *)
let m1 = { 
  trans = [(0,'0',0);(0,'1',1);
  init = 0;
  final = [1] }

(* m2 non-deterministic and non-complete *)
let m2 = { 
  trans = [(0,'0',0);(0,'0',1);
  init = 0;
  final = [1] }

(* m3 deterministic and non-complete *)
let m3 = { 
  trans = [(0,'0',0);(0,'1',1);
  init = 0;
  final = [1;2] }

In the asserts, we will use the following functions to compare sets:

let rec subseteq xl yl = match xl with
    [] -> true
  | x::xl' -> mem x yl && subseteq xl' yl;;

let seteq xl yl = (subseteq xl yl) && (subseteq yl xl);;

The project requires to implement the following functions on FSAs.

Get labels

getlabels m outputs the set of labels in the FSA m.

getlabels : ('a,'b) fsa -> 'b list

assert (seteq (getlabels m1) ['0';'1']);;
assert (seteq (getlabels m2) ['0';'1']);;
assert (seteq (getlabels m3) ['0';'1']);;

Get outgoing labels

outlabels m q outputs the set of outgoing labels from the state q.

outlabels : ('a,'b) fsa -> 'a -> 'b list

assert (seteq (outlabels m1 0) ['0';'1']);;
assert (seteq (outlabels m1 1) ['0';'1']);;
assert (seteq (outlabels m1 2) ['0';'1']);;
assert (seteq (outlabels m2 2) ['0']);;

Get states

getstates m outputs the set of states of the FSA m.

getstates : ('a,'b) fsa -> 'a list

assert (seteq (getstates m1) [0;1;2]);;
assert (seteq (getstates m2) [0;1;2]);;
assert (seteq (getstates m3) [0;1;2]);;

Check if FSA is complete

is_complete m evaluates to true iff the FSA m is complete, that is for each state there are outgoing transitions for all labels.

is_complete : ('a,'b) fsa -> bool

assert (is_complete m1);;
assert (is_complete m2 = false);;
assert (is_complete m3 = false);;

Check if FSA is deterministic

is_deterministic m evaluates to true iff the FSA m is deterministic.

is_deterministic : ('a,'b) fsa -> bool

assert (is_deterministic m1);;
assert (is_deterministic m2 = false);;
assert (is_deterministic m3);;

Single transition step

step1 q a m takes as input a state q, a label a and a complete DFA m, and outputs the state reached by reading a in q.

step1 : 'a -> 'b -> ('a,'b') fsa -> 'a

assert (step1 0 '0' m1 = 0);;
assert (step1 0 '1' m1 = 1);;
assert (step1 1 '0' m1 = 2);;
assert (step1 1 '1' m1 = 2);;
assert (step1 2 '0' m1 = 2);;
assert (step1 2 '1' m1 = 2);;

Sequence of transition steps

step q w m takes as input a state q, a word w and a complete DFA m, and outputs the state reached by reading w in q.

step : 'a -> 'b list -> ('a,'b) fsa -> 'a

assert(step 0 ['0';'0';'0'] m1 = 0);;
assert(step 0 ['0';'1';'1'] m1 = 2);;

Check if a word is accepted

accept w m evaluates to true iff the word w is accepted by the complete DFA m.

accept : 'a list -> ('b,'a) fsa -> bool

assert (accept ['0';'0';'1'] m1);;
assert (accept ['0';'0';'1';'1'] m1 = false);;
assert (accept ['1';'0';'0';'1'] m1 = false);;

Completing a FSA

complete m q constructs the completion of a FSA m with the sink state q.

complete : ('a,'b) fsa -> 'a -> ('a,'b) fsa

let m3' = complete m3 3;;
assert (is_complete m3');;
assert (accept ['0';'1';'0';'1'] m3');;
assert (accept ['0';'0';'1';'0';'0'] m3');;
assert (accept ['0';'1';'1';'0'] m3' = false);;