A Node.js CLI tool exposing an interface for converting a LI-HAR config to a K6 script.
- The CLI tool should be installable and runnable in Node.js (current LTS release) on OS X, Windows and Linux.
- The CLI tool should utilise the LI-HAR converter package.
// har-to-k6 CLI tool
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const yargs = require("yargs");
const { liHARToK6Script } = require("har-to-k6");
const argv = yargs
.usage("har-to-k6 <har-file>")
.usage("har-to-k6 <har-file> -o <k6-file>")
.option("out", {
alias: "o",
describe: "Output file",
type: "string"
function exit() {
const input = argv._[0] || exit();
const output = argv.out;
if (output) {
const har = fs.readFileSync(input, { encoding: "utf8" });
fs.outputFileSync(`${output}/test.js`, liHARToK6Script(har));
} else {
console.log("Please specify output file name");
# Usage
$ har-to-k6
har-to-k6 <har-file>
har-to-k6 <har-file> -o <k6-file>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--out, -o Output file [string]
$ har-to-k6 myharfile.har -o myk6script.js