Adapted from the "Lipid bilayers - Part I: Self-assembly" and "Lipid bilayers - Part II: Complex mixtures" Martini 3 Tutorials.
Complex mixtures with Insane
Adding a new lipid headgroup: 1-ethylnaphthalene-PG
Tools and scripts used in this tutorial
The Martini coarse-grained (CG) model was originally developed for lipids[1,2]. The underlying philosophy of Martini is to build an extendable CG model based on simple modular building blocks and to use only few parameters and standard interaction potentials to maximize applicability and transferability. Martini 3 greatly expanded the number of possible interactions, but retains this building-block approach[3]. Due to the modularity of Martini, a large set of different lipid types has been parameterized. Their parameters are available with the Martini 3 release archive. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up multicomponent bilayers with lipids from this collection, and how to assemble a new lipid from known fragments.
When setting up large and/or complex bilayers it is convenient to start with a bilayer close to equilibrium. This can be done by concatenating (e.g. using gmx genconf
) and/or altering previously formed bilayers, but an easier approach is to use a bilayer formation program such as
[4] (available here).
Note: This tutorial assumes you are familiar with running Martini 3 simulations with GROMACS, and with the organization of the particle and molecule topologies bundled with the Martini 3 release. Depending on the version of
you run, and on whether you run the supplied analysis, you will need to have installed the numpy and MDAnalysis Python packages. You can typically install them via the pip command:
pip3 install --user numpy mdanalysis
(INSert membrANE) is a CG building tool that generates membranes by distributing
lipids over a grid. Lipid structures are derived from simple template definitions. Many are
already included with the program (see below on how to add new ones). The program uses
two grids, one for the inner and one for the outer leaflet, and distributes the lipids randomly over the grid cells with numbers according to the relative quantities specified. This allows for building asymmetric bilayers with specific lipid compositions. The program also allows for adding solvent and ions, using a similar grid protocol to distribute them over a 3D grid. Finally, Insane
script can also be used to set up a complex (or simple!) bilayer system including membrane protein. Additional information about the functionality of Insane
can be found by running -h
Because Insane
deals mostly with structure generation, it can be used for both Martini 2 and 3 lipids, to the extent that they keep the same number of beads and mapping. However, beware that this may not be always true for future Martini 3 lipid models. Conversely, not all the lipid types you’ll find available in Insane
have been implemented in Martini 3.
You can find here the tutorial’s input files. Unpack the archive and enter the directory complex-bilayers/
. We will create with
a fully hydrated 3:1 mole ratio bilayer of dibehenoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DBPC) : dilinoleyl-phosphatidylcholine (DIPC), with physiological ion concentrations. DBPC has long saturated chains (22:0), whereas DIPC’s are shorter and polyunsaturated (18:2). Because of its saturation, DBPC has a gel-to-liquid transition temperature of 348 K; DIPC’s transition occurs at 216 K [5]. By simulating a mixture of these lipids at an intermediate temperature, we can expect the formation of two coexisting phases: a gel one enriched in DBPC, and a liquid one enriched in DIPC. In this tutorial we will be running a simulation at 283K, using DBPC and DIPC as opposite extremes to ensure a successful separation.
Start by running
python -salt 0.15 -x 25 -y 25 -z 11 -sol W -o membrane.gro -l DIPC:1 -l DBPC:3 -p
This will generate an initial configuration for the system membrane.gro
(Fig. 1A) and a starting point for a working topology
, which you must complete and correct. Your
should look something like this:
#include "martini_v3.0.0.itp"
#include "martini_v3.0.0_solvents_v1.itp"
#include "martini_v3.0.0_phospholipids_v1.itp"
#include "martini_v3.0.0_ions_v1.itp"
[ system ]
; name
INSANE! Membrane UpperLeaflet>DIPC:DBPC=1.0:3.0 LowerLeaflet>DIPC:DBPC=1.0:3.0
[ molecules ]
; name number
Then, energy minimize the structure and gently equilibrate the system using the provided .mdp
files. Note, because this simulation contains multiple components you will have to make an index file (using gmx make_ndx
) and group all the lipids together and all the solvent together to fit the specified groups in the .mdp
files; the .mdp
files provided expect the index group names Bilayer
and Solvent
gmx make_ndx -f membrane.gro -o index.ndx
> 2|3
> name 8 Bilayer
> 4|7
> name 9 Solvent
> q
After creating your index file index.ndx
you are ready to perform an energy minimization.
gmx grompp -f em.mdp -c membrane.gro -p -o min.tpr -n index.ndx -maxwarn 1
gmx mdrun -s min.tpr -v -c minimized.gro
As all the bilayer lipids and solvent were placed on a grid (Fig. 1A), even after minimization they can still be in an energetically unfavorable state. Due to the large forces involved it is sometimes (but not always) necessary to run a few equilibrium simulations using a short time step (1-10 fs) before running production simulations with longer Martini time steps (we will be using 20 fs). The initial grid order imposed by
should relax in a few ns (Fig. 1B), we recommend simulating for 5-30 ns using the Berendsen pressure coupling algorithm, to relax the membrane area:
gmx grompp -f eq.mdp -c minimized.gro -p -o eq.tpr -n index.ndx -maxwarn 1
gmx mdrun -s eq.tpr -v -c equilibrated.gro
Before switching to Parrinello-Rahman for the production run:
gmx grompp -f md.mdp -c equilibrated.gro -p -o phase_sep.tpr -n index.ndx
gmx mdrun -deffnm phase_sep -v -c phase_sep.gro
This mixture separates in about one microsecond at a temperature of 283 K (Fig. 1C,D,E). If you don’t want to wait that long for your simulation, a sample run is provided here.
If you have VMD installed and named your .tpr
file and output trajectory phase_sep.tpr
, phase_sep.xtc
, respectively, you can load a similar visualization to that in Fig. 1 by running the
This system can be subjected to several types of analysis (see here for general examples). Some specific analyses can be used to characterize this phase separation. Here we’ll quantify the ‘hexagonality’ of the lipid tail packing along the phase transition. In this measurement, that looks only at the tails’ first beads (see Fig 1B to understand why), a lipid tail is said to be hexagonally packed if:
- its first bead has at least 6 neighboring beads within 6 Å;
- all of its 6 closest neighbors have themselves at least 2 neighbors within 6 Å.
These criteria may yield some false positives and some false negatives, but are simple enough
for this application (beware that different studies may employ different criteria for
hexagonality). You can find the script
in the folder ../scripts
. This will compute hexagonality for every frame, and outputs a hexagonality.xvg
you can quickly plot with xmgrace. Make the script executable, if needed, run it, and appreciate the quantitative view of the degree of phase separation along time:
../scripts/ -f phase_sep.xtc -s phase_sep.tpr
xmgrace hexagonality.xvg
You have now prepared, simulated and analyzed a phase-separating binary mixture of DIPC and DBPC lipids. Molecular simulations have a limited numerical accuracy, and this can sometimes create temperature imbalances — particularly in phase-separating systems[6]. As an extra step, it would be wise to also check the temperature of the separated parts and see if there are any imbalances limiting or exacerbating the phase separation.
When working with complex lipid bilayer systems, you might find that your lipid of interest is not yet available in the Martini lipidome. If so, it might be necessary for you to parameterize a lipid headgroup yourself. In this part of the tutorial, we will use the small molecule parametrized in the previous tutorial as a lipid headgroup to create a 1-ethylnaphthalene-PG lipid as an example.
To create the 1-ethylnaphthalene-PG topology, we will combine the small molecule parametrized in the previous tutorial (1-ethylnaphthalene) and POPG
topologies for Martini 3 by employing a simple conjugation, assuming a bond between the
ethyl group of the small molecule (C1
) and the glycerol of the PG lipid (GL0
) with the same characteristics as the
phosphate – glycerol bond (PO4 – GL0
) already in place.
Enter the directory NewHeadgroup/
within the tutorial’s archive. Start by finding the topology for POPG within the Martini 3 phospholipid topologies (./martini_v3.0.0_phospholipids_v1.itp
), and the topology for 1-ethylnaphthalene (ENAP) created in the previous tutorial. Create a new file named ENAP_PG.itp
and copy over the two topologies.
Take a moment to look at the two topologies. These two must now be combined onto a single
topology, taking care not to break any of the bonded parameters already in place. The
simplest way of doing this is by using the POPG topology as a template and adding the ENAP
parameters on top. As such, start by renaming the molecule by changing the name in the [ moleculetype ]
section to ENAPG. We can then start merging the [ atoms ]
section by adding
the list of ENAP atoms/beads to the top of the POPG atoms already in place. Care must now
be taken to correctly renumber all of the atom entries as well as to change the residue names
At this point, your [ moleculetype ]
and [ atoms ]
sections should look something like this:
; molname nrexcl
; id type resnr residu atom cgnr charge
1 TC3 1 ENAPG C1 1 0 ;ENAP
2 TC5 1 ENAPG R2 2 0 45
3 TC5 1 ENAPG R3 3 0 45
4 TC5 1 ENAPG R4 4 0 0
5 TC5 1 ENAPG R5 5 0 45
6 TC5 1 ENAPG R6 6 0 45
7 P4 1 ENAPG GL0 7 0 ;POPG
8 Q5 1 ENAPG PO4 8 -1.0
9 SN4a 1 ENAPG GL1 9 0
10 N4a 1 ENAPG GL2 10 0
11 C1 1 ENAPG C1A 11 0
(continues …)
Now take a look at the bonded parameters in place in the [bonds]
and [angles]
Notice that since we renumbered the atom list, the POPG bonded parameters no longer
correspond to the correct atoms/beads. To fix this we simply need to update the numbering on
the bonded potentials to the current bead numbers:
The previous harmonic bond definition:
; i j funct length force.c.
1 2 1 0.36 7000 ;GL0 – PO4 bond
After renumbering will now be:
; i j funct length force.c.
7 8 1 0.36 7000 ;GL0 – PO4 bond
Renumber the POPG bonded parameters in the [ bonds ]
and [ angles ]
sections. After
you’ve done this we can now add the ENAP bonded parameters. The ENAP topology contains
2 bonds, 5 constraints, 3 improper dihedrals, 1 virtual site and exclusions. Since we added the ENAP atoms/beads first in the [ atoms ]
section we can simply add those to the list without needing to renumber them.
At this point we will now have the two topologies fully merged, however, the ENAP and
POPG moieties are not yet connected together! To connect them together we must add an
additional bonded potential, linking the POPG glycerol (GL0
) to the ethyl group of the ENAP molecule (C1
To do this we will assume that the bond in place is similar to the PO4 – GL0
in place. As
such, create a new bonded potential linking the GL0
and C1
beads with the same potential
type, bond length and force constant as that of the PO4 – GL0
The ENAP-PG topology is now complete.
Note that this was a “coarse” approach to the parameterization of a lipid headgroup, wher some assumptions were made for the sake of simplicity and brevity (e.g. assuming the
GL0 – C1
ester bond behaves as thePO4 – GL0
bond, assuming the small molecule's conformation dynamics remain the same when bonded to POPG, assuming the modified glycerol moiety is correctly represented by a P4 bead, etc.). However, this model could serve as a starting point for the refinement of a finer, more accurate model, focusing on the linkage details: bonds, angles, and dihedrals, as well as a finer tuning of the glycerol bead particle type. Refinement of lipid models typically use atomistic MD models of the same lipid as reference for their conformational dynamics. Additionally, other theoretical or experimental parameters are also used as reference targets, such as area per lipid. Refer to the tutorials on small molecule parameterization where some of these aspects are tackled in more detail.
Having created a topology for ENAP-PG we now want to incorporate it in bilayers assembled by insane. However, since this is a new lipid topology, there are no available templates for our ENAP-PG lipid in insane, and we must define it ourselves.
Lipids in insane
are defined schematically, based on templates. These templates roughly define the x,y,z pseudocoordinates for each of the CG beads. Adding a new template to insane
is as simple as defining the position of each of the lipid beads in this pseudocoordinate system. Due to its smooth energy landscape, Martini is quite robust and much more tolerant to distortions of the starting structures than, for example, atomistic simulations. This allows us to construct complex membranes from very simple lipid templates. (See the insane
publication for more details [1].) While different versions of insane
have slightly different template formatting (compare with the GitHub version, for instance), the overall approach is very similar. Use your text editor of choice to open the scripts/
file and look for the DPPC definition.
# PROTOLIPID (diacylglycerol), 18 beads
# 1-3-4-6-7--9-10-11-12-13-14 < -- This is the Lipid template
# \| |/ |
# 2 5 8-15-16-17-18-19-20
## Diacyl glycerols
moltype = "lipid"
lipidsx[moltype]=( 0, .5, 0, 0, .5, 0, 0, .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
lipidsy[moltype]=( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
lipidsz[moltype]=(10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
lipidsa.update({ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
"DPPC":(moltype, " - - - NC3 - PO4 GL1 GL2 C1A C2A C3A C4A - - C1B C2B C3B C4B - -
A lipid template is defined by setting the relative x,y,z pseudocoordinates for each of the
particles in the pseudotemplate in lipidsx
, lipidsy
and lipidsz
, respectively. Each lipid entry will then populate the particles in the template as required. If you scroll around
you will notice that some families of lipids will have their own templates, such as glycolipids or cardiolipins.
Note that the order in which the atoms are defined in the topology matters when defining the
lipid template. While lipid atoms in Martini are typically roughly ordered from top to bottom
(outermost headgroup bead to innermost acyl chain bead) this may not always be the case
(e.g. phosphoinositol phosphates are defined after the headgroup sugar ring when they are
typically the outermost beads). This is the case with our topology, where the we define first the bead that is connected wih the lipid
(C1) and only after the more superficial R2-R6 beads. While we could re-order and adapt our
topology to fit one of the pre-existing templates, we will create our own
template specific to ENAP-PG.
Start by drawing out the template for ENAP-PG, using the DPPC or POPG template as a guide. If you are struggling with visualizing the structure, pen and paper are your friends! Having drawn the template, assign x,y,z pseudocoordinates for each of the beads, based on the preexisting templates. In our case, every bead from the phosphate bead (PO4) down should match the default diacylglycerol template. Do not pay too much attention to the distances between beads since, as it was previously mentioned, Martini is quite robust in handling rough starting conformations. Distances of 0.5 or 1 between beads are typical.
While it is worth noting that there are many valid templates, in the end, your ENAP-PG template should look something like this (note the difference in z-positions relative to the existing diacylglycerol templates of moltype = "lipid"
# This is the new ENAP-PG lipid template
moltype = "lipid"
lipidsx[moltype] = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
lipidsy[moltype] = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
lipidsz[moltype] = ( 9, 10, 11, 10.5, 10, 11, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
"ENAPG": (moltype, "C1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 GL0 PO4 GL1 GL2 C1A D2A C3A C4A - - C1B C2B C3B C4B -- "),
If you’ve correctly added this entry to
, you should now be able to assemble
membranes containing ENAP-PG. Assemble a membrane composed of 5:1 POPG:ENAP-PG
using insane:
python2 -l POPG:5 -l ENAPG:1 -x 25 -y 25 -z 11 -pbc cubic -sol W -o membrane.gro -p
And use it as a starting point to run a simulation with this complex membrane mixture, as described in the Complex mixtures with Insane section.
If you are using the version of insane
that we pack with the tutorial, you can further refine it by adding ENAPG to the charges dictionary, which will allow you to use insane’s -salt
and -neutral
flags to get ionic strength and system neutralization in one go.
You now have a topology for a custom lipid, implemented in a way to be flexibly used by insane
for quick membrane building. Good job! When doing this with real-life cases of new lipids, don't forget to share your parameters with the community for added impact!
(downloadable here)MDAnalysis
[1] Marrink, S. J., De Vries, A. H., and Mark, A. E. (2004) Coarse grained model for semiquantitative lipid simulations. J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 750–760. DOI:10.1021/jp036508g
[2] Marrink, S. J., Risselada, H. J., Yefimov, S., Tieleman, D. P., and De Vries, A. H. (2007) The MARTINI force field: coarse grained model for biomolecular simulations. J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 7812–7824. DOI:10.1021/jp071097f
[3] Souza, P. C. T., Alessandri, R., et al. (2021) Martini 3: a general purpose force field for coarse-grained molecular dynamics. Nat. Methods 18, 382–388. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-021-01098-3
[4] Wassenaar, T. A., Ingólfsson, H. I., et al. Computational Lipidomics with insane: A Versatile Tool for Generating Custom Membranes for Molecular Simulations (2015) J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 2144–2155. DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.5b00209
[5] Thermotropic Phase Transitions of Pure Lipids in Model Membranes and Their Modifications by Membrane Proteins, Dr. John R. Silvius, Lipid-Protein Interactions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1982
[6] Thallmair, S., Javanainen, M., Fábián, F., Martinez-Seara, H., Marrink, S.J., Nonconverged Constraints Cause Artificial Temperature Gradients in Lipid Bilayer Simulations (2021) J. Phys. Chem. B 125(33), 9537–9546. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c03665
[7] Kilelee, E., Pokorny, Y., Yeaman, M. R., and Bayer, A. S. Lysyl-Phosphatidylglycerol Attenuates Membrane Perturbation Rather than Surface Association of the Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide 6W-RP-1 in a Model Membrane System: Implications for Daptomycin Resistance (2010) Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 54, 4476–4479. DOI:10.1128/AAC.00191-10