DeFined designd - DeFiChain printing service
The DeFiNode is a do-it-yourself DeFiChain full node DeFiChain original source code. No code will be altered during installation and will 100% taken from the DeFiChain repository.
- Easy installation (Easy mode and Expert mode)
- All functionalities of the official full node GUI wallet app
- Can run a Master node
- Controlled by web browser (From your PC or smartphone)
- 100% open source
A. Shopping list (also German)
C. DeFi Node Software Installation
- DeFi Main Menu (bash scripts)
- DeFi Raspberry PI Image
- DeFi AppImage
- OS installation
- Add coolers
- Connections (Stick, PSU, Mouse, Keyboard, HDMI, Network)
- First boot with monitor + mouse + keyboard
- Initial setup
- VNC activation (+ edit /boot/config.txt on stick: uncomment #hdmi force)
- Edit /boot/config.txt for VNC only usage
- (Optional) Edit resolution with “sudo raspberry-config”
- (Optional) Change hostname to “definode” with “sudo raspberry-config”
- Remote control VNCViewer
- Download script and execution
- First Wallet usage and test
- Download files
- Slice files (Tips with Raft)
- Print and Material (PLA)
- Clean up and Test print
- NEW! Order your DefiNode case online
- Put Raspberry into case
- Cut grids and insert
- Connect PSU
- Assembly the bottom
- Connect and assembly Fan
- Final Assembly (Stick and Network cable)
- Power on and Wallet usage
4. Bonus (only for advanced users with soldering iron) not essential for operation, but very cool
- Solder LED ring
- Assembly LED ring
- Connect LED ring (right after step 4.c)
- Install LED script and auto start it
- LED (rainbow) test and usage (in development)
5. FAQ and Trouble shooting guide
Please try to use the exact hardware models that are recommended in the shopping lists. A monitor and mouse keyboard are needed for the initial setup. Estimated cost around 100-150 USD - based on shops and location.
- Raspberry 4 4GB (or 8GB) amazon link
- Power Supply US - USB-C, 5V, >=3A amazon link
- Power Supply EU - USB-C, 5V, >=3A amazon link
- 256GB - Samsung FIT Plus Flash Drive amazon link min. 128GB version
- Heatsink for RPi4 : amazon link
- HDMI to micro HDMI adapter amazon link
- 20cm Jumper cable (you will only nee a couple of male -> female) amazon link
- Cooling Super Silent Fan 7 amazon link
- Bumper Pads 10mm-12mm wide and 2mm-4mm high or similar I.e. amazon link
- Fan Filters amazon link
- Depending on your monitor input, you will need a HDMI cable or a HDMI -> (DFI, VGA...) adapter
- Network cable to your router (you can use Wi-Fi if you have a good 5Ghz connection). Ethernet is recommended
- 12 x LED Ring amazon link
- Raspberry 4 4GB (or 8GB) amazon link
- Power Supply EU - USB-C, 5V, >=3A amazon link
- 256GB - Samsung FIT Plus Flash Drive amazon link min. 128GB version
- Heatsink for RPi4 : amazon link
- HDMI to micro HDMI adapter amazon link
- 20cm Jumper cable (you will only nee a couple of male -> female) amazon link
- Cooling Super Silent Fan 7 amazon link
- Bumper Pads 10mm-12mm wide and 2mm-4mm high or similar I.e. amazon link
- Fan Filters amazon link
- Depending on your monitor input, you will need a HDMI cable or a HDMI -> (DFI, VGA...) adapter
- Network cable to your router (you can use Wi-Fi if you have a good 5Ghz connection). Ethernet is recommended
- Bonus:
- 12 x LED Ring amazon link
- Cutter to clean the 3D Prints
- Scissors to cut the Fan Filters
- Big screw driver or a 5ct coin to open the case gain if needed
- Bonus: Soldering iron only for LED Ring (everything can run without the LED Ring)
There are three ways to set up a DeFi Node:
- Markus' trational, proven and purist way with the help of the DeFi main menu and the different bash scripts (see top of page). Required installation time about 2.5 hours. The DeFi wallet is displayed in a browser on port 5050.
- Using Daniel's RaspberryPI Image provided on Google Drive and the RaspberryPI Imager. Required installation time about 10Min. The DeFi wallet is displayed in a browser on port 5050.
- Using Martin's DeFi Wallet AppImage. Required installation time about 10Min. The DeFi wallet is an App on the Raspberry PI.
- Go to official Raspberry Pi OS
- Download Raspberry Pi Imager for your specific OS (Windows, Mac, Linux)
- Insert your Samsung FIT Plus Flash Drive into your PC/Mac
- Select Raspberry Pi OS 32Bit
- Select Samsung FIT Plus Flash Drive
- Click "Write" and follow the instructions
- Assemble the heatsinks on the Raspberry (follow the instructions in package).
- Connect the Ethernet cable to you Raspberry Pi and router (check your DHCP router config if needed)
- Connect the micro HDMI adapter + cable to your monitor input
- Connect mouse and keyboard to the Raspberry Pi USB ports
- Connect Samsung FIT Plus Flash Drive to a USB 3.0 (blue) port on your Raspberry Pi
Now your basic DeFiNode should look like this:
- Plug it in
- Use the switch to switch on the Raspberry Pi (LEDs should light up)
Welcome to Raspberry Pi OS! You should see this screen on your monitor.
Follow the screen and setup your language, Wi-Fi (it is recommended to use a Ethernet connection for stability) an password. It is important you write this password down. It will be needed later on.
For reference check the instructions on VNC tool: VNC
Write down your the local IP Address by moving the mouse cursor on the connection icon in the top right corner (we might need it later on)
Edit /boot/config.txt for VNC only usage (mandatory if you want to use the Definode without a monitor)
- Open the file manager
- Navigate to /boot/ folder
- Double click on config.txt
- Look for the entry: "#hdmi_force_hotplug=1"
- Delete the #
- Save the file
- Reboot Definode
- Open terminal
- Enter
sudo raspberry-config
- Select Display
- Select resolution
- Select the preferred resolution
- Exit with OK
- Reboot
Standard hostname is raspberrypi
. You can change the name to definode
to be able to enter the wallet in your browser with http:\\definode:5050
instead with http:\\raspberrypi:5050
- Open terminal
- Enter
sudo raspi-config
- Select System options
- Select Hostname
- Change it to ```definode``
- Exit with OK
- Reboot
- Download and install VNCViewer tool on your PC/Mac: VNCViewer
- DefiNode should be powered on and running
- Open VNCViewer
- Click "New connection"
- Enter the hostname of your DefiNode in "VNC Server". If you changed it to
, please use this.raspberrypi
is the standard hostname. You can also enter the local IP address, you've written down, as mentioned above. - Klick OK
- Double click the new connection
- enter
as username - enter the password you gave the DefiNode at the first boot
- press OK and you should see the DefiNode desktop
Now you can connect to it any time from any device and mage it conveniently.
🎉 Congratulations! You've done a very good Job so far! 🎉
🎉 You can now disconnect the external Monitor, mouse and keyboard and proceed work with the Remote Desktop 🎉
- Open a new terminal Terminal
- Enter: this command and press ENTER
git clone && cd definode && sudo sh
🎇 #Watch the magic happening (for ~3h) 🎇
I know its long but this is really necessary to ensure you build the official software from DeFiChain on your DeFiNode.
- Steps done in the background:
- Downloading and installing the official DeFiChain software. Nothing is changed and 100% original source code is downloaded
- Downloading the latest blockchain snapshot (no 100% sync needed after installation)
- Start DeFiChain and wallet
There may be some orange messages appear in the terminal, but this is nothing to worry about.
When everything is finished and running you will get the message "Please open your browser http://localhost:5050" in the terminal
Open the chromium browser on your DeFiNode and enter http://localhost:5050 -> press enter
You can also use your PC/Mac/Mobile phone browser (when in same LAN) and enter the IP Address (or hostname) + Port to remote control the Node from other devices. I.e.
-> press enter. You can bookmark this in your browser.
For advanced use, like backup / restore wallet, master nodes, blockchain explorer... please check the FAQ and troubleshooting guide below.
🎉 Congratulations! You've successfully installed the Defichain software on your DeFiNode 🎉
All files can be found in the 3D files folder. Every part was specifically designed for 3D printing and can be easily printed with every FMD printer.
My preferred material and settings:
- 0.4mm nozzle
- Temps depending on the brand you are using
Use your favorite slicing tool.
I recommend using raft for:
- The top part
- The mid part
Rest of the parts can be printed directly on the plate.
Use higher quality settings to have the best looking DefiNode.
Add support where the slicer recommends
After the print, clean everything very good and remove the support.
Check out the new printing service by Gabriel Kunzer You can order your case in many colors! Great service! 🔥
If you successfully finished step 1 and the wallet was running in the Raspberry you can now start assembling the DefiNode. Please clan the 3D print as good as you can. You can use a cutter knife to remove support or other unnecessary remaining.
Shutdown via VNC (not just power off) your Raspberrypi. Remove all connections and USD stick.
- Use a soft material table pad on the table if possible.
- Slice in the Raspberry connectors first
- Press the back side very gently in to the hocks.
That’s it, no screws, nothing. Easy, isn't it!
Prepare scissors, cutting template and the flexible fan grids you've purchased from Amazon.
- Use the template to cut two fitting grids
- If it will not fit right away, you can trim them later on
- Make sure the slots are clear very clear, so you can easily insert the grid.
- Check the orientation and slide in the grid. This should go very smooth.
- Slide the cable in like in the picture below
- Connect the USB-C connector to the raspberrypi
- Flip the case und put the power cable into the strain relive and hole at the back.
- Make sure the power switch is outside the case
- Here you can add a SSD if you want too.
- Make sure the bottom is oriented like in the picture. I will not fit otherwise!
- Put the mid part on top
- Make sure the locking mechanism aligns 100%
- Slightly press down the mid
- It should slide and lock pretty smoothly. When not, check for 3D printing remaining and remove them.
- Always make sure the cables align
- Prepare the fan and two jumper cables (male -> female)
- Connect both to the Black and Red wires on the Fan connector (yellow is not needed). I dosn't matter what colors the jumper cables have.
- Connect the jumper cables according to the picture
- Red cable goes to Pin 2 on the Raspberry
- Black cable goes to Pin 6 on the Raspberry
- I should look like this (don't pay attention to the green, yellow and orange jumper. Those are for the LED ring and will be described later)
You can switch on the Raspberry without the USD Stick to test if the fan is running.
- Insert Fan exactly like in the picture. You can bend the jumper cable so the fan will not hit the when rotating.
- Organize the cables and insert the air guide like in the image below. Make sure the air guide is flat on the fan and has a good fit. If not, check if the cables are proper organized.
Check again if the fan is working by powering on the Raspberry without the USB Stick.
You cannot close the DefiNode by mounting the top. Make sure it aligns and press is slightly down.
If you have to open it again, you can use a big screwdriver or a 5ct coin or similar.
- Connect the LAN cable
- Insert the USB Stick
- You can now power on the DeFiNode and process with using the wallet a described in chapter 1.
If you want to make your DeFiNode even cooler, you can add a RGB LED Ring to it. The Ring can be programmed to show any animation you want. For now a pink circle indicates the DefiNode is running.
As in the shopping list, you need to get one RGB LED ring and 3 jumper (female -> male) cables (you should have them already)
[x] LED Ring amazon link
What you need:
Solder the male side of the jumper cable only to:
- DI pad
- 5V pad
- GND pad
DO pad is not needed here. Color of the jumper cable is not important. As long as you do the Raspberrypi connection properly.
Now it should look like this
- Mount the ring as in the image below. Don’t use too much pressure, you may break off the hock.
(TBD) but check the txt on GitHub
(TBD) but check the txt on GitHub
Put your wallet.dat in your definode/defichain folder. Make sure you habe a backup of your wallet.dat
Go to your definode/defichain folder and copy your wallet.dat on an USB device or go to your definode folder and run the this script: sudo -E sh Your backup is still on your Raspberry Pi. Make sure you store it somewhere else.
Try it again :-)
On your desktop you will find the "DeFiNode Main Menu" or open via console sudo -E sh
Keep calm and relax. Your DeFiNode i almost ready.
We are working on that. Just use or
defi-cli is your friend For more informations type in your console docker exec defi_node defi-cli help createmasternode and follow the instructions on:
Go to your expert scripts (see 5d) and use option "8 Repair DeFiNode"
Check your IP Address
Check USB device or SD Card. Check Power Supply
The information provided by DefiNode GitHub, Twitter, Reddit and Telegram is for general informational purposes only. All information on the sites and channels is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site or our channels.
Last updated July 23, 2021