A program visualizing the A* pathfiniding algorithm. The user can draw obstacles in the program that the path generated by A* has to avoid.
You can either:
- Run A_Star_Pathfinding.exe in build/exe.win32-3.8.
- Run A_Star_Pathfinding.py in the main folder (you will then have to install necessary dependencies).
When the progam is running, a grid of boxes will appear. The following commands are used to interact with the program.
- Use the keys e and s to mark the start and end point of the path.
- Use r to reset the grid.
- Use right mouse button to draw obstacles.
- Use left mouse button to remove obstacles.
- Use c to clear the work of the algorithm, and keep the obstacles you have drawn.
- Use space to start the algorithm.
- Use arrow up to increase the delay between each step in the algorithm, and arrow down to decrease (resulting in a faster/slower visualization)
Martin Ansteensen 2020