This directory holds data across 5 indicators for the Gender Inequality Index, holds the data I've cleaned, the Python file, an HTML file, and some of the bokeh visualizations.
is clean data file for the secondary education indicator after I reshaped data, set new indexes, and took out ".." and null values.
is clean data file for labor indicator after I reshaped data, set new indexes, and took out ".." and null values.
is clean data file for maternal mortality ratio indicator after I reshaped data, set new indexes, and took out ".." and null values.
is clean data file for the percentage of parliament seats indicator after I reshaped data, set new indexes, and took out ".." and null values.
is the orginial data file for the percentage of birth rates from UNDP.
is the orginial data file with country, continent, and the Gender Inequality Index ranking.
is a plot I made from bokeh.
is a folder with all of theses files.
is the orginal data file of the indicator.
is the orginal data file of the indicator.
is the orginal file with continent and Human Development Index.
is the orginal data file of the indicator.
is a html version of my code.
is a python file of my code.
is a bokeh plot.