- 線上購物系統
- 買家可以註冊帳號並在網站上選購商品
- 賣家可從生產商進貨,並上架賣給消費者,並有後台管理系統可以管理自己的商城
- 買家
- 可以在賣場搜尋商品種類,商家名稱,並把商品加入購物車
- 可從購物車刪除已選擇的商品
- 在購物車裡可以選擇商品數量並購買
- 購買後的商品可在歷史紀錄裡查看
- 可以與賣家溝通
- 賣家
- 可訂商品到指定倉庫
- 可從倉庫選擇商品上架販賣
- 可確認倉庫和架上貨品狀態
- 可查看出售紀錄
- 可以查看時間內營業額
- 可以與買家溝通
Download MySQL at here.
- We set username as "root".
Go to MySQL shell:
mysql -u root -p
Create a data base which is called "relation".
create database relation;
Leave MySQL shell.
Move .sql file from terminal to MySQL. (dbexport.sql is the DataBase you want to inport)
mysql -u root -p relation < {dbexport.sql}
Go to MySQL shell again.
mysql -u root -p
Go to relation DataBase.
use relation;
Check Customer in DataBase.
select * from Customer;
If there is something in your screen, then mysql is successfully installed.
- go to backend/config.js to set your MySQL setting
database_config:{ host: 'localhost', user: 'root', password: 'yourPassword', database: 'relation' }
- first, insall mongodb
brew install mongodb
- second, create db named dis_sys in mongodb
> use dis_sys switched to db dis_sys
- running the script below
and you should have a collection in "dis_sys" whose name is "chat"
node ./backend/chat_service/test/insert_data_for_test.js
- run as root
or if user is sudo-er
npm i -g pm2
sudo npm i -g pm2
go to backend and frontend directory and run
npm install
after installing the modules, run command below in backend
pm2 start process.json
if there is an error in web, run
npm run serve
in frontend instead
now you can use the website