This project is a decentralized marketplace DApp built with Next.js and Solidity, deployed on the Sepolia Ethereum testnet. It enables users to interact with a smart contract marketplace, where items or courses can be bought and sold in a secure, decentralized environment.
The Decentralized Marketplace DApp leverages Solidity for smart contract development, Next.js for a responsive frontend, Web3.js to connect the frontend with the Ethereum blockchain, and Truffle for smart contract deployment and management. This project demonstrates key concepts of blockchain integration in a DApp and provides features such as user authentication, course or item ownership verification, and real-time data retrieval from the blockchain.
- Smart Contract Integration: Fully integrated with Ethereum, specifically Sepolia testnet, allowing interactions directly with deployed smart contracts.
- User Authentication: User login and wallet connection through MetaMask.
- Ownership Verification: Verify item or course ownership using blockchain data.
- Frontend: Next.js, React
- Blockchain Integration: Solidity, Web3.js, MetaMask
- Smart Contract Deployment: Sepolia Ethereum testnet