Use webpack and react to create a tested app that allows a user to search an API.
Possible API choices:
- (the one used in class)
Part of this assignment is to research the API you are going to use. Don't assume these all are going to work!. Requirements:
- supports CORS (search from AJAX call)
- searchable (ideally on more than one thing)
- paged
- Prompt the user on initial load to enter criteria
- aka not searched is different than nothing found
- Allow the user to search on one or more criteria
- Bonus! for criteria condition that comes from the API!
- Call the API and display a loading indicator
- Present the search results and clear the loading indicator
- Account for "page size". Does not have to be user settable, but it can!
- Display
- Search Term(s) used
- Total count of results
- "page of pages"
- Show Paging Controls
- Previous and Next
- Disable when not possible
- Bonus! Results per page selectable
- Bonus! Render specific page numbers around current range
- Sketch out UI and decompose into components
- Transfer to tree diagram and map out state, props and event
Test components:
- Trigger events
- Use snapshot testing
- Include each state if component has multiple representations
- Standard project setup (config, package.json, etc.)
- Include
- Organize
- components into separate files
- css by component
- Components
- Lift state
- Data down, events up
- Services
- Encapsulate the API calls into a module in the
- Encapsulate the API calls into a module in the
- Keep code clean
- Follow component architecture guidelines 2pts
- Functionality and Usability to Requirements 4pts
- Idiomatic React 2pts
- Clean code and project organization 2pts