Some coding puzzles and examples to keep you ticking and most important of all... to have some fun. Note: This is not a competition! You're also not compelled to favourite or watch. If you're interested in adding, changing by all means dig in and please feel free to suggest/change. We all have a TTL...
Life in the matrix goes on
- GarlandWord - [Readme] (
- AnagramChecker - [Readme] (
- Palindrome - [Readme] (
- LongestCharRunIndexFinder - [Readme] (
- GridRectanglesCalculator - Calculate the number of rectangles in a given m*n grid - [Readme] (
- ReverseFactorialFinder - [Readme] (
- KaprekarsRoutine - [Readme] (
- YesterdaysStockPrice - [Readme] (
Below are examples from Coderbyte
- FirstReverse - [Readme] (
Examples from CodeWars
- CommonStrings - [Readme] (
- MaximumLengthDifference - [Readme] (
- ReversingFun - [Readme] (
- DiamondPrinter - [Readme] (
- StringRotationCalculator - [Readme] (
- CompleteThePattern#1 - [Readme] (
- CompleteThePattern#2 - [Readme] (
- FindParityOutlier - [Readme] (