Support for .gif
file format.
type pixel = Color.pixel
Colors are defined by the Color
type image = {height: int, width: int, data: pixel Seq.t}
An image is a Seq.t
where the pixel at (i,j)
is stored
at index i*width + j
. That is, i
(where 0 <= i < height
) is the row
index, and j
(where 0 <= j < width
) is the column index. The top-left of
the image is at (0,0)
Note: this representation is identical to PPM.image
, making
it easy to interface between the two structures.
val write: string -> image -> unit
write path img
outputs the image img
to a file at the path path
should have .gif
file extension). The output image is compressed to 128
val writeMany:
string (* output path *)
-> int (* microsecond delay between images *)
-> Palette.t (* a color palette *)
-> { width: int (* images to output w/ colors defined by palette indices *)
, height: int
, numImages: int
, getImage: int -> int Seq.t
-> unit
writeMany path usDelay palette {width, height, numImages, getImage}
a simple animation to the path path
(which should have file extension .gif
The animation is set to loop forever, and between each frame of the animation
is a delay of usDelay
There are numImages
frames in the animation, where the n
th frame is defined
by getImage(n)
. The result of getImage
should be a sequence of color
palette indices, where the palette index of the pixel at (i,j)
is given by
Seq.nth (getImage(n)) (i*width + j)
See below for more info about color palettes. In particular, note that an
image can be compressed into a color palette using #remap palette image
type t = {colors: pixel Seq.t, remap: image -> int Seq.t}
The color palette type. The number of colors is Seq.length colors
, and
the i
th color is defined as Seq.nth colors i
Color palettes come with a remap
function to efficiently remap an entire
val remapColor: t -> pixel -> int
remapColor palette p
computes the palette index of the pixel p
. (The
new color is Seq.nth (#colors palette) i
where i
is the result of
val summarize: pixel list -> int -> image -> t
summarize mandatoryColors numColors image
constructs a "well-space" color
palette by sampling from image
. The first argument, mandatoryColors
, is a
list of colors that must be included in the palette. The second argument,
, is the desired number of colors in the output palette.
val summarizeBySampling: pixel list -> int -> (int -> pixel) -> t
Similar to summarize
, except that rather than sampling from an image, we
instead use an arbitrary sampling function. In particular,
summarizeBySampling mandatoryColors numColors sample
will compute a
"well-spaced" color palette from the colors
{sample(0), sample(1), sample(2), ...}
. It will take as many samples as
necessary to produce a decent palette of size numColors
val quantized: (int * int * int) -> t
Construct a simple uniformly quantized color palette by bucketing. The
arguments are (rnb, gnb, bnb)
which are the number of buckets for each of
red, green, and blue, respectively.
Requires: 1 <= rnb,gnb,bnb <= 256
such that
rnb * gnb * bnb <= 256
This structure has various internal details about the .gif
LZW compression
scheme. These are not documented, and are only exposed in the interface
for purposes of benchmarking.