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File metadata and controls

191 lines (143 loc) · 5.5 KB

functor AdjacencyGraph(Vertex: INTEGER)

Implements a graph in compressed-sparse-row (CSR) format. The vertex type is specified by the functor argument Vertex, ascribing to INTEGER.

A graph abstractly is a collection of directed edges between vertices. Vertices are labeled 0 to n-1, and each edge is an ordered pair (u,v). Multi-edges (i.e., duplicates) are allowed if desired.

This representation is for directed graphs. Undirected graphs can be represented by replacing each undirected edge with two directed edges, one in each direction. This is called a symmetrized graph.

Basic Interface

type vertex =
type graph

Vertices, and the graph type defined by this module.

val numVertices: graph -> int

The number of vertices in the graph. Vertices are labeled from 0 to n-1. Cost: constant work and span.

val numEdges: graph -> int

The number of edges in the graph (including duplicates, if any). Cost: constant work and span.

val degree: graph -> vertex -> int

degree g u is the number of edges in graph g of the form (u,v). In other words, the number of out-neighbors of u (including duplicates, if any). This is also equal to the length of neighbors g u.

Cost: constant work and span.

val neighbors: graph -> vertex -> vertex Seq.t

neighbors g u returns the neighbors of u. In other words, the collection of vertices v such that there exists an edge (u,v). This includes duplicates if there are multi-edges. Note that Seq.length (neighbors g u) = degree g u.

Cost: constant work and span.


val fromSortedEdges: (vertex * vertex) Seq.t -> graph

Construct a graph from a sequence of edges (u,v) sorted by us. E.g. input [(0,2),(0,1),(1,0)] is valid but [(1,0),(0,2),(0,1)] is not. The resulting graph has n+1 vertices, where n is the largest vertex label appearing in the input.

Work: O(n+m) where n is the larget input vertex label and m is the number of input edges.

Span: polylog(n+m)

val dedupEdges: (vertex * vertex) Seq.t -> (vertex * vertex) Seq.t

Deduplicates a collection of edges.

Work: O(m log m) for m edges.

Span: polylog(m)

val randSymmGraph: int -> int -> graph

randSymmGraph n d constructs a pseudorandom symmetrized graph of n vertices with average degree approximately equal to d.

Work: O(nd log(nd))

Span: polylog(nd)

val parityCheck: graph -> bool

A quick sanity check for symmetrized graphs. If g is symmetrized, then parityCheck g returns true. Otherwise, on non-symmetrized graphs, false positives are possible but unlikely.

Work: O(n+m) for n vertices and m edges.

Span: polylog(n+m)

Graph File I/O

val parseFile: string -> graph

parseFile path parses a graph from the file at path (relative to the current directory). The graph should be in either AdjacencyGraph or AdjacencyGraphBin format, described below.

val writeAsBinaryFormat: graph -> string -> unit

writeAsBinaryFormat g path writes graph g to a file at path in the AdjacencyGraphBin format, described below.

Graph File Formats

The above functions consider graphs written in files. There are two formats: a human-readable format, and a binary format. The binary format is typically not significantly smaller in size, but can be as much as 10x faster to read into memory.

Human-readable format. A graph file in this format should begin with three lines. The first line should be just the string AdjacencyGraph. The second line should be the number of vertices. The third line should be the number of edges. The file then has n+m additional lines for the contents of the graph, where n is the number of vertices, and m is the number of edges. The first n of these are the neighbor offsets of the corresponding vertex. Then the final m lines are the neighbors.

For example, the graph [(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(2,1)] could be represented by the following file.


And an annotated explanation (annotations should not be included in the actual file).

3    # 3 vertices
4    # 4 edges
0    # neighbors of v0 start at offset 0
2    # neighbors of v1 start at offset 2
3    # neighbors of v2 start at offset 3
1    # beginning of v0's neighbors (offset 0)
0    # beginning of v1's neighbors (offset 2)
1    # beginning of v2's neighbors (offset 3)

Binary format. A graph in this format should begin with the ASCII bytes AdjacencyGraphBin followed by a newline (i.e. hex byte 0a). The rest of the file is a sequence of 64-bit unsigned words, written in big-endian byte order. The data itself is exactly the same data as the human-readable format: we first write the number of vertices (as a 64-bit word), next the number of edges (as a 64-bit word), next the offset of the 0th vertex's neighbors (as a 64-bit word), etc.

Here is a hexdump of the binary form of the above example:

$ hexdump -C sample-bin
00000000  41 64 6a 61 63 65 6e 63  79 47 72 61 70 68 42 69  |AdjacencyGraphBi|
00000010  6e 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00  |n...............|
00000020  00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000030  00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000040  00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 01                    |..........|