All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix wrong bitrate
- Added the ability to optimize video files
- Added XTR support to /donate command
- Added the ability to trim transparent areas
- Use a new laravel-model-settings package
- Optimized /stats command
- Fixed 1€ donation amount changing it to 1$
- Added ability to change the template
- Added missing bot tests
- Fix missing thousands separator in /stats command
- Added watermark status in main settings message
- Bug fix: wrong conversion from enum to string
- Fix license in readme
- Removed reporting missing view
- Added new language: Polish
- Fixed wrong file_id exception
- Fixed saving wrong chat_id in statistics table
- Inverted default queue connections
- Conversations refactoring
- Exceptions handlers refactoring
- Fix error 500 removing PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance global middleware
- Fix invalid file due to animated webp files
- Fix wrong localization string in /about command
- Fix nullable values in WatermarkPosition
- Fixed handling common errors
- Fixed handling exceptions in news system
- Changed cache driver to database
- Updated changelog
- Increased nutgram timeout
- Fixed missing translation in donate conversation
- Fixed missing muted notifications filtering
- Fixed the image scaling
- Bot rewritten from scratch
- Added /watermark command
- Added /version command
- Added compressed photo support
- Added jpg support
- Added automatic resize
- First release