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115 lines (98 loc) · 4.71 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
115 lines (98 loc) · 4.71 KB

Session 1 Notes

Plan for Today

  1. Install Python IDE, packages
  2. Understanding HTTP, interacting with API
  3. Set up API credentials
  4. Live coding to pull tweets
    • What Elon Musk tweeted
    • What kind of tweets that Taylor Swift liked
    • Tweets related to ND Sports with hashtag #GoIrish
    • What are people talking about Justice Breyer's retirement (Time Permitting)

HTTP and 404

What is HTTP protocol?

Client Request - Server Response

How is HTTP related to Twitter API?

The data pulling through Twitter API follows HTTP protocol. It is very useful for debugging when the API returns error message.

Frequent HTTP Status Code:


  1. Successful responses: 200 (Successful)
  2. Client-end error response: 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden), 404 (Not Found)
    • Response Status Code starting with 4 means the client end has error(s).
    • Check the request detail
  3. Server-end error response: 500 (Internal Server Error), 503 (Service Unavailable)
    • Response Status Code starting with 5 means the server end (Twitter Server) has error(s).
    • Nothing you can do about it, wait and retry

Tweet Cap and Rate Limit

Twitter Limits How Much and How Frequent You Can Request Data

  1. Monthly Tweet Cap
  2. Rate Limit

Packages Import

  1. Tweepy: the package to build connection to Twitter API
  2. Pandas: the package for data processing

Example 1: Pull Elon Musk's Timeline

Elon Musk Tweets

  • There is a cap of 3200 tweets for pulling a certain user's timeline.
  • Each request allows a maximum of 100 tweets, use for loop and next_token to send sequential requests
  • To pull more than 3200 tweets of user's timeline, use search_all_tweets and query operators.

Tweet API Basics

  1. By default, the API only returns the id and the text fields.
  2. Tweepy Response
    • data
    • error
    • includes
      • user
      • tweet
    • meta
  3. Request additional fields
    • author_id
    • context_annotations
    • conversation_id
    • created_at
    • entities
    • in_reply_to_user_id
    • public_metrics
    • referenced_tweets
  1. Expansions
  • To request the reference tweets data. Referenced tweets are quoted tweets or the tweets that are replied to.
  • An example:

Example: Quoted Tweets

Available Expansions: Expansions

Example 2: Pull Tweets Taylor Swift Liked

  • Allows you to get information about a user’s liked Tweets.
  • use function get_liked_tweets

Example 3: Pull Tweets Contains #GoIrish

  • use search_recent_tweets() (essential or elevated account) - allow to pull data within the last 7 days
  • or use search_all_tweet() (academic research account) - allow to pull the full-archive data of twitter, back to 2006
  • Simple query: hashtag only

Example 4: Pull Tweets about Justice Breyer's Retirement

  • use search_recent_tweets() (essential or elevated account) - allow to pull data within the last 7 days
  • or use search_all_tweet() (academic research account) - allow to pull the full-archive data of twitter, back to 2006
  1. Building Query
    • keyword
    • "exact phrase match"
    • #
    • @
    • from:
    • to:
    • conversation_id:
    • is:retweet
    • is:quote
    • negation
  2. Specify Periods
  • Date and time format (ISO 8601/RFC 3339) with 24h-clock. UTC timezone.
    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
    • 2022-01-31T00:00:01Z
    • 2022-02-01T23:59:59Z
    • Note the date specified above is in UTC timezone, you will need to convert time from local time to UTC
      • e.g. ET 2022-01-31 00:00:01 -> UTC 2022-01-31T05:00:01Z
