Thank you for your interest in helping out, your help is greatly appreciated ❤️.
Make sure you take a look at the README first to get an understanding of the project.
To report an issue, head over to the issues page. First, search for any similar issues to see if someone has already solved or began talking about your issue. If not, feel free to open up a new issue
To help solve an issue, take a look for issues that have not already been assigned as those are the issues which are still up for grabs.
To add your own changes to this project, fork this project and check out the development section of the README. It will detail how to get set up for development and testing.
Once you have your changes in your own repo, you can open a pull request to request that your changes be added to this repository. Here are some tips for making a great pull request:
- Make sure you review and test your changes first so that your pull request isn't rejected due to a small oversight or syntax error.
- If you are solving an issue, make sure you link your PR to it.
- Make sure the "Allow edits by maintainers" checkbox is checked. This will allow maintainers tweak some things.