diff --git a/components/match2/wikis/criticalops/match_summary.lua b/components/match2/wikis/criticalops/match_summary.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4d8592868b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/match2/wikis/criticalops/match_summary.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+-- @Liquipedia
+-- wiki=criticalops
+-- page=Module:MatchSummary
+-- Please see https://github.com/Liquipedia/Lua-Modules to contribute
+local Class = require('Module:Class')
+local Logic = require('Module:Logic')
+local Lua = require('Module:Lua')
+local DisplayHelper = Lua.import('Module:MatchGroup/Display/Helper', {requireDevIfEnabled = true})
+local MatchSummary = Lua.import('Module:MatchSummary/Base', {requireDevIfEnabled = true})
+local GREEN_CHECK = '[[File:GreenCheck.png|14x14px|link=]]'
+local NO_CHECK = '[[File:NoCheck.png|link=]]'
+local ARROW_LEFT = '[[File:Arrow sans left.svg|15x15px|link=|Left team starts]]'
+local ARROW_RIGHT = '[[File:Arrow sans right.svg|15x15px|link=|Right team starts]]'
+local EPOCH_TIME = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
+local EPOCH_TIME_EXTENDED = '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
+local TBD = 'TBD'
+-- Score Class
+---@class CriticalopsScore
+---@operator call(string|number|nil): CriticalopsScore
+---@field root Html
+---@field table Html
+---@field top Html
+---@field bottom Html
+local Score = Class.new(
+ function(self, direction)
+ self.root = mw.html.create('div')
+ :css('width','70px')
+ :css('text-align', 'center')
+ :css('direction', direction)
+ self.table = self.root:tag('table'):css('line-height', '29px')
+ self.top = mw.html.create('tr')
+ self.bottom = mw.html.create('tr')
+ end
+---@return CriticalopsScore
+function Score:setLeft()
+ self.table:css('float', 'left')
+ return self
+---@return CriticalopsScore
+function Score:setRight()
+ self.table:css('float', 'right')
+ return self
+---@param score string|number|nil
+---@return CriticalopsScore
+function Score:setMapScore(score)
+ local mapScore = mw.html.create('td')
+ mapScore
+ :attr('rowspan', 2)
+ :css('font-size', '16px')
+ :css('width', '25px')
+ :wikitext(score or '')
+ self.top:node(mapScore)
+ return self
+---@param side string
+---@param score number
+---@return CriticalopsScore
+function Score:setFirstHalfScore(score, side)
+ local halfScore = mw.html.create('td')
+ halfScore
+ :addClass('brkts-popup-body-match-sidewins')
+ :addClass('brkts-cs-score-color-' .. side)
+ :wikitext(score)
+ self.top:node(halfScore)
+ return self
+---@param side string
+---@param score number
+---@return CriticalopsScore
+function Score:setSecondHalfScore(score, side)
+ local halfScore = mw.html.create('td')
+ halfScore
+ :addClass('brkts-popup-body-match-sidewins')
+ :addClass('brkts-cs-score-color-' .. side)
+ :wikitext(score)
+ self.bottom:node(halfScore)
+ return self
+---@return Html
+function Score:create()
+ self.table:node(self.top):node(self.bottom)
+ return self.root
+-- Map Veto Class
+---@class CriticalopsMapVeto: MatchSummaryRowInterface
+---@operator call: CriticalopsMapVeto
+---@field root Html
+---@field table Html
+local MapVeto = Class.new(
+ function(self)
+ self.root = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('brkts-popup-mapveto')
+ self.table = self.root:tag('table')
+ :addClass('wikitable-striped'):addClass('collapsible'):addClass('collapsed')
+ self:createHeader()
+ end
+---@return CriticalopsMapVeto
+function MapVeto:createHeader()
+ self.table:tag('tr')
+ :tag('th'):css('width','33%'):done()
+ :tag('th'):css('width','34%'):wikitext('Map Veto'):done()
+ :tag('th'):css('width','33%'):done()
+ return self
+---@param firstVeto number?
+---@return CriticalopsMapVeto
+function MapVeto:vetoStart(firstVeto)
+ local textLeft
+ local textCenter
+ local textRight
+ if firstVeto == 1 then
+ textLeft = 'Start Map Veto'
+ textCenter = ARROW_LEFT
+ elseif firstVeto == 2 then
+ textCenter = ARROW_RIGHT
+ textRight = 'Start Map Veto'
+ else return self end
+ self.table:tag('tr'):addClass('brkts-popup-mapveto-vetostart')
+ :tag('th'):wikitext(textLeft or ''):done()
+ :tag('th'):wikitext(textCenter):done()
+ :tag('th'):wikitext(textRight or ''):done()
+ return self
+---@param map string?
+---@return CriticalopsMapVeto
+function MapVeto:addDecider(map)
+ map = Logic.emptyOr(map, TBD)
+ local row = mw.html.create('tr'):addClass('brkts-popup-mapveto-vetoround')
+ self:addColumnVetoType(row, 'brkts-popup-mapveto-decider', 'DECIDER')
+ self:addColumnVetoMap(row, map)
+ self:addColumnVetoType(row, 'brkts-popup-mapveto-decider', 'DECIDER')
+ self.table:node(row)
+ return self
+---@param vetotype string?
+---@param map1 string?
+---@param map2 string?
+---@return CriticalopsMapVeto
+function MapVeto:addRound(vetotype, map1, map2)
+ map1 = Logic.emptyOr(map1, TBD)
+ map2 = Logic.emptyOr(map2, TBD)
+ local class
+ local vetoText
+ if vetotype == 'ban' then
+ vetoText = 'BAN'
+ class = 'brkts-popup-mapveto-ban'
+ elseif vetotype == 'pick' then
+ vetoText = 'PICK'
+ class = 'brkts-popup-mapveto-pick'
+ elseif vetotype == 'defaultban' then
+ vetoText = 'DEFAULT BAN'
+ class = 'brkts-popup-mapveto-defaultban'
+ else
+ return self
+ end
+ local row = mw.html.create('tr'):addClass('brkts-popup-mapveto-vetoround')
+ self:addColumnVetoMap(row, map1)
+ self:addColumnVetoType(row, class, vetoText)
+ self:addColumnVetoMap(row, map2)
+ self.table:node(row)
+ return self
+---@param row Html
+---@param styleClass string
+---@param vetoText string
+---@return CriticalopsMapVeto
+function MapVeto:addColumnVetoType(row, styleClass, vetoText)
+ row:tag('td')
+ :tag('span')
+ :addClass(styleClass)
+ :addClass('brkts-popup-mapveto-vetotype')
+ :wikitext(vetoText)
+ return self
+---@param row Html
+---@param map string
+---@return CriticalopsMapVeto
+function MapVeto:addColumnVetoMap(row, map)
+ row:tag('td'):wikitext(map):done()
+ return self
+---@return Html
+function MapVeto:create()
+ return self.root
+---@class CriticalopsMatchStatus: MatchSummaryRowInterface
+---@operator call: CriticalopsMatchStatus
+---@field root Html
+local MatchStatus = Class.new(
+ function(self)
+ self.root = mw.html.create('div')
+ self.root
+ :addClass('brkts-popup-comment')
+ :css('white-space', 'normal')
+ :css('font-size', '85%')
+ end
+---@param content Html|string|number|nil
+---@return CriticalopsMatchStatus
+function MatchStatus:content(content)
+ self.root:node(content):node(MatchSummary.Break():create())
+ return self
+---@return Html
+function MatchStatus:create()
+ return self.root
+local CustomMatchSummary = {}
+---@param args table
+---@return Html
+function CustomMatchSummary.getByMatchId(args)
+ return MatchSummary.defaultGetByMatchId(CustomMatchSummary, args, {width = '400px'})
+---@param match MatchGroupUtilMatch
+---@return MatchSummaryBody
+function CustomMatchSummary.createBody(match)
+ local body = MatchSummary.Body()
+ if match.dateIsExact or (match.date ~= EPOCH_TIME_EXTENDED and match.date ~= EPOCH_TIME) then
+ if Logic.isNotEmpty(match.extradata.status) then
+ match.stream = {rawdatetime = true}
+ end
+ -- dateIsExact means we have both date and time. Show countdown
+ -- if match is not epoch=0, we have a date, so display the date
+ body:addRow(MatchSummary.Row():addElement(
+ DisplayHelper.MatchCountdownBlock(match)
+ ))
+ end
+ -- Iterate each map
+ for _, game in ipairs(match.games) do
+ if game.map then
+ body:addRow(CustomMatchSummary._createMap(game))
+ end
+ end
+ -- Add the Map Vetoes
+ if match.extradata.mapveto then
+ local vetoData = match.extradata.mapveto
+ if vetoData then
+ local mapVeto = MapVeto()
+ for _,vetoRound in ipairs(vetoData) do
+ if vetoRound.vetostart then
+ mapVeto:vetoStart(tonumber(vetoRound.vetostart))
+ end
+ if vetoRound.type == 'decider' then
+ mapVeto:addDecider(vetoRound.decider)
+ else
+ mapVeto:addRound(vetoRound.type, vetoRound.team1, vetoRound.team2)
+ end
+ end
+ body:addRow(mapVeto)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Match Status (postponed/ cancel(l)ed)
+ if match.extradata.status then
+ local matchStatus = MatchStatus()
+ matchStatus:content('Match ' .. mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(match.extradata.status) .. '')
+ body:addRow(matchStatus)
+ end
+ return body
+---@param game MatchGroupUtilGame
+---@return MatchSummaryRow
+function CustomMatchSummary._createMap(game)
+ local row = MatchSummary.Row()
+ local extradata = game.extradata or {}
+ -- Score
+ local team1Score = Score():setLeft()
+ local team2Score = Score('rtl'):setRight()
+ -- Teams map score
+ team1Score:setMapScore(game.scores[1])
+ team2Score:setMapScore(game.scores[2])
+ local t1sides = extradata['t1sides'] or {}
+ local t2sides = extradata['t2sides'] or {}
+ local t1halfs = extradata['t1halfs'] or {}
+ local t2halfs = extradata['t2halfs'] or {}
+ -- Teams half scores
+ for sideIndex, side in ipairs(t1sides) do
+ local oppositeSide = t2sides[sideIndex]
+ if math.fmod(sideIndex, 2) == 1 then
+ team1Score:setFirstHalfScore(t1halfs[sideIndex], side)
+ team2Score:setFirstHalfScore(t2halfs[sideIndex], oppositeSide)
+ else
+ team1Score:setSecondHalfScore(t1halfs[sideIndex], side)
+ team2Score:setSecondHalfScore(t2halfs[sideIndex], oppositeSide)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Map Info
+ local mapInfo = mw.html.create('div')
+ mapInfo :addClass('brkts-popup-spaced')
+ :wikitext('[[' .. game.map .. ']]')
+ :css('text-align', 'center')
+ :css('padding','5px 2px')
+ :css('flex-grow','1')
+ if game.resultType == 'np' then
+ mapInfo:addClass('brkts-popup-spaced-map-skip')
+ elseif game.resultType == 'draw' then
+ mapInfo:wikitext('(Draw)')
+ end
+ -- Build the HTML
+ row:addElement(CustomMatchSummary._createCheckMark(game.winner == 1))
+ row:addElement(team1Score:create())
+ row:addElement(mapInfo)
+ row:addElement(team2Score:create())
+ row:addElement(CustomMatchSummary._createCheckMark(game.winner == 2))
+ -- Add Comment
+ if not Logic.isEmpty(game.comment) then
+ row:addElement(MatchSummary.Break():create())
+ local comment = mw.html.create('div')
+ comment :wikitext(game.comment)
+ :css('margin', 'auto')
+ row:addElement(comment)
+ end
+ row:addClass('brkts-popup-body-game'):css('font-size', '85%'):css('overflow', 'hidden')
+ return row
+---@param isWinner boolean?
+---@return Html
+function CustomMatchSummary._createCheckMark(isWinner)
+ local container = mw.html.create('div')
+ container:addClass('brkts-popup-spaced'):css('line-height', '27px')
+ if isWinner then
+ container:node(GREEN_CHECK)
+ else
+ container:node(NO_CHECK)
+ end
+ return container
+return CustomMatchSummary