diff --git a/components/match2/test/match_test.lua b/components/match2/test/match_test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b08de3eef37..00000000000
--- a/components/match2/test/match_test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
--- @Liquipedia
--- wiki=commons
--- page=Module:Match/testcases
--- Please see https://github.com/Liquipedia/Lua-Modules to contribute
-local Match = require('Module:Match')
-local MatchTestConfig = require('Module:Match/testcases/config')
-local ScribuntoUnit = require('Module:ScribuntoUnit')
-local suite = ScribuntoUnit:new()
-function suite:testSplitRecordsByType()
-	self:assertDeepEquals(
-		MatchTestConfig.EXPECTED_OUTPUT_AFTER_SPLIT, Match.splitRecordsByType(MatchTestConfig.EXAMPLE_MATCH))
-	self:assertDeepEquals(
-		MatchTestConfig.EXPECTED_OUTPUT_AFTER_SPLIT_SC2, Match.splitRecordsByType(MatchTestConfig.EXAMPLE_MATCH_SC2))
-	---intended missmatch
-	---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch
-	self:assertDeepEquals({}, Match.splitRecordsByType(nil))
-	---intended missmatch
-	---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch
-	self:assertDeepEquals({}, Match.splitRecordsByType('something'))
-return suite
diff --git a/components/match2/test/match_test_config.lua b/components/match2/test/match_test_config.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c1e735eef..00000000000
--- a/components/match2/test/match_test_config.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
--- @Liquipedia
--- wiki=commons
--- page=Module:Match/testcases/config
--- Please see https://github.com/Liquipedia/Lua-Modules to contribute
-local MatchTestConfig = {}
-MatchTestConfig.EXAMPLE_MATCH = {
-	['bracketdata'] = {
-		['bracketindex'] = 0,
-		['sectionheader'] = '',
-		['title'] = 'Round 2 High Matches',
-		['type'] = 'matchlist',
-	},
-	['bracketid'] = 'FALLOCR1R2',
-	['date'] = '2021-10-15T06:45:00+00:00',
-	['dateexact'] = true,
-	['extradata'] = {
-		['isconverted'] = 0,
-		['isfeatured'] = false,
-		['shift'] = '6f6a-ground-zero-gaming-vs-the-grogans',
-		['team1icon'] = '',
-		['team2icon'] = '',
-	},
-	['finished'] = 'true',
-	['map1'] = {
-		['extradata'] = {},
-		['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-		['mode'] = '3v3',
-		['participants'] = {},
-		['scores'] = {
-			'3',
-			'2',
-		},
-		['winner'] = 1,
-	},
-	['map2'] = {
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['ot'] = 'true',
-			['otlength'] = '+0:10',
-		},
-		['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-		['mode'] = '3v3',
-		['participants'] = {},
-		['scores'] = {
-			'2',
-			'1',
-		},
-		['winner'] = 1,
-	},
-	['map3'] = {
-		['extradata'] = {},
-		['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-		['mode'] = '3v3',
-		['participants'] = {},
-		['scores'] = {
-			'1',
-			'2',
-		},
-		['winner'] = 2,
-	},
-	['map4'] = {
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['ot'] = 'true',
-			['otlength'] = '+0:25',
-		},
-		['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-		['mode'] = '3v3',
-		['participants'] = {},
-		['scores'] = {
-			'2',
-			'1',
-		},
-		['winner'] = 1,
-	},
-	['matchid'] = '0001',
-	['mode'] = '3v3',
-	['shift'] = '6f6a-ground-zero-gaming-vs-the-grogans',
-	['opponent1'] = {
-		['icon'] = 'Ground Zero Gaming 2019 std.png',
-		['name'] = 'Ground Zero Gaming',
-		['placement'] = 1,
-		['score'] = '3',
-		['status'] = 'S',
-		['template'] = 'ground zero gaming 2019',
-		['type'] = 'team',
-	},
-	['opponent2'] = {
-		['icon'] = 'Rocket_League.png',
-		['name'] = 'The Grogans',
-		['placement'] = 2,
-		['score'] = '1',
-		['status'] = 'S',
-		['template'] = 'the grogans',
-		['type'] = 'team',
-	},
-	['parent'] = '',
-	['stream'] = {
-		['twitch'] = 'monyoce',
-	},
-	['twitch'] = 'monyoce',
-	['winner'] = 1,
-	['gameRecords'] = {
-		{
-			['extradata'] = {},
-			['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-			['mode'] = '3v3',
-			['participants'] = {},
-			['scores'] = {
-				'3',
-				'2',
-			},
-			['winner'] = 1,
-		},
-		{
-			['extradata'] = {
-				['ot'] = 'true',
-				['otlength'] = '+0:10',
-			},
-			['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-			['mode'] = '3v3',
-			['participants'] = {
-			},
-			['scores'] = {
-				'2',
-				'1',
-			},
-			['winner'] = 1,
-		},
-		{
-			['extradata'] = {},
-			['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-			['mode'] = '3v3',
-			['participants'] = {},
-			['scores'] = {
-				'1',
-				'2',
-			},
-			['winner'] = 2,
-		},
-		{
-			['extradata'] = {
-				['ot'] = 'true',
-				['otlength'] = '+0:25',
-			},
-			['map'] = 'DFH Stadium',
-			['mode'] = '3v3',
-			['participants'] = {},
-			['scores'] = {
-				'2',
-				'1',
-			},
-			['winner'] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	['matchRecord'] = {
-		['bracketdata'] = {
-			['bracketindex'] = 0,
-			['sectionheader'] = '',
-			['title'] = 'Round 2 High Matches',
-			['type'] = 'matchlist',
-		},
-		['bracketid'] = 'FALLOCR1R2',
-		['date'] = '2021-10-15T06:45:00+00:00',
-		['dateexact'] = true,
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['isconverted'] = 0,
-			['isfeatured'] = false,
-			['shift'] = '6f6a-ground-zero-gaming-vs-the-grogans',
-			['team1icon'] = '',
-			['team2icon'] = '',
-		},
-		['finished'] = 'true',
-		['matchid'] = '0001',
-		['mode'] = '3v3',
-		['shift'] = '6f6a-ground-zero-gaming-vs-the-grogans',
-		['parent'] = '',
-		['stream'] = {
-			['twitch'] = 'monyoce',
-		},
-		['twitch'] = 'monyoce',
-		['winner'] = 1,
-	},
-	['opponentRecords'] = {
-		{
-			['icon'] = 'Ground Zero Gaming 2019 std.png',
-			['name'] = 'Ground Zero Gaming',
-			['placement'] = 1,
-			['score'] = '3',
-			['status'] = 'S',
-			['template'] = 'ground zero gaming 2019',
-			['type'] = 'team',
-		},
-		{
-			['icon'] = 'Rocket_League.png',
-			['name'] = 'The Grogans',
-			['placement'] = 2,
-			['score'] = '1',
-			['status'] = 'S',
-			['template'] = 'the grogans',
-			['type'] = 'team',
-		},
-	},
-	['playerRecords'] = {
-		{},
-		{}
-	},
-MatchTestConfig.EXAMPLE_MATCH_SC2 = {
-	['bracketdata'] = {
-		['bracketindex'] = 0,
-		['bracketreset'] = '',
-		['bracketsection'] = 'lower',
-		['header'] = 'NA Tie-breaker (Bo5)',
-		['quallose'] = 'false',
-		['qualskip'] = '0',
-		['qualwin'] = 'false',
-		['sectionheader'] = '',
-		['skipround'] = '0',
-		['thirdplace'] = '',
-		['tolower'] = '',
-		['toupper'] = '',
-		['type'] = 'bracket',
-	},
-	['bracketid'] = 'Liquipedia_1597534682',
-	['cancelled'] = 'false',
-	['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-	['dateexact'] = true,
-	['extradata'] = {
-		['featured'] = 'false',
-		['ffa'] = 'false',
-		['noQuery'] = 'true',
-	},
-	['featured'] = 'false',
-	['finished'] = true,
-	['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-	['icon'] = 'Intel Extreme Masters orig icon.png‎',
-	['links'] = {
-		['lrthread'] = 'https://tl.net/forum/sc2-tournaments/530850-iem-xii-pyeongchang-day-one',
-	},
-	['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-	['lrthread'] = 'https://tl.net/forum/sc2-tournaments/530850-iem-xii-pyeongchang-day-one',
-	['map1'] = {
-		['$notEmpty$'] = 'Catalyst',
-		['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['comment'] = '',
-			['header'] = '',
-			['loserrace'] = 'z',
-			['noQuery'] = 'true',
-			['opponent1'] = 'Cham',
-			['opponent2'] = 'Scarlett',
-			['winnerrace'] = 'z',
-		},
-		['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-		['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-		['map'] = 'Catalyst LE',
-		['mode'] = '1v1',
-		['participants'] = {
-			['1_1'] = {
-				['faction'] = 'z',
-				['player'] = 'Cham',
-			},
-			['2_1'] = {
-				['faction'] = 'z',
-				['player'] = 'Scarlett',
-			},
-		},
-		['patch'] = '',
-		['scores'] = {
-			0,
-			1,
-		},
-		['type'] = 'Offline',
-		['winner'] = '2',
-	},
-	['map2'] = {
-		['$notEmpty$'] = 'Blackpink',
-		['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['comment'] = '',
-			['header'] = '',
-			['loserrace'] = 'z',
-			['noQuery'] = 'true',
-			['opponent1'] = 'Cham',
-			['opponent2'] = 'Scarlett',
-			['winnerrace'] = 'z',
-		},
-		['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-		['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-		['map'] = 'Blackpink LE',
-		['mode'] = '1v1',
-		['participants'] = {
-			['1_1'] = {
-				['faction'] = 'z',
-				['player'] = 'Cham',
-			},
-			['2_1'] = {
-				['faction'] = 'z',
-				['player'] = 'Scarlett',
-			},
-		},
-		['patch'] = '',
-		['scores'] = {
-			0,
-			1,
-		},
-		['type'] = 'Offline',
-		['winner'] = '2',
-	},
-	['map3'] = {
-		['$notEmpty$'] = 'Neon Violet Square',
-		['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['comment'] = '',
-			['header'] = '',
-			['loserrace'] = 'z',
-			['noQuery'] = 'true',
-			['opponent1'] = 'Cham',
-			['opponent2'] = 'Scarlett',
-			['winnerrace'] = 'z',
-		},
-		['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-		['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-		['map'] = 'Neon Violet Square LE',
-		['mode'] = '1v1',
-		['participants'] = {
-			['1_1'] = {
-				['faction'] = 'z',
-				['player'] = 'Cham',
-			},
-			['2_1'] = {
-				['faction'] = 'z',
-				['player'] = 'Scarlett',
-			},
-		},
-		['patch'] = '',
-		['scores'] = {
-			0,
-			1,
-		},
-		['type'] = 'Offline',
-		['winner'] = '2',
-	},
-	['matchid'] = 'R01-M001',
-	['mode'] = '1_1',
-	['noQuery'] = 'true',
-	['opponent1'] = {
-		['extradata'] = {},
-		['match2players'] = {
-			{
-				['displayname'] = 'Cham',
-				['extradata'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-				},
-				['flag'] = 'Mexico',
-				['name'] = 'Cham',
-			},
-		},
-		['name'] = 'Cham',
-		['placement'] = 2,
-		['score'] = 0,
-		['status'] = 'S',
-		['sumscore'] = 0,
-		['type'] = 'solo',
-	},
-	['opponent2'] = {
-		['extradata'] = {},
-		['match2players'] = {
-			{
-				['displayname'] = 'Scarlett',
-				['extradata'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-				},
-				['flag'] = 'Canada',
-				['name'] = 'Scarlett',
-			},
-		},
-		['name'] = 'Scarlett',
-		['placement'] = 1,
-		['score'] = 3,
-		['status'] = 'S',
-		['sumscore'] = 3,
-		['type'] = 'solo',
-	},
-	['parent'] = '',
-	['series'] = 'Intel Extreme Masters',
-	['stream'] = {},
-	['tickername'] = 'IEM Season XII - PyeongChang',
-	['tournament'] = 'IEM Season XII - PyeongChang',
-	['type'] = 'Offline',
-	['vod'] = 'https://youtu.be/pIr5DbR9QC0',
-	['winner'] = '2',
-	['gameRecords'] = {
-		{
-			['$notEmpty$'] = 'Catalyst',
-			['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-			['extradata'] = {
-				['comment'] = '',
-				['header'] = '',
-				['loserrace'] = 'z',
-				['noQuery'] = 'true',
-				['opponent1'] = 'Cham',
-				['opponent2'] = 'Scarlett',
-				['winnerrace'] = 'z',
-			},
-			['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-			['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-			['map'] = 'Catalyst LE',
-			['mode'] = '1v1',
-			['participants'] = {
-				['1_1'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-					['player'] = 'Cham',
-				},
-				['2_1'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-					['player'] = 'Scarlett',
-				},
-			},
-			['patch'] = '',
-			['scores'] = {
-				0,
-				1,
-			},
-			['type'] = 'Offline',
-			['winner'] = '2',
-		},
-		{
-			['$notEmpty$'] = 'Blackpink',
-			['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-			['extradata'] = {
-				['comment'] = '',
-				['header'] = '',
-				['loserrace'] = 'z',
-				['noQuery'] = 'true',
-				['opponent1'] = 'Cham',
-				['opponent2'] = 'Scarlett',
-				['winnerrace'] = 'z',
-			},
-			['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-			['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-			['map'] = 'Blackpink LE',
-			['mode'] = '1v1',
-			['participants'] = {
-				['1_1'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-					['player'] = 'Cham',
-				},
-				['2_1'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-					['player'] = 'Scarlett',
-				},
-			},
-			['patch'] = '',
-			['scores'] = {
-				0,
-				1,
-			},
-			['type'] = 'Offline',
-			['winner'] = '2',
-		},
-		{
-			['$notEmpty$'] = 'Neon Violet Square',
-			['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-			['extradata'] = {
-				['comment'] = '',
-				['header'] = '',
-				['loserrace'] = 'z',
-				['noQuery'] = 'true',
-				['opponent1'] = 'Cham',
-				['opponent2'] = 'Scarlett',
-				['winnerrace'] = 'z',
-			},
-			['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-			['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-			['map'] = 'Neon Violet Square LE',
-			['mode'] = '1v1',
-			['participants'] = {
-				['1_1'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-					['player'] = 'Cham',
-				},
-				['2_1'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-					['player'] = 'Scarlett',
-				},
-			},
-			['patch'] = '',
-			['scores'] = {
-				0,
-				1,
-			},
-			['type'] = 'Offline',
-			['winner'] = '2',
-		},
-	},
-	['matchRecord'] = {
-		['bracketdata'] = {
-			['bracketindex'] = 0,
-			['bracketreset'] = '',
-			['bracketsection'] = 'lower',
-			['header'] = 'NA Tie-breaker (Bo5)',
-			['quallose'] = 'false',
-			['qualskip'] = '0',
-			['qualwin'] = 'false',
-			['sectionheader'] = '',
-			['skipround'] = '0',
-			['thirdplace'] = '',
-			['tolower'] = '',
-			['toupper'] = '',
-			['type'] = 'bracket',
-		},
-		['bracketid'] = 'Liquipedia_1597534682',
-		['cancelled'] = 'false',
-		['date'] = '2018-02-05T03:00:00+00:00',
-		['dateexact'] = true,
-		['extradata'] = {
-			['featured'] = 'false',
-			['ffa'] = 'false',
-			['noQuery'] = 'true',
-		},
-		['featured'] = 'false',
-		['finished'] = true,
-		['game'] = 'Legacy of the Void',
-		['icon'] = 'Intel Extreme Masters orig icon.png‎',
-		['links'] = {
-			['lrthread'] = 'https://tl.net/forum/sc2-tournaments/530850-iem-xii-pyeongchang-day-one',
-		},
-		['liquipediatier'] = '1',
-		['lrthread'] = 'https://tl.net/forum/sc2-tournaments/530850-iem-xii-pyeongchang-day-one',
-		['matchid'] = 'R01-M001',
-		['mode'] = '1_1',
-		['noQuery'] = 'true',
-		['parent'] = '',
-		['series'] = 'Intel Extreme Masters',
-		['stream'] = {},
-		['tickername'] = 'IEM Season XII - PyeongChang',
-		['tournament'] = 'IEM Season XII - PyeongChang',
-		['type'] = 'Offline',
-		['vod'] = 'https://youtu.be/pIr5DbR9QC0',
-		['winner'] = '2',
-	},
-	['opponentRecords'] = {
-		{
-			['extradata'] = {},
-			['name'] = 'Cham',
-			['placement'] = 2,
-			['score'] = 0,
-			['status'] = 'S',
-			['sumscore'] = 0,
-			['type'] = 'solo',
-		},
-		{
-			['extradata'] = {},
-			['name'] = 'Scarlett',
-			['placement'] = 1,
-			['score'] = 3,
-			['status'] = 'S',
-			['sumscore'] = 3,
-			['type'] = 'solo',
-		},
-	},
-	['playerRecords'] = {
-		{
-			{
-				['displayname'] = 'Cham',
-				['extradata'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-				},
-				['flag'] = 'Mexico',
-				['name'] = 'Cham',
-			},
-		},
-		{
-			{
-				['displayname'] = 'Scarlett',
-				['extradata'] = {
-					['faction'] = 'z',
-				},
-				['flag'] = 'Canada',
-				['name'] = 'Scarlett',
-			},
-		},
-	},
-return MatchTestConfig