If you skip this - you'll need to go through the operator code and remove references + it wont support tls
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.13.1/cert-manager.yaml
If you want to use another namespace, please refer to the values.yaml of the nifioperator and update it as well as the cluster resources to support it.
The operator "Watches" resources in a specific namespaces only so you have to configure the role properly.
kubectl create namespace nifi
helm install nifikop ./nifioperator --namespace nifi
uid=$(kubectl get namespace nifi -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.openshift.io/sa.scc.supplemental-groups}' | sed 's//10000$//' | tr -d '[:space:]')
helm install nifikop
--set runAsUser=$uid
Make sure to replace global.storageClass with your own. Also, increase these resoure limits don't fit production.
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper
--set resources.requests.memory=256Mi
--set resources.requests.cpu=250m
--set resources.limits.memory=256Mi
--set resources.limits.cpu=250m
--set global.storageClass=ebs-sc
--set networkPolicy.enabled=true
--set replicaCount=3
Run the following to get the zk UID
zookeper_uid=$(kubectl get namespace zookeeper -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.openshift\.io/sa\.scc\.supplemental-groups}' | sed 's/\/10000$//' | tr -d '[:space:]')
helm install zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper \
--set resources.requests.memory=256Mi \
--set resources.requests.cpu=250m \
--set resources.limits.memory=256Mi \
--set resources.limits.cpu=250m \
--set global.storageClass=ebs-sc \
--set networkPolicy.enabled=true \
--set replicaCount=3 \
--set containerSecurityContext.runAsUser=$zookeper_uid \
--set podSecurityContext.fsGroup=$zookeper_uid
Edit the storage class definition and other settings for the cluster.
kubectl create -n nifi -f simplenifi.yaml
uid=$(kubectl get namespace nifi -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.openshift\.io/sa\.scc\.supplemental-groups}' | sed 's/\/10000$//' | tr -d '[:space:]')
sed -i "s/1000690000/$uid/g" openshift.yaml
kubectl create -n nifi -f openshift.yaml