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Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/cs/code.json b/docs/i18n/cs/code.json index c82d1216553..005f1da795f 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/cs/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/cs/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Přepnout zalamování slov", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Přepnout sbalitelnou kategorii postranního panelu '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Hlavní", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Štítky", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "výstraha", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Rozbalit kategorii postranního panelu '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Sbalit kategorii postranního panelu '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Neuvedená stránka", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Tato stránka není uvedena. Vyhledávače ji nebudou indexovat a k ní mají přístup pouze uživatelé, kteří mají přímý odkaz.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..5460dc62934 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Domů" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Komunita" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Vítejte v sekci komunity. -## Acknowledgements +## Poděkování -A special thanks goes to: +Zvláštní poděkování patří na: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) pro poskytování tohoto užitečného crossplatformního ui framework +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) pro všechny tyto užitečné funkce desktopového okna +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) pro snadno použitelný rámec pro dokumentaci statické reakce -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Všechny ostatní licence naleznete v nastavení. -## Useful links +## Užitečné odkazy * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matice](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/da/code.json b/docs/i18n/da/code.json index 605ec9c9ec5..057690ce94a 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/da/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/da/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Skift tekstombrydning", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Slå den sammenklappelige sidebar kategori '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Hoved", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Mærker", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "advarsel", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Udvid sidebjælke kategori '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Sammenfold sidebjælke kategori '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Ulistet side", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Denne side er ikke angivet. Søgemaskiner vil ikke indeksere det, og kun brugere, der har et direkte link, kan få adgang til det.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..43f2159ce9a 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Hjem" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Fællesskab" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Velkommen til fællesskabssektionen. -## Acknowledgements +## Anerkendelser -A special thanks goes to: +En særlig tak går til: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for at levere denne nyttige crossplatform ui framework +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for alle disse nyttige skrivebordsvinduefunktioner +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) til en brugervenlig ramme for statisk reaktionsdokumentation -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Alle andre licenser kan du finde i indstillingerne. -## Useful links +## Nyttige links * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) -* [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) +* [Uenighed](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) * [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/de/code.json b/docs/i18n/de/code.json index d73b505cf81..8725bc8fe5e 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/de/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/de/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Wortumbruch umschalten", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Umschalten der einklappbaren Seitenleistenkategorie '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Haupt", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "warnung", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Sidebar Kategorie '{label} ' erweitern", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Nicht gelistete Seite", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Diese Seite ist nicht aufgelistet. Suchmaschinen indizieren sie nicht und nur Benutzer, die einen direkten Link haben, können darauf zugreifen.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..d0e9331daac 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Zuhause" sidebar_position: 0 title: "Community" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Willkommen im Community-Abschnitt. -## Acknowledgements +## Danksagungen -A special thanks goes to: +Ein besonderer Dank geht an: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) für die Bereitstellung dieses nützlichen Crossplatform ui Frameworks +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) für all diese nützlichen Desktop-Funktionen +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) für ein einfach zu bedienendes statisches Reaging-Dokumentations-Framework -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Alle anderen Lizenzen finden Sie in den Einstellungen. -## Useful links +## Nützliche Links * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) diff --git a/docs/i18n/el/code.json b/docs/i18n/el/code.json index cace9fd527e..5232e48c859 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/el/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/el/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Εναλλαγή αναδίπλωσης λέξεων", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Εναλλαγή της πτυσσόμενης πλαϊνής μπάρας κατηγορίας '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Κύρια", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Ετικέτες", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "προειδοποίηση", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Μη καταχωρημένη σελίδα", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Αυτή η σελίδα δεν είναι καταχωρημένη. Οι μηχανές αναζήτησης δεν θα την ευρετηριάσουν, και μόνο οι χρήστες που έχουν άμεση σύνδεση μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση σε αυτήν.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/el/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/el/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..b68986e1d3e 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/el/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/el/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Αρχική" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Κοινότητα" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Καλώς ήλθατε στο τμήμα της κοινότητας. -## Acknowledgements +## Ευχαριστίες -A special thanks goes to: +Ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες απευθύνεται: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) για την παροχή αυτού του χρήσιμου crossplatform +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) για όλα αυτά τα χρήσιμα χαρακτηριστικά παραθύρων επιφάνειας εργασίας +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) για ένα εύχρηστο πλαίσιο τεκμηρίωσης στατικής αντίδρασης -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Όλες οι άλλες άδειες χρήσης μπορείτε να βρείτε στις ρυθμίσεις. -## Useful links +## Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Πίνακας](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/es/code.json b/docs/i18n/es/code.json index 71a42ac48eb..592b276e1e5 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/es/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/es/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Cambiar envoltura de palabra", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Cambiar la categoría de barra lateral colapsable '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Principal", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Etiquetas", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "advertencia", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expandir la categoría de barra lateral '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Colapsar la barra lateral categoría '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Página no enumerada", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Esta página no está en la lista. Los motores de búsqueda no lo indexarán, y sólo los usuarios que tengan un enlace directo pueden acceder a ella.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..a1e7074b36a 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Inicio" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Comunidad" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Bienvenido a la sección de la comunidad. -## Acknowledgements +## Agradecimientos -A special thanks goes to: +Un agradecimiento especial es: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) para proporcionar este útil marco ui multiplataforma +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) para todas estas características útiles de la ventana de escritorio +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) para un framework de documentación de reacción estática fácil de usar -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Todas las demás licencias se pueden encontrar en los ajustes. -## Useful links +## Enlaces útiles * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) -* [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Discordia](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) +* [Matriz](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/fi/code.json b/docs/i18n/fi/code.json index 78b36e9227b..bece4af3fcf 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/fi/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/fi/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Vaihda sana wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Vaihda kaatuvan sivupalkin kategoria '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Ensisijainen", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tunnisteet", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "varoitus", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Laajenna sivupalkin luokka '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Tiivistä sivupalkin kategoria '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Listaamaton sivu", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Tätä sivua ei ole listattu. Hakukoneet eivät indeksoi sitä, ja vain käyttäjät, joilla on suora linkki, voivat käyttää sitä.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..e5e31ac537a 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Koti" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Yhteisö" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Tervetuloa yhteisön osioon. -## Acknowledgements +## Kiitokset -A special thanks goes to: +Erityinen kiitos kuuluu seuraaville: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) tämän käyttökelpoisen crossplatform ui -kehyksen tarjoamiseksi +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) kaikille tämän hyödyllisen työpöytäikkunan ominaisuuksille +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) helppokäyttöiseen staattiseen reagointidokumentointikehykseen -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Kaikki muut lisenssit löytyvät asetuksista. -## Useful links +## Hyödyllisiä linkkejä * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matriisi](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr/code.json b/docs/i18n/fr/code.json index 771edfa06d8..4457f9cad6f 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/fr/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/fr/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Afficher/Masquer les mots", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Activer/désactiver la catégorie de barre latérale pliable '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Principal", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "avertissement", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Développer la catégorie de la barre latérale '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Réduire la catégorie de la barre latérale '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Page non listée", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Cette page n'est pas répertoriée. Les moteurs de recherche ne l'indexeront pas, et seuls les utilisateurs ayant un lien direct peuvent y accéder.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..726a5b7c759 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Domicile" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Communauté" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Bienvenue dans la section de la communauté. -## Acknowledgements +## Remerciements -A special thanks goes to: +Un remerciement spécial va à: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) pour fournir ce framework interplateforme utile +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) pour toutes ces fonctionnalités de bureau utiles +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) pour un framework de documentation statique de réaction facile à utiliser -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Toutes les autres licences peuvent être trouvées dans les paramètres. -## Useful links +## Liens utiles * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) -* [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Discord.](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) +* [Matrice](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/he/code.json b/docs/i18n/he/code.json index 157de8664fd..8026d7e9d05 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/he/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/he/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Toggle word wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Main", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "warning", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Unlisted page", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "This page is unlisted. Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/hu/code.json b/docs/i18n/hu/code.json index 157de8664fd..8026d7e9d05 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/hu/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/hu/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Toggle word wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Main", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "warning", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Unlisted page", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "This page is unlisted. Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/it/code.json b/docs/i18n/it/code.json index 6564ed7650c..1e3bc899920 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/it/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/it/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Attiva/disattiva a capo automatico", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Attiva/disattiva la categoria della barra laterale pieghevole '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Principale", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Etichette", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "avviso", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Espandi categoria barra laterale '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Comprimi categoria barra laterale '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Pagina non elencata", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Questa pagina non è elencata. I motori di ricerca non la indicizzeranno, e solo gli utenti che hanno un collegamento diretto possono accedervi.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..ed06cb1c752 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ sidebar_position: 0 title: "Community" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Benvenuti nella sezione della comunità. -## Acknowledgements +## Riconoscimenti -A special thanks goes to: +Un ringraziamento speciale va a: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) per fornire questo utile framework cross-platform ui +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) per tutte le utili funzioni della finestra desktop +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) per un quadro di documentazione di reazione statica facile da usare -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Tutte le altre licenze possono essere trovate nelle impostazioni. -## Useful links +## Link utili * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matrice](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/ja/code.json b/docs/i18n/ja/code.json index 7230dd270aa..44331155752 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/ja/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/ja/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "ワードラップの切り替え", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - 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Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/nl/code.json b/docs/i18n/nl/code.json index 43aae569899..7707bd24b2a 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/nl/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/nl/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Schakelen tussen woordwrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "De inklapbare sidebar categorie '{label}' in-/uitschakelen", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Algemeen", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Labels", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "waarschuwing", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Zijbalk categorie '{label} ' uitvouwen", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Zijbalk categorie{label} samenvouwen", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Niet-genoteerde pagina", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Deze pagina is niet vermeld. 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Wyszukiwarki nie będą indeksować jej i tylko użytkownicy posiadający bezpośredni link mogą mieć do niej dostęp.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/pl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/pl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..170fb82245a 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/pl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/pl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Strona główna" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Społeczność" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Witamy w sekcji społeczności. -## Acknowledgements +## Potwierdzenia -A special thanks goes to: +Specjalne podziękowania należą się do: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) dla zapewnienia tej użytecznej struktury interfejsu krzyżykowego +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) dla wszystkich przydatnych funkcji okna stacjonarnego +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) dla łatwego w użyciu systemu dokumentacji reakcji statycznej -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Wszystkie inne licencje można znaleźć w ustawieniach. -## Useful links +## Przydatne linki * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matryca](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/pt-BR/code.json b/docs/i18n/pt-BR/code.json index 821d1ab6d9c..ada61dea055 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/pt-BR/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/pt-BR/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Alternar quebra de palavra", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Alternar a categoria da barra lateral oculta '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Principal", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Etiquetas", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "advertência", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expandir categoria de barra lateral '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Recolher categoria de barra lateral '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Página não listada", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Esta página não está listada. Motores de busca não irão indexá-la, e somente usuários com um link direto podem acessá-la.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..62ef6490771 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Residencial" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Comunidade" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Bem-vindo à seção da comunidade. -## Acknowledgements +## Reconhecimentos -A special thanks goes to: +Um agradecimento especial vai: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Frutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) para prover essa útil estrutura multiplataforma ui +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) para todos estes recursos úteis da janela do desktop +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) para uma estrutura de documentação de resposta estática fácil de usar -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Todas as outras licenças podem ser encontradas nas configurações. -## Useful links +## Links úteis * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matriz](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/pt/code.json b/docs/i18n/pt/code.json index 821d1ab6d9c..ada61dea055 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/pt/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/pt/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Alternar quebra de palavra", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Alternar a categoria da barra lateral oculta '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Principal", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Etiquetas", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "advertência", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expandir categoria de barra lateral '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Recolher categoria de barra lateral '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Página não listada", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Esta página não está listada. Motores de busca não irão indexá-la, e somente usuários com um link direto podem acessá-la.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..62ef6490771 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Residencial" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Comunidade" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Bem-vindo à seção da comunidade. -## Acknowledgements +## Reconhecimentos -A special thanks goes to: +Um agradecimento especial vai: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Frutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) para prover essa útil estrutura multiplataforma ui +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) para todos estes recursos úteis da janela do desktop +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) para uma estrutura de documentação de resposta estática fácil de usar -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Todas as outras licenças podem ser encontradas nas configurações. -## Useful links +## Links úteis * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matriz](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/ro/code.json b/docs/i18n/ro/code.json index 213f5c19ec3..5b105a609c7 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/ro/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/ro/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Comută înglobarea cuvintelor", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Comută colapsul categoriei sidebar '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Principal", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Etichete", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "avertizare", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Extinde categoria barei laterale '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Restrânge categoria barei laterale '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Pagină nelistată", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Această pagină nu este listată. Motoarele de căutare nu o vor indexa, și numai utilizatorii care au un link direct îl pot accesa.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..8c48215d27b 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/ro/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Acasă" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Comunitate" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Bine ați venit la secțiunea comunitate. -## Acknowledgements +## Mulţumiri -A special thanks goes to: +Mulțumiri speciale se referă la: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) pentru furnizarea acestui cadru util pentru platforma intersectare ui +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) pentru toate aceste funcții utile pentru fereastra desktop +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) pentru un documentație de reacție statică ușor de utilizat -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Toate celelalte licențe pot fi găsite în setări. -## Useful links +## Link-uri utile * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Matricea](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/ru/code.json b/docs/i18n/ru/code.json index ee32e7c844a..b5c0dfcb370 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/ru/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/ru/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Переключить перенос слов", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Переключить свертываемую категорию боковой панели '{label} ' '", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Главный", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Теги", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "предупреждение", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Развернуть категорию боковой панели '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Свернуть боковую панель категории '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Страница не внесена", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Эта страница удалена. Поисковые системы не будут индексировать ее, и только пользователи, имеющие прямую ссылку, имеют доступ к ней.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..d602ad924a7 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Домашний" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Сообщество" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Добро пожаловать в раздел сообщества. -## Acknowledgements +## Выражение признательности -A special thanks goes to: +Особая благодарность дает: -* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) для предоставления этой полезной кросплатформенной UI рамки +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) для всех функций рабочего окна +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) для простой в использовании статической реактуальной документации -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Все остальные лицензии могут быть найдены в настройках. -## Useful links +## Полезные ссылки * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Матрица](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/sr/code.json b/docs/i18n/sr/code.json index 157de8664fd..8026d7e9d05 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/sr/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/sr/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Toggle word wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Main", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "warning", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Unlisted page", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "This page is unlisted. Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/sv/code.json b/docs/i18n/sv/code.json index aa114e069a4..24bf85e3006 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/sv/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/sv/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Växla ordinmatning", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Växla den hopfällbara sidopanelkategorin '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Huvud", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Taggar", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "varning", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expandera sidokategorin '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Kollapsa sidofältets kategori '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Olistad sida", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "Denna sida är inte listad. 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Пошук не буде індексувати її лише користувачі, які мають пряме посилання, можуть отримати доступ до цієї сторінки.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/uk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/uk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..be8dd2d3454 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/uk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/uk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "Домашній екран" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "Спільнота" --- -Welcome to the community section. +Ласкаво просимо до розділу спільноти. -## Acknowledgements +## Подяки -A special thanks goes to: +Особлива подяка: * [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) для всіх цих корисних функцій робочого столу +* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) для простий у використанні статичний фреймворк для фізичного реагування -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +Усі інші ліцензії ви можете знайти в налаштуваннях. -## Useful links +## Корисні посилання * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [Матриця](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) diff --git a/docs/i18n/vi/code.json b/docs/i18n/vi/code.json index 157de8664fd..8026d7e9d05 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/vi/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/vi/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Toggle word wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Main", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "warning", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Unlisted page", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "This page is unlisted. Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/zh-Hant/code.json b/docs/i18n/zh-Hant/code.json index 157de8664fd..8026d7e9d05 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/zh-Hant/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/zh-Hant/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "Toggle word wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Main", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "warning", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "Unlisted page", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "This page is unlisted. Search engines will not index it, and only users having a direct link can access it.", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/zh/code.json b/docs/i18n/zh/code.json index b48491a8aa0..7b5c8851a63 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/zh/code.json +++ b/docs/i18n/zh/code.json @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ "message": "切换单词换行", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, - "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { - "message": "切换可折叠侧边栏类别{label}'", - "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" - }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "主要的", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" @@ -337,5 +333,25 @@ "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "标签", "description": "The title of the tag list page" + }, + "theme.admonition.warning": { + "message": "警告", + "description": "The default label used for the Warning admonition (:::warning)" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.expandCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Expand sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to expand the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.DocSidebarItem.collapseCategoryAriaLabel": { + "message": "Collapse sidebar category '{label}'", + "description": "The ARIA label to collapse the sidebar category" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.title": { + "message": "未列出页面", + "description": "The unlisted content banner title" + }, + "theme.unlistedContent.message": { + "message": "此页面未列出。搜索引擎不会索引它,只有拥有直接链接的用户才能访问它。", + "description": "The unlisted content banner message" } } diff --git a/docs/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md index e47121f8f77..ecb5ca46811 100644 --- a/docs/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md +++ b/docs/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community/current/intro.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ --- id: "community" slug: "/community" -sidebar_label: "Home" +sidebar_label: "首页" sidebar_position: 0 -title: "Community" +title: "社区" --- -Welcome to the community section. +欢迎来到社区部分。 -## Acknowledgements +## 鸣谢 -A special thanks goes to: +特别感谢: * [Flutter](https://github.com/flutter/flutter) for providing this useful crossplatform ui framework -* [window_manager](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) for all this useful desktop window features -* [Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) for an easy-to-use static react documentation framework +* [适合所有此有用的桌面窗口功能的](https://github.com/leanflutter/window_manager) +* [简单易用的静态反应文档框架的 Docusaurus](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus) -All other licenses can you found in the settings. +所有其他许可都可以在设置中找到。 -## Useful links +## 有用的链接 * [GitHub](https://github.com/LinwoodDev/Butterfly) * [Discord](https://go.linwood.dev/discord) -* [Matrix](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix) +* [矩阵列表](https://go.linwood.dev/matrix)