Drawbridge-Rethinking the library OS from the top down
OSv-Optimizing the Operating System for Virtual Machines, which is a new OS designed to run single application
LightVM-My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container
Graphene-SGX- A Practical Library OS for Unmodified Applications on SGX
Directvisor-Virtualization for Bare-metal Cloud
Firecracker- Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Applications.pdf
X-Containers-Breaking Down Barriers to Improve Performance and Isolation of Cloud-Native Containers
- Hardware and Software Support for Virtulization
- VirtFS 虚拟化技术简介
- Blending Containers and Virtual Machines- A Study of Firecracker and gVisor
9p filesystem protocol https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/filesystems/9p.html https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/fs/9p https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/net/9p
XCPU & Clustering http://xcpu.org/papers/xcpu-talk.pdf
KVMFS: control file system for KVM http://xcpu.org/papers/kvmfs.pdf
CellFS: A New Programming Model for the Cell BE http://xcpu.org/papers/cellfs-talk.pdf
PROSE I/O: Using 9p to enable Application Partitions http://plan9.escet.urjc.es/iwp9/cready/PROSE_iwp9_2006.pdf
VirtFS: A Virtualization Aware File System pass-through http://goo.gl/3WPDg
- UML User-Mode Linux
- OSv - Modular unikernel able to execute unmodified Linux binaries, developed in C++.
- Nanos - Linux binary compatible unikernel focused on security.
- HermiTux - Research project from Virginia Tech, demonstrating advanced optimizations.
- HaLVM - Port of Glasgow Haskell compiler producing Xen optimized unikernels.
- LING - Erlang/Elixir unikernel development toolkit targeting Xen.
- MirageOS - OCaml unikernel development library using OCAML on XEN.
- runtime.js - KVM oriented unikernel for running JavaScript applications via the V8 engine.
- IncludeOS - Feature rich unikernel development library for C++.
- Toro Kernel - Lazarus/FreePascal toolkit for unikernel development.
- Ultibo Core - Lazarus/FreePascal unikernel targeting Raspberry Pi as the runtime environment.
- rekernel - Minimal setup for developing unikernels in ReasonML.
- Union - POSIX compliant unikernel written in Rust.
- binaryno - Rust unikernel running on bare ARM CortexM hardware.
- ClickOS - Efficient network function virtualization platform, optimized for Xen and developed by NEC, A high-performance, virtualized software middlebox platform (e.g., for NFV).
- Clive - Research project from Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid), developed in Go, an OS designed to work in distributed and cloud environments.
- Mini-OS - Reference kernel distributed with Xen.
- Rump Kernels - Development platform reusing NetBSD components for producing efficient unikernels, running unmodified POSIX software as a unikernel
- Firecracker - AWS's VM isolation engine, using in products such as Lambda and Fargate.
- Unikraft - Collection of building blocks for unikernel development.
- BareMetal - Self described as an exokernel, it can be used as the starting point for unikernel development.
- HermitCore - A C-based, lightweight unikernel project from Aachen University.
- unicycle - Unikernel application framework developed in C.
- EbbRT - Boston University unikernel research project.
- Nautilus - Aerokernel from Sandia National Laboratories, supporting bare metal x86_64 and Xeon Phi.
- JML - Proof of concept for a minimal web server unikernel implementing its own language.
- UNICORE - Common code base and toolkit for deployment of applications to secure and reliable execution environments.
- Drawbridge - Research prototype platform from Microsoft.
- Graphene - Library OS optimized for Intel SGX.
- OPS - Orchestration tool for building and deploying Nanos based images.
- Capstan - Orchestration tool for packaging and running OSv based images.
- UniK - Unikernel compiler supporting a Firecracker, rump kernels, OSv, IncludeOS and MirageOS.
- Solo5 - Middle-ware interfacing unikernels with the host systems.
- Albatross - MigrageOS unikernel orchestration, via Solo5.