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deepspeed strategy can't save checkpoint, TypeError: cannot pickle torch._C._distributed_c10d.ProcessGroup
having the same issue. |
Hello! |
hi @SpirinEgor, i can't remember how i fixed it. i tried installing torch with conda and right cu version, install deepspeed with conda, etc. |
hi @SpirinEgor |
Same issue here. deepspeed: 0.9.2 |
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it hasn't had any recent activity. This issue will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions - the Lightning Team! |
same issue here |
same issue here |
same issue |
Same issue. deepspeed: 0.12.6 |
same issue |
Having the same issue when using DeepSpeedStrategy https://github.com/Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightning/blob/master/src/lightning/pytorch/strategies/deepspeed.py
Checked the keys which make sense because
Bug description
I try use https://github.com/ashleve/lightning-hydra-template with deepspeed strategy.
Here is my fork https://github.com/dmitrymailk/ru_lm/tree/61ab735110b3c80a3cb3d58b3d7c5c05d4cf56af
And I got this error TypeError: cannot pickle 'torch._C._distributed_c10d.ProcessGroup' object
I don't think that it's a pytorch-lighting problem itsels because
The error raise in deepspeed/runtime/checkpoint_engine/torch_checkpoint_engine.py
state_dict is
What version are you seeing the problem on?
How to reproduce the bug
you must change devices in configs/trainer/deepspeed.yaml
Error messages and logs
Current environment
- GPU:
- available: True
- version: 11.8
- lightning: 2.0.1.post0
- lightning-cloud: 0.5.33
- lightning-colossalai: 0.1.0
- lightning-utilities: 0.8.0
- pytorch-lightning: 2.0.1.post0
- torch: 2.0.0+cu118
- torchaudio: 2.0.1+cu118
- torchmetrics: 0.11.4
- torchvision: 0.15.1+cu118
- absl-py: 1.4.0
- accelerate: 0.18.0
- aiofiles: 23.1.0
- aiohttp: 3.8.4
- aiosignal: 1.3.1
- alembic: 1.10.3
- altair: 4.2.2
- antlr4-python3-runtime: 4.9.3
- anyio: 3.6.2
- apex: 0.1
- appdirs: 1.4.4
- arrow: 1.2.3
- asttokens: 2.2.1
- async-timeout: 4.0.2
- attrs: 22.2.0
- autopage: 0.5.1
- backcall: 0.2.0
- backports.functools-lru-cache: 1.6.4
- bcrypt: 4.0.1
- beautifulsoup4: 4.12.2
- bitsandbytes: 0.37.2
- black: 23.3.0
- blessed: 1.20.0
- boltons: 23.0.0
- brotlipy: 0.7.0
- cachetools: 5.3.0
- certifi: 2022.12.7
- cffi: 1.15.1
- cfgv: 3.3.1
- charset-normalizer: 2.0.4
- click: 8.1.3
- cliff: 4.2.0
- cmaes: 0.9.1
- cmake: 3.25.0
- cmd2: 2.4.3
- colorlog: 6.7.0
- colossalai: 0.2.8
- conda: 23.3.1
- conda-content-trust: 0.1.3
- conda-package-handling: 2.0.2
- conda-package-streaming: 0.7.0
- contexttimer: 0.3.3
- contourpy: 1.0.7
- croniter: 1.3.14
- cryptography: 38.0.4
- cycler: 0.11.0
- datasets: 2.11.0
- dateutils: 0.6.12
- debugpy: 1.5.1
- decorator: 5.1.1
- deepdiff: 6.3.0
- deepspeed: 0.8.3
- dill: 0.3.6
- distlib: 0.3.6
- docker-pycreds: 0.4.0
- einops: 0.6.0
- entrypoints: 0.4
- evaluate: 0.4.0
- exceptiongroup: 1.1.1
- executing: 1.2.0
- fabric: 3.0.0
- fastapi: 0.88.0
- ffmpy: 0.3.0
- filelock: 3.9.0
- fire: 0.5.0
- flash-attn: 0.2.8
- flit-core: 3.8.0
- fonttools: 4.39.3
- frozenlist: 1.3.3
- fschat: 0.1.10
- fsspec: 2023.4.0
- gitdb: 4.0.10
- gitpython: 3.1.31
- gmpy2: 2.1.2
- google-auth: 2.17.3
- google-auth-oauthlib: 1.0.0
- gradio: 3.23.0
- gradio-client: 0.0.8
- greenlet: 2.0.2
- grpcio: 1.53.0
- h11: 0.14.0
- hjson: 3.1.0
- html2text: 2020.1.16
- httpcore: 0.16.3
- httpx: 0.23.3
- huggingface-hub: 0.13.4
- hydra-colorlog: 1.2.0
- hydra-core: 1.3.2
- hydra-optuna-sweeper: 1.2.0
- identify: 2.5.22
- idna: 3.4
- importlib-metadata: 6.3.0
- iniconfig: 2.0.0
- inquirer: 3.1.3
- invoke: 2.0.0
- ipykernel: 6.15.0
- ipython: 8.12.0
- itsdangerous: 2.1.2
- jedi: 0.18.2
- jinja2: 3.1.2
- joblib: 1.2.0
- jsonlines: 3.1.0
- jsonpatch: 1.32
- jsonpointer: 2.1
- jsonschema: 4.17.3
- jupyter-client: 7.3.4
- jupyter-core: 4.12.0
- kiwisolver: 1.4.4
- lightning: 2.0.1.post0
- lightning-cloud: 0.5.33
- lightning-colossalai: 0.1.0
- lightning-utilities: 0.8.0
- linkify-it-py: 2.0.0
- lit: 15.0.7
- loralib: 0.1.1
- mako: 1.2.4
- markdown: 3.4.3
- markdown-it-py: 2.2.0
- markdown2: 2.4.8
- markupsafe: 2.1.1
- matplotlib: 3.7.1
- matplotlib-inline: 0.1.6
- mdit-py-plugins: 0.3.3
- mdurl: 0.1.2
- mkl-fft: 1.3.1
- mkl-random: 1.2.2
- mkl-service: 2.4.0
- mpmath: 1.2.1
- multidict: 6.0.4
- multiprocess: 0.70.14
- mypy-extensions: 1.0.0
- nest-asyncio: 1.5.6
- networkx: 2.8.4
- ninja: 1.11.1
- nodeenv: 1.7.0
- numpy: 1.23.5
- nvidia-cublas-cu11:
- nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11: 11.7.99
- nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11: 11.7.99
- nvidia-cudnn-cu11:
- oauthlib: 3.2.2
- omegaconf: 2.3.0
- optuna: 2.10.1
- ordered-set: 4.1.0
- orjson: 3.8.10
- packaging: 23.0
- pandas: 2.0.0
- paramiko: 3.1.0
- parso: 0.8.3
- pathspec: 0.11.1
- pathtools: 0.1.2
- pbr: 5.11.1
- peft: 0.3.0.dev0
- pexpect: 4.8.0
- pickleshare: 0.7.5
- pillow: 9.4.0
- pip: 22.3.1
- platformdirs: 3.2.0
- pluggy: 1.0.0
- pre-commit: 3.2.2
- prettytable: 3.7.0
- prompt-toolkit: 3.0.38
- protobuf: 3.20.3
- psutil: 5.9.4
- ptyprocess: 0.7.0
- pure-eval: 0.2.2
- py-cpuinfo: 9.0.0
- pyarrow: 11.0.0
- pyasn1: 0.4.8
- pyasn1-modules: 0.2.8
- pycosat: 0.6.4
- pycparser: 2.21
- pydantic: 1.10.7
- pydeprecate: 0.3.2
- pydub: 0.25.1
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- pyparsing: 3.0.9
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- pyrootutils: 1.0.4
- pyrsistent: 0.19.3
- pysocks: 1.7.1
- pytest: 7.3.0
- python-dateutil: 2.8.2
- python-dotenv: 1.0.0
- python-editor: 1.0.4
- python-multipart: 0.0.6
- pytorch-lightning: 2.0.1.post0
- pytz: 2023.3
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- pyzmq: 23.2.0
- readchar: 4.0.5
- regex: 2023.3.23
- requests: 2.28.1
- requests-oauthlib: 1.3.1
- responses: 0.18.0
- rfc3986: 1.5.0
- rich: 13.3.3
- rsa: 4.9
- ruamel.yaml: 0.17.21
- ruamel.yaml.clib: 0.2.6
- safetensors: 0.3.0
- scikit-learn: 1.2.2
- scipy: 1.10.1
- semantic-version: 2.10.0
- sentencepiece: 0.1.97
- sentry-sdk: 1.19.1
- setproctitle: 1.3.2
- setuptools: 65.6.3
- six: 1.16.0
- smmap: 5.0.0
- sniffio: 1.3.0
- soupsieve: 2.4
- sqlalchemy: 2.0.9
- stack-data: 0.6.2
- starlette: 0.22.0
- starsessions: 1.3.0
- stevedore: 5.0.0
- svgwrite: 1.4.3
- sympy: 1.11.1
- tensorboard: 2.12.2
- tensorboard-data-server: 0.7.0
- tensorboard-plugin-wit: 1.8.1
- termcolor: 2.2.0
- threadpoolctl: 3.1.0
- tokenize-rt: 5.0.0
- tokenizers: 0.13.3
- tomli: 2.0.1
- toolz: 0.12.0
- torch: 2.0.0+cu118
- torchaudio: 2.0.1+cu118
- torchmetrics: 0.11.4
- torchvision: 0.15.1+cu118
- tornado: 6.1
- tqdm: 4.64.1
- traitlets: 5.9.0
- transformers: 4.28.0.dev0
- triton: 2.0.0
- typing-extensions: 4.4.0
- tzdata: 2023.3
- uc-micro-py: 1.0.1
- urllib3: 1.26.14
- uvicorn: 0.21.1
- virtualenv: 20.21.0
- wandb: 0.14.2
- wavedrom: 2.0.3.post3
- wcwidth: 0.2.6
- websocket-client: 1.5.1
- websockets: 11.0.1
- werkzeug: 2.2.3
- wheel: 0.37.1
- xxhash: 3.2.0
- yarl: 1.8.2
- zipp: 3.15.0
- zstandard: 0.18.0
- OS: Linux
- architecture:
- 64bit
- processor: x86_64
- python: 3.10.9
- version: Quantisation and Pruning Support #76~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 20 15:54:19 UTC 2023
More info
No response
cc @awaelchli
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