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ch.njol.Skript 2.2.17 Latest version

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About this package

Bugfix Release

This version (2.2.17) is a bug-fix and improvement release over 2.2.16. The 2.2.16 update is big and contains so much things, we tested, pushed pre-releases, etc. but we can't fix all bugs without testing on production.

We've now fixed all bugs found in the 2.2.16 release, including performance and memory bugs, and improved over-all code quality and performance. We recommend upgrading to all users running 2.2.16.

Also make sure you have -ea argument before -jar option in your launch script if you want to test and find errors, bugs, issues etc.

Custom Tab Completers

Though this planned as a bugfix release, we also added and improved many things. Here is the custom tab completers for your own very special script commands.

Example showcase of the feature:

function onTabComplete(sender: command sender, command: string, alias: string, args: strings) :: strings:
	if {_command} is "testTabComplete":
		if size of {_args::*} is 1:
			return "true" and "false" # Skript automatically sorts the completions for the argument, for example if you do /testTabComplete fa and then press tab, then the list will become "false" and "true"
		else if size of {_args::*} is 2:
			return "1", "2" and "3"
		else if size of {_args::*} is 3:
			return empty list of the type strings # Returning an empty list means no tab completion
	return none value of the type strings # Will fallback to default tab completion (player names?)
command /testTabComplete <boolean> <number> <player>:
	tab completer: onTabComplete
		send "&eYou entered&f: &9%arg-1% %arg-2% %arg-3%"

In this example, you can do /testTabComplete fa and then press tab, which results in /testTabComplete false.

For the second parameter, you can do /testTabComplete false and then press tab, which results in 1.

And then you can also do /testTabComplete false 1 and press tab, but this time since we returned an empty list, no completion will be available.

Full Compare View

You can view full differences at LifeMC/LifeSkript@2.2.16...2.2.17


  • @LifeMC LifeMC
  • September 18, 2019
  • 19 dependencies
  • GNU GPLv3

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