- Set up machine
- Customize toolbar with Refactor This button
Tools->Customize On toolbars tab: New Name = Refactoring to Cleanr Code On commands tab Toolbar = Refactoring to Cleaner Code Add Command Categories = Extensions Select Resharper_RefactorThis Drag new toolbar to the right
- Customize toolbar with Refactor This button
- Schedule Zoom meeting
- Send email to attendees
- With Zoom
- With AnyDesk
- Open Solution, build, run tests, turn off NCrunch
- May need to add real NuGet feed (https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json) and remove offline packages feed
- Check keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio
- To trigger prompt about conflicting shortcuts.
- Select Resharper shortcuts.
- Check
Apply to All Shortcuts
- Get slides onto machine via Office 365
- Make a branch
- Enable
Show procedure line separators
- Ensure Typora installed
- Launch Zoom
- Make Jay a co-host
- Launch AnyDesk
- Sync slides with OneDrive
- Open
in Typora - Open Solution
- Place MobTime in the corner
- Arrange Visual Studio, Typora course.md, MobTime
- Introduce ourselves and the course
- Show slides
- Get everyone on Anydesk
- Set up mob rotation
- Refactor
- Homework
- Guided reflections
- Code Cleaners for Hire
- Send slides and repo and survey and Code Cleaners doc
- Followup email