(instructions with macOS Homebrew package manager)
Install protobuf 3.12 (if a different version is already installed you have to uninstall it first, running
brew uninstall protobuf
):- edit the desired version config file (use code from https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/53fb074d235fe0335fa8ee293a3f639f3cdffa45/Formula/protobuf.rb) replacing everything in the following file
code $(brew --repo homebrew/core)/Formula/protobuf.rb
- run
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install protobuf
- edit the desired version config file (use code from https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/53fb074d235fe0335fa8ee293a3f639f3cdffa45/Formula/protobuf.rb) replacing everything in the following file
Edit/add desired component structure at
In that same directory (
) run the following command:protoc --plugin=../../../node_modules/ts-protoc-gen/bin/protoc-gen-ts --js_out="import_style=commonjs,binary:." --ts_out="." engineinterface.proto
In that same directory run the following command:
protoc --csharp_out=../../../../unity-client/Assets/Scripts/MainScripts/DCL/Models/Protocol/ --csharp_opt=base_namespace=DCL.Interface engineinterface.proto
Make sure to also update the custom "save/read" code we have at: