The following are technical notes for the website development.
- It's a Next.js application
- Deployed and hosted via my Vercel dashboard
- Bag and payment handling via Stripe dashboard
yarn i
yarn dev
Dev runs at http://localhost:3000
Copy .env.example
to a file called .env.local
and populate the values where necessary.
These same variables will have to be defined in each environment where the app runs. For prod
we store these in Vercel.
Follow the existing examples
- [OPTIONAL] Add to Stripe > Products
- Add the [same] title and image to the ideas data in
- Fill out the other attributes of the idea
data from Stripe to thedev
files (Stripe's "test mode" is fordev
When developing a new idea, we can add work in progress to the dev
file and safely merge this and deploy it. We only release the idea to production when we add it to the prod