Coverted China List from felixonmars/dnsmasq-china-list and gfwlist/gfwlist for Bind/Shadowrocket/Shadowsocks-Windows/Proxy SwitchyOmega Users
There are two modes available:
- console "interface" mode
- commandline mode
Just follow instructions shown in program when running convert-china-list.exe located under builds
Try these just like using a linux software.
--help : show help information
-s or --source-type : specify type of source file (dnsmasq (0)? GFWList (1)?)
-c or --convert-to : specify type of output file (shadowrocket (0)? bind (1)? shadowsocks-windows (2)? SwitchyOmega (3)?)
-i or --input-file : specify input file.
-o or --output-file : specify output file.
-d or --dns : specify preferred DNS (only works in bind mode).
-p or --proxy : specify preferrred proxy (only works in SwitchyOmega PAC mode)
convert-china-list -s dnsmasq -c shadowrocket -i accelerated-domains.china.conf -o accelerated-domains.china.shadowrocket.conf
convert-china-list -s dnsmasq -c 1 -i accelerated-domains.china.conf -o accelerated-domains.china.bind.unblockYouku.conf -d
convert-china-list -s dnsmasq -c bind -i accelerated-domains.china.conf -o accelerated-domains.china.bind.conf
convert-china-list -s dnsmasq -c shadowsocks-windows -i accelerated-domains.china.conf -o pac.txt
convert-china-list -s dnsmasq -c switchyomega -i accelerated-domains.china.conf -o accelerated-domains.china.switchyomega.pac
convert-china-list -s gfwlist -i gfwlist.txt -o gfwlist.shadowrocket.conf -c 0
convert-china-list -s gfwlist -i gfwlist.txt -o gfwlist.bind.unblockYouku.conf -c 1 -d
convert-china-list -s gfwlist -i gfwlist.txt -o gfwlist.bind.conf -c 1
convert-china-list -s gfwlist -i gfwlist.txt -o gfwlist.pac.txt -c 2
convert-china-list -s gfwlist -i gfwlist.txt -o gfwlist.switchyomega.pac -c 3
-- This is for shadowsocks' default port.
Just include the file you downloaded(located under Pre-made Configs
)/converted in
- Bind : /etc/bind/named.conf.local
- Shadowrocket : Make a QR code for the link of the file you want to download, then use the client device to scan it in Shadowrocket App.
- Shadowsocks-Windows : Its root folder, replace pac.txt.
- SwitchyOmega : Well, just import PAC.
Thanks to the base64 decode/encode module provided by tylerliu, it is the most crucial module to this project.
And I think this mode is similar to gfwlist2pac, but in C++ and supports much more output formats.