[+] Create directory structure
[+] Create a NPM project and install all dependancies - Dependancies - express - ejs express-ejs-layouts - Dev dependancies - nodemon
[+] Create Express server - Create a server.js file
[+] Git setup and first commit
[+] Install Laravel Mix - setup js and scss
[+] Install tailwind css
[+] Create Home page using Html and Css
[+] Create Cart page - order summary section - empty cart section
[+] - move routes to routes files
[+] - Create dedicated controllers
[+] Add to cart functionality
[+] Fetch all Cafeteria Menu from db and show on home page
[+] Create menu model and put dummy Data - connect to mongo db - use connect-mongo for session store - dependancies - mongoose, express-session, connect-mongo, dotenv - axios to send ajax request - install notification library npm i noty https://ned.im/noty/#/
[+] Create login page with route
[+] Create register page with route = preview
[+] Build register crud - dependancies express-flash express-session dotenv
- status code article https://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html
[+] Build login using passport - install dependancies passport passport-local express-session
[+] Create Order controller and link it in server.js
[+] Create Orders view with table for customer and admin
[+] Place order functionality
[+] Show all my orders on custormer orders page
[+] Show orders on admin orders page
[+] Change order status
[+] Create Orders single page with status
[+] Order tracker // confirme order, out for delivery...
[+] Socket connection - dependancies socket.io
[+] Create mode of payment
[+] Build project for deployment
[+] Deploy project on live server
[+] add filter functionality in menu [+] add preview screen during the new register [+] add more items in menus database [+] add links to home