diff --git a/src/main/java/com/kosherjava/zmanim/util/NOAACalculator.java b/src/main/java/com/kosherjava/zmanim/util/NOAACalculator.java
index 799c3a6e..f615bd2c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/kosherjava/zmanim/util/NOAACalculator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/kosherjava/zmanim/util/NOAACalculator.java
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Zmanim Java API
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Eliyahu Hershfeld
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Eliyahu Hershfeld
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
import java.util.Calendar;
* Implementation of sunrise and sunset methods to calculate astronomical times based on the NOAA algorithm. This calculator uses the Java algorithm based on the implementation by Wikipedia Sunrise Equation article.
- * @author © Eliyahu Hershfeld 2011 - 2023
+ * @author © Eliyahu Hershfeld 2011 - 2024
public class NOAACalculator extends AstronomicalCalculator {
@@ -41,12 +42,21 @@ public class NOAACalculator extends AstronomicalCalculator {
* Julian days per century.
private static final double JULIAN_DAYS_PER_CENTURY = 36525.0;
+ /**
+ * An enum to indicate what type of solar event is being calculated.
+ */
+ protected enum SolarEvent {
+ /**SUNRISE A solar event related to sunrise*/SUNRISE, /**SUNSET A solar event related to sunset*/SUNSET
+ // possibly add the following in the future, if added, an IllegalArgumentException should be thrown in getSunHourAngle
+ // /**NOON A solar event related to noon*/NOON, /**MIDNIGHT A solar event related to midnight*/MIDNIGHT
+ }
* @see com.kosherjava.zmanim.util.AstronomicalCalculator#getCalculatorName()
public String getCalculatorName() {
- return "US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Algorithm";
+ return "US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Algorithm"; // Implementation of the Jean Meeus algorithm
@@ -55,19 +65,11 @@ public String getCalculatorName() {
public double getUTCSunrise(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean adjustForElevation) {
double elevation = adjustForElevation ? geoLocation.getElevation() : 0;
double adjustedZenith = adjustZenith(zenith, elevation);
double sunrise = getSunriseUTC(getJulianDay(calendar), geoLocation.getLatitude(), -geoLocation.getLongitude(),
sunrise = sunrise / 60;
- // ensure that the time is >= 0 and < 24
- while (sunrise < 0.0) {
- sunrise += 24.0;
- }
- while (sunrise >= 24.0) {
- sunrise -= 24.0;
- }
- return sunrise;
+ return sunrise > 0 ? sunrise % 24 : sunrise % 24 + 24; // ensure that the time is >= 0 and < 24
@@ -76,19 +78,10 @@ public double getUTCSunrise(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double z
public double getUTCSunset(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation, double zenith, boolean adjustForElevation) {
double elevation = adjustForElevation ? geoLocation.getElevation() : 0;
double adjustedZenith = adjustZenith(zenith, elevation);
double sunset = getSunsetUTC(getJulianDay(calendar), geoLocation.getLatitude(), -geoLocation.getLongitude(),
sunset = sunset / 60;
- // ensure that the time is >= 0 and < 24
- while (sunset < 0.0) {
- sunset += 24.0;
- }
- while (sunset >= 24.0) {
- sunset -= 24.0;
- }
- return sunset;
+ return sunset > 0 ? sunset % 24 : sunset % 24 + 24; // ensure that the time is >= 0 and < 24
@@ -109,7 +102,6 @@ private static double getJulianDay(Calendar calendar) {
int a = year / 100;
int b = 2 - a + a / 4;
return Math.floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + Math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b - 1524.5;
@@ -148,14 +140,7 @@ private static double getJulianDayFromJulianCenturies(double julianCenturies) {
private static double getSunGeometricMeanLongitude(double julianCenturies) {
double longitude = 280.46646 + julianCenturies * (36000.76983 + 0.0003032 * julianCenturies);
- while (longitude > 360.0) {
- longitude -= 360.0;
- }
- while (longitude < 0.0) {
- longitude += 360.0;
- }
- return longitude; // in degrees
+ return longitude > 0 ? longitude % 360 : longitude % 360 + 360; // ensure that the longitude is >= 0 and < 360
@@ -192,14 +177,12 @@ private static double getEarthOrbitEccentricity(double julianCenturies) {
private static double getSunEquationOfCenter(double julianCenturies) {
double m = getSunGeometricMeanAnomaly(julianCenturies);
double mrad = Math.toRadians(m);
double sinm = Math.sin(mrad);
double sin2m = Math.sin(mrad + mrad);
double sin3m = Math.sin(mrad + mrad + mrad);
return sinm * (1.914602 - julianCenturies * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * julianCenturies)) + sin2m
- * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * julianCenturies) + sin3m * 0.000289;// in degrees
+ * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * julianCenturies) + sin3m * 0.000289; // in degrees
@@ -212,8 +195,7 @@ private static double getSunEquationOfCenter(double julianCenturies) {
private static double getSunTrueLongitude(double julianCenturies) {
double sunLongitude = getSunGeometricMeanLongitude(julianCenturies);
- double center = getSunEquationOfCenter(julianCenturies);
+ double center = getSunEquationOfCenter(julianCenturies);
return sunLongitude + center; // in degrees
@@ -241,9 +223,9 @@ private static double getSunTrueLongitude(double julianCenturies) {
private static double getSunApparentLongitude(double julianCenturies) {
double sunTrueLongitude = getSunTrueLongitude(julianCenturies);
double omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * julianCenturies;
- return sunTrueLongitude - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(omega)); // in degrees
+ double lambda = sunTrueLongitude - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(omega));
+ return lambda; // in degrees
@@ -271,7 +253,6 @@ private static double getMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(double julianCenturies) {
private static double getObliquityCorrection(double julianCenturies) {
double obliquityOfEcliptic = getMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(julianCenturies);
double omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * julianCenturies;
return obliquityOfEcliptic + 0.00256 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(omega)); // in degrees
@@ -288,9 +269,9 @@ private static double getObliquityCorrection(double julianCenturies) {
private static double getSunDeclination(double julianCenturies) {
double obliquityCorrection = getObliquityCorrection(julianCenturies);
double lambda = getSunApparentLongitude(julianCenturies);
double sint = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(obliquityCorrection)) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(lambda));
- return Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(sint)); // in degrees
+ double theta = Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(sint));
+ return theta; // in degrees
@@ -307,62 +288,42 @@ private static double getEquationOfTime(double julianCenturies) {
double geomMeanLongSun = getSunGeometricMeanLongitude(julianCenturies);
double eccentricityEarthOrbit = getEarthOrbitEccentricity(julianCenturies);
double geomMeanAnomalySun = getSunGeometricMeanAnomaly(julianCenturies);
double y = Math.tan(Math.toRadians(epsilon) / 2.0);
y *= y;
double sin2l0 = Math.sin(2.0 * Math.toRadians(geomMeanLongSun));
double sinm = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(geomMeanAnomalySun));
double cos2l0 = Math.cos(2.0 * Math.toRadians(geomMeanLongSun));
double sin4l0 = Math.sin(4.0 * Math.toRadians(geomMeanLongSun));
double sin2m = Math.sin(2.0 * Math.toRadians(geomMeanAnomalySun));
double equationOfTime = y * sin2l0 - 2.0 * eccentricityEarthOrbit * sinm + 4.0 * eccentricityEarthOrbit * y
* sinm * cos2l0 - 0.5 * y * y * sin4l0 - 1.25 * eccentricityEarthOrbit * eccentricityEarthOrbit * sin2m;
return Math.toDegrees(equationOfTime) * 4.0; // in minutes of time
* Return the hour angle of the sun in
- * radians at sunrise for the latitude.
+ * radians at for the latitude.
- * @param lat
+ * @param latitude
* the latitude of observer in degrees
- * @param solarDec
+ * @param solarDeclination
* the declination angle of sun in degrees
* @param zenith
* the zenith
+ * @param solarEvent
+ * If the hour angle is for sunrise or sunset
* @return hour angle of sunrise in radians
- private static double getSunHourAngleAtSunrise(double lat, double solarDec, double zenith) {
- double latRad = Math.toRadians(lat);
- double sdRad = Math.toRadians(solarDec);
- return (Math.acos(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(zenith)) / (Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(sdRad)) - Math.tan(latRad)
- * Math.tan(sdRad))); // in radians
- }
- /**
- * Returns the hour angle of the sun in radiansat sunset for the latitude.
- * @todo use - {@link #getSunHourAngleAtSunrise(double, double, double)} implementation to avoid
- * duplication of code.
- *
- * @param lat
- * the latitude of observer in degrees
- * @param solarDec
- * the declination angle of sun in degrees
- * @param zenith
- * the zenith
- * @return the hour angle of sunset in radians
- */
- private static double getSunHourAngleAtSunset(double lat, double solarDec, double zenith) {
- double latRad = Math.toRadians(lat);
- double sdRad = Math.toRadians(solarDec);
+ private static double getSunHourAngle(double latitude, double solarDeclination, double zenith, SolarEvent solarEvent) {
+ double latRad = Math.toRadians(latitude);
+ double sdRad = Math.toRadians(solarDeclination);
double hourAngle = (Math.acos(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(zenith)) / (Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(sdRad))
- Math.tan(latRad) * Math.tan(sdRad)));
- return -hourAngle; // in radians
+ if (solarEvent == SolarEvent.SUNSET) {
+ hourAngle = -hourAngle;
+ }
+ return hourAngle;
@@ -370,29 +331,26 @@ private static double getSunHourAngleAtSunset(double lat, double solarDec, doubl
* horizontal coordinate system at the given location at the given time. Can be negative if the sun is below the
* horizon. Not corrected for altitude.
- * @param cal
+ * @param calendar
* time of calculation
- * @param lat
+ * @param latitude
* latitude of location for calculation
- * @param lon
+ * @param longitude
* longitude of location for calculation
* @return solar elevation in degrees - horizon is 0 degrees, civil twilight is -6 degrees
- public static double getSolarElevation(Calendar cal, double lat, double lon) {
- double julianDay = getJulianDay(cal);
+ public static double getSolarElevation(Calendar calendar, double latitude, double longitude) {
+ double julianDay = getJulianDay(calendar);
double julianCenturies = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(julianDay);
- double eot = getEquationOfTime(julianCenturies);
- double longitude = (cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 12.0)
- + (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + eot + cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) / 60.0) / 60.0;
- longitude = -(longitude * 360.0 / 24.0) % 360.0;
- double hourAngle_rad = Math.toRadians(lon - longitude);
+ Double eot = getEquationOfTime(julianCenturies);
+ double adjustedLongitude = (calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 12.0)
+ + (calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + eot + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) / 60.0) / 60.0;
+ adjustedLongitude = -(adjustedLongitude * 360.0 / 24.0) % 360.0;
+ double hourAngle_rad = Math.toRadians(longitude - adjustedLongitude);
double declination = getSunDeclination(julianCenturies);
double dec_rad = Math.toRadians(declination);
- double lat_rad = Math.toRadians(lat);
+ double lat_rad = Math.toRadians(latitude);
return Math.toDegrees(Math.asin((Math.sin(lat_rad) * Math.sin(dec_rad))
+ (Math.cos(lat_rad) * Math.cos(dec_rad) * Math.cos(hourAngle_rad))));
@@ -403,30 +361,26 @@ public static double getSolarElevation(Calendar cal, double lat, double lon) {
* horizontal coordinate system at the given location at the given time. Not corrected for altitude. True south is 0
* degrees.
- * @param cal
+ * @param calendar
* time of calculation
- * @param lat
+ * @param latitude
* latitude of location for calculation
- * @param lon
+ * @param longitude
* longitude of location for calculation
* @return the solar azimuth
- public static double getSolarAzimuth(Calendar cal, double lat, double lon) {
- double julianDay = getJulianDay(cal);
+ public static double getSolarAzimuth(Calendar calendar, double latitude, double longitude) {
+ double julianDay = getJulianDay(calendar);
double julianCenturies = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(julianDay);
- double eot = getEquationOfTime(julianCenturies);
- double longitude = (cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 12.0)
- + (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + eot + cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) / 60.0) / 60.0;
- longitude = -(longitude * 360.0 / 24.0) % 360.0;
- double hourAngle_rad = Math.toRadians(lon - longitude);
+ Double eot = getEquationOfTime(julianCenturies);
+ double adjustedLongitude = (calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 12.0)
+ + (calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + eot + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) / 60.0) / 60.0;
+ adjustedLongitude = -(adjustedLongitude * 360.0 / 24.0) % 360.0;
+ double hourAngle_rad = Math.toRadians(longitude - adjustedLongitude);
double declination = getSunDeclination(julianCenturies);
double dec_rad = Math.toRadians(declination);
- double lat_rad = Math.toRadians(lat);
+ double lat_rad = Math.toRadians(latitude);
return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.sin(hourAngle_rad)
/ ((Math.cos(hourAngle_rad) * Math.sin(lat_rad)) - (Math.tan(dec_rad) * Math.cos(lat_rad)))))+180;
@@ -451,30 +405,26 @@ private static double getSunriseUTC(double julianDay, double latitude, double lo
// Find the time of solar noon at the location, and use that declination. This is better than start of the
// Julian day
double noonmin = getSolarNoonUTC(julianCenturies, longitude);
double tnoon = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(julianDay + noonmin / 1440.0);
// First pass to approximate sunrise (using solar noon)
- double eqTime = getEquationOfTime(tnoon);
- double solarDec = getSunDeclination(tnoon);
- double hourAngle = getSunHourAngleAtSunrise(latitude, solarDec, zenith);
+ double equationOfTime = getEquationOfTime(tnoon);
+ double solarDeclination = getSunDeclination(tnoon);
+ double hourAngle = getSunHourAngle(latitude, solarDeclination, zenith, SolarEvent.SUNRISE);
double delta = longitude - Math.toDegrees(hourAngle);
double timeDiff = 4 * delta; // in minutes of time
- double timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime; // in minutes
+ double timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - equationOfTime; // in minutes
// Second pass includes fractional Julian Day in gamma calc
double newt = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(getJulianDayFromJulianCenturies(julianCenturies) + timeUTC
/ 1440.0);
- eqTime = getEquationOfTime(newt);
- solarDec = getSunDeclination(newt);
- hourAngle = getSunHourAngleAtSunrise(latitude, solarDec, zenith);
+ equationOfTime = getEquationOfTime(newt);
+ solarDeclination = getSunDeclination(newt);
+ hourAngle = getSunHourAngle(latitude, solarDeclination, zenith, SolarEvent.SUNRISE);
delta = longitude - Math.toDegrees(hourAngle);
timeDiff = 4 * delta;
- timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime; // in minutes
+ timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - equationOfTime; // in minutes
return timeUTC;
@@ -498,23 +448,14 @@ private static double getSunriseUTC(double julianDay, double latitude, double lo
public double getUTCNoon(Calendar calendar, GeoLocation geoLocation) {
double julianDay = getJulianDay(calendar);
double julianCenturies = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(julianDay);
double noon = getSolarNoonUTC(julianCenturies, -geoLocation.getLongitude());
noon = noon / 60;
- // ensure that the time is >= 0 and < 24
- while (noon < 0.0) {
- noon += 24.0;
- }
- while (noon >= 24.0) {
- noon -= 24.0;
- }
- return noon;
+ return noon > 0 ? noon % 24 : noon % 24 + 24; // ensure that the time is >= 0 and < 24
* Return the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
- * of solar noon for the given day at the given location
+ * of of solar noon for the given day at the given location
* on earth.
* @param julianCenturies
@@ -532,14 +473,12 @@ private static double getSolarNoonUTC(double julianCenturies, double longitude)
// First pass uses approximate solar noon to calculate equation of time
double tnoon = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(getJulianDayFromJulianCenturies(julianCenturies) + longitude
/ 360.0);
- double eqTime = getEquationOfTime(tnoon);
- double solNoonUTC = 720 + (longitude * 4) - eqTime; // min
+ double equationOfTime = getEquationOfTime(tnoon);
+ double solNoonUTC = 720 + (longitude * 4) - equationOfTime; // minutes
double newt = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(getJulianDayFromJulianCenturies(julianCenturies) - 0.5
+ solNoonUTC / 1440.0);
- eqTime = getEquationOfTime(newt);
- return 720 + (longitude * 4) - eqTime; // min
+ equationOfTime = getEquationOfTime(newt);
+ return 720 + (longitude * 4) - equationOfTime; // minutes
@@ -561,31 +500,26 @@ private static double getSunsetUTC(double julianDay, double latitude, double lon
// Find the time of solar noon at the location, and use that declination. This is better than start of the
// Julian day
double noonmin = getSolarNoonUTC(julianCenturies, longitude);
double tnoon = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(julianDay + noonmin / 1440.0);
// First calculates sunrise and approx length of day
- double eqTime = getEquationOfTime(tnoon);
- double solarDec = getSunDeclination(tnoon);
- double hourAngle = getSunHourAngleAtSunset(latitude, solarDec, zenith);
+ double equationOfTime = getEquationOfTime(tnoon);
+ double solarDeclination = getSunDeclination(tnoon);
+ double hourAngle = getSunHourAngle(latitude, solarDeclination, zenith, SolarEvent.SUNSET);
double delta = longitude - Math.toDegrees(hourAngle);
double timeDiff = 4 * delta;
- double timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime;
+ double timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - equationOfTime;
// Second pass includes fractional Julian Day in gamma calc
double newt = getJulianCenturiesFromJulianDay(getJulianDayFromJulianCenturies(julianCenturies) + timeUTC
/ 1440.0);
- eqTime = getEquationOfTime(newt);
- solarDec = getSunDeclination(newt);
- hourAngle = getSunHourAngleAtSunset(latitude, solarDec, zenith);
+ equationOfTime = getEquationOfTime(newt);
+ solarDeclination = getSunDeclination(newt);
+ hourAngle = getSunHourAngle(latitude, solarDeclination, zenith, SolarEvent.SUNSET);
delta = longitude - Math.toDegrees(hourAngle);
timeDiff = 4 * delta;
- timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime; // in minutes
+ timeUTC = 720 + timeDiff - equationOfTime; // in minutes
return timeUTC;