diff --git a/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/ftl.dm b/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/ftl.dm index 3df58cdd7b0..b447445a53c 100644 --- a/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/ftl.dm +++ b/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/ftl.dm @@ -146,16 +146,18 @@ SEND_SIGNAL(src, COMSIG_FTL_STATE_CHANGE) if(role == MAIN_OVERMAP) //Scuffed please fix priority_announce("Attention: All hands brace for FTL translation. Destination: [target_system]. Projected arrival time: [station_time_timestamp("hh:mm", world.time + speed MINUTES)] (Local time)","Automated announcement") //TEMP! Remove this shit when we move ruin spawns off-z + if(structure_crit) //Tear the ship apart if theyre trying to limp away. + for(var/i = 0, i < rand(4,8), i++) + var/name = pick(GLOB.teleportlocs) + var/area/target = GLOB.teleportlocs[name] + var/turf/T = pick(get_area_turfs(target)) + new /obj/effect/temp_visual/explosion_telegraph(T) SSstar_system.ships[src]["target_system"] = target_system SSstar_system.ships[src]["from_time"] = world.time SSstar_system.ships[src]["current_system"] = null addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/jump, target_system, FALSE), speed MINUTES) - if(structure_crit) //Tear the ship apart if theyre trying to limp away. - for(var/i = 0, i < rand(4,8), i++) - var/name = pick(GLOB.teleportlocs) - var/area/target = GLOB.teleportlocs[name] - var/turf/T = pick(get_area_turfs(target)) - new /obj/effect/temp_visual/explosion_telegraph(T) + + else SSstar_system.ships[src]["target_system"] = null SSstar_system.ships[src]["current_system"] = target_system