-s, –subdomain=[SUBDOMAIN]
-m, –memory-limit=[LIMIT]
[#1] Download sample inputs and outputs
[#1] Determine whether a file needs to be compiled
[#1] Compile source files of compiled languages
[#1] Determine interpreter for interpreted languages
[#1] Run compiled binary/interpreted source file
[#1] Compare output to expected output
[#2] Support both passing precompiled binaries and source files for compiled languages, default to using source files.
[#2] Determine language based on file extension
[#1] Allow some command line flag to explicitly specify language
[#2] Set default subdomain
[#2] Set default between Python 2 and Python 3
[#4] Whether input file should be considered a runnable executable or source file
[#2] Colour code test output depending on result
Yellow - Compile/Runtime error
[#3] Cache sample inputs and outputs
[#5] Look into compressing cache using libzip
[#3] Allow user to download problem samples to cache without testing a solution
[#3] Support checking for memory limit exceeded
Read VmPeak from /proc/$PID/status
[#3] Support timing program run time to check for time limit exceeded
[#3] Allow user to clear cache
[#4] Multithread testing to improve performance
[#5] Decide where to store information on which languages are compiled, and which are interpreted, (In code constant/external file)
Test passed/failed, Runtime/Compile error
Time and memory
Output and expected output
Compiler errors, runtime error messages