title | image | order |
Combo Navs |
none |
2 |
The following pagy*_combo_nav_js
offer an alternative pagination UI that combines navigation and pagination info in a single
compact element:
They are the fastest and lightest nav
on modern environments, recommended when you care about efficiency and server load (
see Maximizing Performance).
Here is a screenshot (from the bootstrap
!button corners="pill" variant="success" text=":icon-play: Try it now!"
See Setup Javascript.
# you only need one of the following extras
require 'pagy/extras/bootstrap'
require 'pagy/extras/bulma'
require 'pagy/extras/pagy'
<!-- Use just one: -->
<%== pagy_combo_nav_js(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_bootstrap_combo_nav_js(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_bulma_combo_nav_js(@pagy, **vars) %>
==- pagy*_combo_nav_js(pagy, **vars)
The method accepts also the same optional keyword arguments variables of the pagy_nav(pagy, **vars)