Here's my personal dotfiles, but with a twist - very configurable and with great possibilities to extend everything
It looks like this: "setups/{category}/name/setup_{subcategory}/scriptfile.likeShorTclOrWhatever"
I do NOT provide blobs for games, I just put placeholders. Everything will be in setup script for each game
In order to use my dotfiles, you would need:
- maim
- kitty
- openbox
- dex
- tint2
- i3lock
- xautolock
- dunst
- Tcl/Tk
- nitrogen
- thunderbolt-user-space (TBControl Tcl/Tk GUI script)
I hope that's all of them :)
I will probably put my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d config files for my laptop and so on :)