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igorT edited this page Oct 2, 2011 · 13 revisions

In order to create geometry shapes you need to include graphie-geometry.

That gives you two classes you can use, Triangle and Quadrilateral. Their code is currently separate, but they will soon be combined. At the moment Quadrilateral lacks some features of Triangles.


Triangle( center, angles, scale, labels, points )


Useful Triangle/Quadrilateral methods:

draw(): Renders the triangle inside graphie

drawLabels(): Renders the labels inside graphie

The following are only implemented for triangles atm boxOut( pol, amount, type ) If the triangle intersects the given polygon, it will translate by the given amount until no longer so. Useful for putting multiple shapes on screen an making sure they do not overlap. Also useful for making sure the triangle fits inside graphie bounds

rotate( amount ) Rotate the triangle by the given amount in degrees

translate( [x, y ] ) Translate the triangle by the given point

Various helper methods

lineLength( line )

dotProduct( a,b )

isPointOnLineSegment( line, point, precision )

findPointsOnLine( line, [ points ] ) Returns an array of all the points that were on the given line

areIntersecting( polygon1, polygon2) Only works for convex polygons

findIntersection( line1, line2 ) Returns an array with [ x, y, boolean which says whether the intersection is inside