A small patch that adds IcedCoffeeScript style deferral to Parse JS SDK.
Compile parse-iced-patch.iced
with IcedCoffeeScript compiler and include it after including Parse JS SDK.
You can use it in both Parse Cloud Code and browser client.
It wraps Parse JS SDK methods and generate X
For example, to use Parse.Object.saveAll()
with Iced syntax, you call Parse.Object.saveAllX()
Conside this sample code which adds 100 to the field stock
to all Product
rows that having stock == 0
productQuery = new Parse.Query 'Product'
productQuery.equalTo 'stock', 0
success: (products) ->
for product in products
product.increment 'stock', 100
Parse.Object.saveAll products,
success: ->
console.log 'Completed!'
error: ->
console.log 'Error!'
error: (error) ->
console.log 'Error!'
productQuery = new Parse.Query 'Product'
productQuery.equalTo 'stock', 0
await productQuery.findX defer products, error
return console.log 'Error!' if error?
for product in products
product.increment 'stock', 100
await Parse.Object.saveAllX products, defer result, error
return console.log 'Error!' if error?
console.log 'Completed!'
- count
- each
- find
- first
- get
- destroy
- fetch
- save
- destroyAll
- saveAll